Desire to Log Out

There are no special rewards for the two quests, and I only got junk items, experience, 5 gold coins, and a friend who is an NPC. It makes me feel that what I'm doing here wastes my time. If I had known it would be like this, I would have decided to go to bed early or watch my former teammates start their stream.

It's not worth what I do. It can't be helped, but I've got them and can't complain. Even if this sucks, I can only surrender to the rewards given from those two quests. But still, for the second reward, it wasn't very pleasant. I don't know why I can become her friend; her name is on my Friends Menu list. Alice, the crazy woman who became the enemy and, as a reward for the quest, managed to become my friend.

For some reason, perhaps out of curiosity about the usefulness of an NPC for a player, I read the description and rules of the Party Menu. I found that the number of party members is not limited so that you can invite 1 or 100 to your party. What's interesting about that is that you can invite other players to your party, be it an NPC, a pet, or a monster you've tamed. In other words, you can invite anyone to your party on the condition that they can fight.

That's quite interesting. The system presented by this game is very interesting. Someone who could invite a monster into his party was very interesting.

However, in this system, if you invite an NPC, a monster, or a pet to your party, you won't be able to see the level. You can only see the level between players. You never know whether a monster you invite to your party is high or low level. Therefore, in the description in the Party Menu, the developer explains the warning. But don't worry, the developer also explained that there is one condition for you to see that level. On the warning described by the developer, which is at the very bottom, if your friendship with it reaches level 10, you can see the level. In other words, you can see the level after you manage to befriend it until it reaches level 10.

If that's the case, then this system prioritizes good relationships to play it right. If you have a good relationship with it and your friendship reaches level 10, then the game system allows you to view the level and the entire bio.

Having a good relationship is all you have to do to know that. The system in this game requires you to have a good relationship with everyone, maybe except between players.

Okay, I've got that. And now, since I can figure out some things, I want to log out and sleep.

I decided to end the game today. I'm quite tired, even though my body is only visual. Besides, it's already 11 pm, and I have to return to that bastard's office again tomorrow, so I'd rather sleep than stay up late at the game.

I can't log out when I've pressed the Log-Out button on the Main Menu. In other words, I can't log out. I panicked and repeatedly pressed the Log-Out button.


After calming down for a bit, I found out what had happened. It's very strange for me not to be able to log out of the game. Am I stuck in the game or something, or is there another system that requires me to do something before I can log out?

After researching about it, reading the rules of the game, in the description of the game, and chatting with some of the citizens (NPCs), I finally found out why I couldn't log out. It's because I'm not in a bedroom. In other words, my character had to be in a house with a bedroom for me to log out.

Well, that makes sense. I understand this. In other words, maybe the game system requires me to rest my character so I can log out of this damn game. Hahaha, that makes a lot of sense. Damn, this is just wasting my time.

Damn it!

Some houses I can see. They have a simple design, and they are like medieval western-style houses. This city, the capital that is the starting place for both me and newbies, has many houses and is quite crowded. The houses might belong to the city's citizens, the NPCs, and some might be rented or sold to the players. Even so, the houses in the city are not too grand or have a height up to the 10th floor. The tallest house only has a height of up to the 4th floor, and the rest of the other houses only have 1 to 3 floors.

There is one house that has a fairly large area. It was far away from me, just east of the city. On the map, when looking at the Map Menu, it shows that the house is the palace the King and his family live in. What was there was a palace, not a house. And it's a shame I can't go there because the distance is far. I have to do something.

My only option for logging out of the game was to find a house with a bedroom. It is very easy.


"Excuse me. I'm not the courier who will deliver your package."

First plan: Enter an NPC's house and sleep there.


A young man came after opening the door.

"What is it?" He asked.

"Your house is nice. Can you..."

Before I could finish my sentence, a young woman appeared behind him, and I became aware of her presence.

"What is it, honey?"

She came and saw me.

After a while, another young woman appeared behind him.

"What is it, honey?"

She came and saw me. There was already one man and two women standing in front of me, and they left me speechless.

After a while, another young woman appeared behind him.

"What is it, honey?"

She came and saw me.


