Sitting on the bed, Keyon set his laptop to the side. Humming came from the bathroom, and he couldn’t stop the smile that spread on his lips.
Over the time Keyon had gotten to know Huck, he’d learned that when the singer created a song in his head, he would repeatedly hum four notes. There was something about the humming that Keyon found soothing.
In the last two days, as they’d lazed around his bedroom, Keyon had listened to Huck sing and hum. Together, alone in this room, they had fucked, slept, and talked, and Keyon was happy. For every second he watched Huck write music with his guitar and a notebook next to his chair, Keyon had tried to fight his happiness. But he was losing the battle. Huck was everything he would ever want.
And that bugged him.