Unbalanced Match (2)

I won't blame anyone for the opposing team getting that Lord monster. I won't blame the Hyper from Andre's team, who was unable to secure or interfere with the opposing team to get the Lord monster. So, for what has happened, the Lord monster that the enemy team managed to take, I won't blame anyone.

"You already know what you have to do, don't you? This is the basis for defending using the Marksman role. I hope you can get over that."

"I told you, didn't I? I already knew that."

Andre seems very confident. His confidence was based on his knowledge and what to do with the Lord monster who was about to walk towards his team base. So, I hope that his confidence won't catch him off guard.

When the Lord monster has been killed, the Lord monster will help to destroy the opponent's base. Of course, before that, the Lord monster would choose to walk a line that had fewer Pillars than other lines that still had many Pillars.