The D-Day

Chapter 7

Andre's POV

I saw a lady trying to reach out for the soy sauce but she couldn't. I chuckled. She's short just like Ava.

Wait, why am l even thinking about that crazy creature? I should probably help the lady. I went forward and took the soy sauce from the shelf. She turned and l gasped.

"Ava? "I called, dumbfounded. I moved backwards and scoffed. "What is someone like you doing in a supermarket? "

"What do you mean someone like me? Can't l come to the supermarket or do l need your permission? "She retorted, sarcastic. I rolled my eyes.

"What are you doing in a supermarket? Your Mom or someone else should be doing this or you'd flirt with all the girls in this supermarket "She added and l sighed.

"My Mom was fond of bringing us here back then "

"Was? Oh my God! I'm so sorry, Andre. I didn't mean to make recall such memories. I'm sorry "she apologized and I smiled.

"It's okay. I'm leaving. Goodbye, see you at the wedding "I rasped and dropped the soy sauce in the trolley and walked off. I itched the nape of my neck.

My Mom died while l was 4 years old. She went out that day but didn't return. Dad said she went to a better place but I grew up to understand what he meant. My sister .. I don't know if she's alive or dead. Yes, I have a younger sister, Zoey. She was with Mom when the accident had happened.

Dad said Zoey was moved overseas for treatment. Since then, l've not heard about anything about her and Dad refused to tell me anything. He's been keeping her health a secret from me and I wonder why.

Well, I do hope l get to meet her someday .. that's if she's still alive.

Ava's POV

"Oh jeez, what have I done? I had no idea his Mom was dead. I'm such a blabber mouth! I should probably leave here "l thought and rolled the trolley, headed for the counter.


It's been two weeks now and it's the wedding day. Ava sat on a stool in front of the mirror while the make-up artist did stuffs on her face. Ava was frowning the entire time that the lady was beginning to wonder if the wedding was arranged.

Well, it was.

The bride has refused to smile! She's been to a lot of weddings where she dress up the bride. They'd be smiling throughout but why is hers so different.

Just then, Ava's Mom walked in through the door and Ava ignored like no one came in as soon as she realized it's her Mom who walked in.

"Wow! Ava, you're looking gorgeous "Mom exclaimed, amazed and she rolled her eyes.

Gorgeous, her butt! She felt like walking out right through the door and going faraway from here.

"Yeah yeah. Whatever! "She retorted, unperturbed and asked the lady to continue her stuff.

"Anyways, l came to check up on you. We will be leaving soon so be quick, okay? "Her Mom stated and Ava rolled her eyes again.

"I'm leaving. Enjoy! "Mom rasped and walked away. Ava scoffed, irritated.

Enjoy what? This goddamn wedding that's got no meaning, huh? I really can't wait for this stuff to end!

Finally, the priest came out and asked everyone one to stand. It was my turn. The flower girl lined the path with white rose petals. I only took two steps out before I was greeted by my Dad. He escorted me down the aisle which seemed too long for my liking.

The guests looked at me, taking pictures of my dress , smiling, waving at me but one thing was for sure - I was so not interested.

"Smile. Don't make it obvious that this is an arranged marriage "My Dad hushed, nudging me and l rolled my eyes.

Up ahead l saw, Andre. My future husband and worst enemy. He stared at me and looked away after a while.

I scoffed.

At the end of the aisle, my Dad hugged me and handed me over to Andre - he placed my hand on Andre's and l smiled, curtly.

He smirked and kissed my hand, the guest clapped. My eye widened and I turned to face the priest.

The priest said all he had to say. Vows are exchanged, right? What do l do say?

Well, l would say l have a designed plan to hurt him.

It got to the moment where we had to say our vows exchange rings and we faced each other. It was the worst feeling ever. I felt kinda nervous.

