Alice Benjamin (2)

"You want to join… Alice?"

Alice saw Veronica extending her hand in front of her, smiling slyly, and a gaze that only stared at her. She couldn't help but stare as she watched her little friend sit on a pile of prison prisoners' corpses. The two beautiful balls trembled; her lips also seemed to want to say, "what happened to you?" and her legs tried to keep her on her feet.

The knights and the royal servants immediately secured Veronica and investigated what had happened there. Some tried to ask Veronica, but Veronica still looked at Alice silently and smiled sarcastically. Then they gave up on asking her and assumed she was traumatized and maybe someone else was here and did all this. They also look for the person they suspect entered the place. But in the end, it was just a waste of their time; there wasn't anyone there except Veronica.


Alice wanted to ask, but her lips continued to tremble. It made her unable to speak, even to call her friend's name.

"Mama, Papa..."

She recalled the trauma she had experienced before. She saw the shadows of that person when he took her parents. Her mind recalled those incidents. It felt familiar, but she didn't want to experience it again.

She wanted to cry but couldn't. She knew if she was crying now, she couldn't know what was happening. She still had to pay attention to what Veronica was doing. She realized that something was wrong with Veronica.

"...What's going on?"

After a knight summoned King Eric and Queen Stella, he returned with them. King Eric saw the corpses in the cell, and Queen Stella immediately hugged her daughter out of concern.

"Are you all right, Veronica? Are there any wounds on your body?"

Queen Stella was still hugging Veronica and kept asking because she was worried about her daughter, but somehow Veronica's eyes still stared at Alice, who was silent as a stone as she remembered her past.


Since there was no answer from Veronica to her question, Queen Stella let go of her embrace and looked at Veronica's face. She saw Veronica staring at Alice, instantly turning to Alice. She repeatedly turned her head to Veronica and Alice until Veronica finally spoke.

"I'm fine, Mother."

Veronica finally spoke and could stare in a direction other than Alice. She seemed to have just woken up from her confusion, or perhaps she seemed to have just been able to move her entire body after being "possessed".


Several days had passed since the incident occurred. Alice continues to investigate what happened to her friend. She read all kinds of books that she borrowed from the head of the orphanage so that she could understand the world.

History, wars, the various surviving races, all kinds of diseases and herbs, magic, martial arts, various weapons... and even about her mother and father, she learned everything from the books she read. One goal she has is to find out facts about herself, Veronica, and that man. For her, it must all be involved with each other that she had never known all this time.

However, what she learns and investigates about herself, Veronica, and that man ends up. It was because she had lost her memory. It happened when she was 11 years old before she was near the pinnacle of her investigation.

She has got what she needs to know. But because of that, she lost her memory instead. What she got was that she had the blood of a Demon Lord, Veronica, who was... and Michael, who turned out to be her uncle.

The incident happened too soon, and no one even realized it had happened. It's like when you blink your eye and see your world has turned into darkness, but when you blink your eye again, your world returns to normal. No one realized it had happened, not even the king.

As a result, all living beings' memories of the past few years disappeared from their memories. Their memories seemed to be erased on purpose so that others would not know about what happened that year. Also, at that moment, Alice, who had realized about herself, Veronica, and Michael, had no recollection of what she did. She lives as she usually does.

Since then, nothing has happened. Alice lived a normal life, went about her business as usual, and even went to the royal palace a few times and got to know the great knights there. She also frequently visits the orphanage, where she lived before she decided to live independently and rent a house. She is known as an honest woman by society. Many people like her, but many don't like her either.

When she was twenty years old, she decided to leave Armastan City and live in a village. She did that to relax, enjoy her life as a woman, and want to feel a sensation she had never felt before.

That's why she became a village woman in that village, and in the end, I found her.

That's about Alice Benjamin, a woman who is very honest with her feelings and can't lie.