After a while... as well as after the last young woman appeared behind him.

There was already one man and five women standing in front of me.

"Are they your wives?"

I accidentally asked him that.

"Ah, they are not your wives. They are my girlfriends."

He answered as if it was true; it was a fact that happened.

"Are you a playboy?" I asked again.

"Why do you say my boyfriend is a playboy? You're so brave."

The man didn't answer my question, but an older woman answered my question. She was angry with me and didn't agree with what I said.

"Calm yourself. He was asking, didn't mean to talk badmouths to me."

"But honey, still… I wouldn't say I like it when someone badmouths you in front of me. I wouldn't say I like that. I must..."

They both stare at each other. And in the end, they hugged and kissed, making out right there.

Maybe because she didn't like when she was the only one who got hugs and kisses from him, the four women wrapped their arms around the man and argued with each other.

"Why did you get that when I didn't?"

"He is mine."

"No, he's mine."

"Honey, kiss me!"

They grabbed his arm. They grabbed the man in front of me. My presence here is nothing to them. I've been like a mosquito.

I decided to leave after marking houses I would never visit again, hoping not to come across NPCs like them.

"Excuse me. I'm not the courier who will deliver your package."

I arrived at the door of a house that was neither too wide nor too small but had 2 floors, and the house had walls made of teak wood which looked very strong.


An older adult came and opened the door. She looked very old. Even her walk was bent.

"Can I-"

"Hah!? What are you saying?"

It seems that her hearing is not good. She even had to stand on tiptoe to hear what I said to her.

I might be able to sleep in this house with a little hard work. I have to work hard so she hears what I say.





Okay, that's enough, I've been screaming in front of her, but she can't hear what I'm saying.

There were several ways for her to know I wanted to stay at her house, but they were difficult to do now. I didn't have the things I needed, like pens, paper, firecrackers that could write on the wall, or anything else that would let her know where I was coming from. I don't have them, so it's better not to have to do it.

In the end, I decided to leave.

A lot of things happened in my first plan. I was rejected several times, several times I saw the family of an NPC behave strangely, which was very annoying to me... and some of the houses I visited were empty.

It's already 11:30 pm, but I can't log out of the damn game yet. This is much more difficult than I imagined. I was too optimistic I could do that. Even so, I will not give up so easily. I still have a second plan.

Second plan: Rent a room.

I saw a tall building towering with 3 floors, and I went inside. I thought it was an inn, so I was confident about going there.

And sure enough, my guess was right. A fat, bald man was busy cleaning his nails behind the reception desk in front of me. He might be the inn's owner or just the inn's servant.

"Excuse me..."

I approached him, and he was aware of my presence.


"Is this an inn?"

"You're looking for the right place, little boy."

His voice is a bit heavy, but he used to call me "little boy". What the fu*k?

"Would you like to rent a room here? This inn is more convenient than other inns in the city. You only pay five gold coins to stay here for a week."

"How about a day?"

I try to negotiate to get a low price. After all, I only had five gold coins, and they were obtained from the quest to help those farmers.

"One gold coin for a day."

It must have been a discount if I had taken a week's stay here. The five gold coins I just got through that quest were equivalent to a week's stay at this inn.

I anticipate if something goes wrong. I looked at the reception desk, which showed a "?" symbol. The question mark symbol turned out to be Help filled with information on the game's inn system. I read the information provided by the Help for the Inn and found that the room rental time at an inn was the same as the time in the real world. It was determined by the time in the real world. In other words, if you stay for a week at the inn, the time is set and will end from the time in the real world, not the time in the game. A week means a week; a day means a day.

"Okay, I'll take a week's stay here."

"Good, good choice, little boy."

I accepted that and transacted with him. I accepted a week's stay at this inn because I was thinking long about the future, even though I had to sacrifice the five gold coins I just got. This week, I thought that I would continue to be in this area, so I decided to adapt and play the game around this area.

"Here's your room key. Make sure you lock your room every time you leave."

Well, there seems to be a system for taking other people's things in a house, which is why he suggested it to me.

"Thank you."

At least for now, I can log out and go to sleep.