"Today, we begin our lives together. I promise before our families and our friends to be your faithful wife. I choose to live with you, as your lover, your companion, and your friend, loving you when life is peaceful and when it is painful; during our successes and during our failures. I support your strengths and accept your weaknesses. I will honor your goals and dreams, trying always, to encourage your fulfillment. I will strive to be honest and open with you, sharing my thoughts and my life with you. I promise to love and cherish you from this day forward "

Andre smirked.

"I choose you to be no other than yourself, loving what I know of you, and trusting who you will become. I will respect and honor you always and in all ways. With you, I pledge to repair one small piece of the world. I take you to be my spouse, to have and to hold, in tears and in laughter, in sickness and in health, to love and to cherish, from this day forward, in this world and the next. "He said with a wide grin.

I smiled and the guests stood up, clapping and cheering on.

I was given the ring and l took his left hand. The microphone was placed on my lips.

"With this ring, we forge a new path on our adventure together. I love you, always, as my best friend "I stated and inserted the ring in his finger.

The guests clapped.

Andre held my hand. "I give you this ring as a gift that lasts forever. Know that I'm always with you, behind you, and by your side "

He fixed the ring in my finger. The guests clapped.

"I now pronounce you and your love, husband and wife "The officiant announced and l smirked.

Love, my foot!

"You may now kiss the bride "he added and l gasped. I looked at Andre as he wore a smug smile.

"Don't you dare "I mouthed and he held my waist, pulled me closer to himself and claimed my lips.

I gasped and moved away. I wore a smile so I wouldn't create doubts in the minds of the guests.

This was so embarrassing. How dare he kiss me?


Ava's POV

"I don't want to go anywhere, Mom. I wanna stay here "I whined, tiredly and sat heavily on the bed.

"But you have to go on your honeymoon, baby. It's compulsory "Mom replied, exuberantly.

Honeymoon, my butt! I really don't wanna stay alone in a house with him and without my parents around, that's outrageous!

"Put on the floral gown in the box " she stretched out a box and l collected it. I rolled my eyes.

"How many days are we staying in Paris? "I asked, defiantly.

"Two months "she answered and l stood up, enraged.

"Two months?! What the heck, Mom?! What am l going to do there? "I responded, lividly.

"Spend quality time with your husband. You need to get to know him better. Have fun, Ava, come on! "She replied, smiling and l grumbled and sat back on the bed.

I smirked. Well, we are sure going to have a lot of fun!

"Dress up, okay? He must be waiting for you "Her Mom drawled before heading to the door.

I stood up and stripped off my dress and wore the pink floral gown. I heaved a sigh and walked out.


"I'm gonna miss you, Dad "I muttered, tearful and hugged him.

"I'm gonna miss you, baby " he said and we disengaged. I walked over to my Mom.

"You too, Mom. I'm so going to miss you "I said as l hugged her as well. I miss her more than anyone. We disengaged.

"Little bro! "I said, jocularly to Bryan. He smiled and wrapped his hands around me. I'm gonna miss them all.

"Bye "I said, waving and walked closer to the jet. Mom waved, teary-eyed.

"Bye, princess. Take care of yourself. Be good, okay? "Mom said and l nodded.

"Bye, sister "Bryan smiled.

I walked into the jet and settled down close to Andre. I gulped, considering the fact I was in a plane ... It's my first time and I was starting to get scared already.

"You scared? "He asked, mockingly and I scoffed, crossed my arms.

"Let him be! "I fired at him and looked away. He chuckled and l glanced at him.

"Oh really? Okay then. Esme, take the speed to the highest after taking off "he stated any eyes widened.

"Okay sir "The lady said, exuberantly and l looked at her.

"Wait! No! Don't increase, please. I won't be disrespectful, I promise "I pleaded, enthusiastic.

"I thought you would be strong headed. Esme, you know what to do, right? "He asked and she nodded.

I heaved a huge sigh of relief and laid back on my seat. We haven't gone home and he's already treating me this way. I can't imagine living alone with him.

I will teach him a lesson, anyways.