A Demon and a Dark Elf (3)

Karina took out her long sword. Alice took out her staff. They were both ready to start the duel. The two of them had agreed on what was at stake. Both of them do not want to give in; they stick to what they want.

The audience was happy when the duel started. They chose Karina to win it—because they were her fans—but on the other hand, they made the duel a place to refresh their eyes. It was because they could see the beauty of the two women when they were fighting each other. They use it as an exciting spectacle for them.

"You're her boyfriend, aren't you? Also, you're her friend, right? What should you do for them? Are you going to let the two of them fight?" Fujita asked, still covering his ears with his hands while his motorcycle helmet was covering his head. "Or do you want to see them pulling each other's hair?"

"They won't fight like a kid, Fujitora. But I..."