
"My name is Sylvia."

She was a maid, a woman wearing a maid uniform, so she was a maid named Sylvia. Even so, she was a maid holding a knife in her hand, indicating to me indirectly that if I messed up, she would stab me with that knife. It was terrible, even for this first impression.

She is indeed a beautiful woman, has beautiful eyes, even her hair is tied in a ponytail, but if she is like that, I'm a little bit chilly to see her. I lost some momentum when I wanted to introduce myself to her because of the knife.

Meanwhile, Andre seemed to have no problem with the woman's presence. He seemed to already know her. Therefore, he stood beside the woman without suspecting the reason why she brought the knife here.

"Why did you bring me here, Master Andre?" she asked.

"Via, protect me!"