Burning his car

Chapter 12


I rolled the food trolley, containing covered meals and heading outside to the house cubicle where the driver stays.

I'm gonna burn his car! His favorite car!

"Madam! "He exclaimed, cheerfully as he stood up and l smiled, heartily.

"Noah, how have you been? "I asked and he nodded.

"I've been well, madam. I see you brought something for me "he replied, staring at the food trolley.

"Here. I brought this for you "I stretched the food trolley towards him. I opened the food revealing shrimp salad and garnished spaghetti and he stared at me, gobmasked.

"Really? All these for me? "He beamed, excited and l nodded.

"Of course. But I want you to do a little something for me in return "I said and he smiled.

"Hah! Madam, anything for you "

"Follow me "I said to him and began walking outside while he trailed behind me.

"Which is my husband's favorite car? I mean which does he prefer going out with most of the times? "I queried and looked around.

"That one! "He responded, pointing out to a Bugatti Veyron.

Andre's POV

I woke up as a result of the suffocating smell that filled the air. It's more like the smoke from a burning car.

Speaking of burning car, where's Ava? I looked around and gasped when it all occured to me.

"My car! "I yelped as I got down from the bed and raced downstairs. I ran outside and just like l expected, my car was on fire.

"Ava! "I snapped, seeing her wide grin as she watched the car blaze up.

She burnt my car! My favorite, at that! She's so gonna pay for this .. I'll burn her favorite clothes and shoes.

Oh jeez! I have no idea which is her favorite. I guess I will just have to burn all.

She diverted her gaze to me and winked, making me even angrier.

She did it on purpose .. for revenge! I stomped towards her and grabbed her arm, pulling towards the entrance of the house.

I pushed her inside and locked the door from outside.

"You incompetent fool! You were here all along and watched her set my car on fire .. my favorite at that and you knew it! "I screamed, furious at my driver.

"I had no idea she had plans of burning your car. She came to me and served me food, then asked which is your favorite car. It happened so fast that I could do nothing. I'm so sorry, sir "he pleaded and l groaned.

"Oh, you were so enticed that you couldn't put out the fire, huh? You are so worthless, get out! "I yelled at him and he ran away.

That car costs a fortune and she burnt it to ashes.

"So you burnt my car, huh? Well, l'm gonna bring out your clothes and shoes and set them ablaze "I groused as I got in.

"Like you which is favorite "she said and stuck out her tongue at me.

"It doesn't have to be your favorite. All would do "I said, glaring at her and she gasped.

"What do you expect me to wear after then? "She asked, perturbed and I scoffed.

"Like l care! "I jibbed and she rolled her eyes.

"You called me ugly and that's why I had to burn your favorite stuff and l chose car! Your driver told me which is your favorite .. all l had to do was entice him "she blurted out, lividly.

"You're a bad wife! You are supposed to care for my belongings but no, that's not your thing so you ruin them, instead! "I chided, and she scoffed.

"Care for you belongings, my butt! You are the worst husband ever .. you are supposed to appreciate your wife's beauty but no, that's not your thing so you insulted her, instead! "She said, blatantly and I rolled my eyes.

"Whatever! I'm outta here. You can go burn the entire cars including this house, I wouldn't mind, besides, you will be the one homeless "I rasped and advanced towards the stairs.

"And where do you think you are going? "Andre heard as he went for the door knob.

"Are you blind? It's obvious l'm going out .. with my friends "he responded, sardonically.

"We are in Paris, remember? How come you have friends when you haven't left the house since we arrived here "she asked with an arched brow and I scoffed.

"Of course, I remember. I'm not as dumb as you are. I've also got friends here in Paris, this is not my first time coming over here " I jibbed and she stared at me for some moments.

"I want to come along with you "she finally spoke up.

Ava's POV

"Come along with who? Certainly not me! "He blurted out, blatantly and I crossed my arms.

"It's clear you are going to a brothel to cheat on me. "I bickered, lividly and he sighed.

"Of course not. Ugh! Go get dressed so we can go together. Don't take long else l'd leave without telling you "he stated, frustrated and l smiled.

I rushed off to the room and changed into a blue pleated bead bodycon dress. I applied a little mascara and lip gloss and examined my reflection on the mirror.

"See what that d*ckhead called ugly "I muttered and smiled as I let my hair fall freely on my shoulders.

"Ava, you don't have to spend an hour getting dressed. It won't change anything because you are naturally ugly "I heard him yell and I frowned, deeply.

"You better keep shut else you'll regret it. I've got your father's phone number if you must know "I said, aloud fixing some pins in my hair. He didn't respond, well, he wouldn't dare.

I took my bag after some moments and hurried out to him.

"And you are really stupid for taking your ugly wife to a party "I added and he hissed, loudly.

He began walking out in a haste and I ran after him in my stiletto heels. Goodness! It's not easy running in these heels.