Up to no good

Chapter 10

Ava's POV

I stared at Andre as he flirted with Magda right in front of me. He called her sweet names, commended her cooking skills, advising her to building up a restaurant.

Lame! Her cooking skills are nothing compared to mine. Even if I can't cook so well, I can try and trust me, it will turn out so well.

Magda is a big time whore! She's smiling with someone else's husband. Grinning like a grilled chicken with it's teeth opened. Does chickens have teeth? ?

Well, I don't care! That's how she looks right now and that's it! She giggled and I felt like spilling the contents of my plate right on her face. B*tch!

"Ava, you ain't eating. You're just poking your pancakes, are you okay? "Andre asked, softly and I rolled my eyes.

It's obvious he was doing this on purpose. Or maybe not. Because her cooking skills sure are superb but I can surely do better. Yeah!

"Yes, l'm okay. Magda, your cooking skills are great, really. You should come over, some times, to prepare lunch for my darling husband "I was conscious enough not to sound too sarcastic. Magda nodded, nervous.

"Of course, she should. You are more than welcome here, Magda, consider here your second home, what do you think? "Andre spoke up, and Magda smiled.

"Okay sir. Thank you "she said and I rolled my eyes. "Enjoy your meal, I think l'll take my leave now "she added and walked away.

Andre stared at her as she walked away till she was out of sight. Too bad l married a coward for a husband!

"What is it, Ava? Don't murder me with your deadly eyes "he stared, feigning fear and laughed out loud, afterwards. "I'm not scared of you "he says and I hit my fork hard against the table.

"I'm outta here "With that, I stood up.

"Hey, who will clean up this place if you leave? "

"Ask your little maid to do that for you, maid's boy "I blurted out and walked away.

I'm going to teach that Magda girly a lesson!


I sat in the living room, operating my phone when Andre walked in. He sat heavily on the couch. I rolled my eyes and looked away.

He sighed and sighed, over and over again. I looked at him. "Hey, quit sighing, alright? It's annoying "I chipped in and he palmed his cheeks.

"But l'm hungry "he drawled with a groan.

"And what has that got to do with me? Go tell that to your Maid Magda "I groused, defiantly and he chuckled.

"Are you jealous of her? "He asked with a smug smile and I huffed. He stood up and sat close to him.

"You can tell me, you don't have to be shy "he said, coming closer and l pushed him.

"Get away from me. I'm not jealous of her or anyone, why would l be jealous? "I snapped and stood up. I sighed and shook my head.

"Psychopath! "

Ryan's POV

I called Ava for the umpteenth time but her number wasn't going through. Why is her number suddenly not going through?

Did something bad happen to her? She hasn't called to ask after me for days and that's so unlike her. She usually calls to hear how l'm faring.

Or did she eventually get married to that guy? No, she wouldn't. She promised not to get married to anyone but me.

I need to go to her house. I grabbed the car key on the table and walked out. I still tried to calling her while driving to her house.

Why is Ava not picking my calls? What is going on?


I opened the kitchen door and looked around if there's anyone. I walked in as l found it empty, closing the door behind me.

I stared at the covered plates containing our dinner and I thought of what to do with it. Should l spill it?

No, that's crazy! Hmm .. most people don't enjoy eating spicy - hot food and I don't think Andre does either. I walked over to the cupboards and opened them, looking for the jar containing chili powder. I found it and stretched out to take it.

This is it! I took a deep breath and uncovered the plates and the sweet aroma filled the air. I added the chili powder and stirred, afterwards.

"What are you doing, Ava? "I heard and my eyes widened. Magda. What is is she doing here?

I turned around and she looked at me. My heart skipped two beats as she started walking towards me.

"What are you doing here? "She asked and I feigned a smile.

"Nothing. Just checking out what we'll be having for dinner "I lied, smoothly and she smiled.

"It's nice, right? "She asked, still smiling and I nodded with a wide grin.

Nice, my butt! I don't see anything nice about this food. I know she's doing this on purpose .. trying to lure Andre with her so called nice dinner!

"Of course, it is. You know what? Let me go take my bath before coming down for dinner "I rasped, anxiously and she sighed.

"Alright ma'am. Come on "she said and l began walking away. I closed the door and released a huge sigh of relief.

Phew! That was a close one .. I could have been caught by Magda herself and that would have placed me in difficult situation. Thank goodness I was fast enough to put everything in place before she arrives.

What if she checks? No, she's not smart enough to do that. Anyways, today's gonna be her first and last day being Andre's employee. Yes!

I smirked, triumphantly and looked up to see Andre, staring at me from the stairs.

"What are you staring at me like that? "I asked with a long face and he walked closer to me.

"Because you were looking like someone who's lost in thoughts. What are you thinking about in that big head of yours? Up to no good, huh? "He asked, pushing my head a little.

"I don't have a big head and it's none of your business what l'm thinking about! "I exclaimed and walked out on him.