The CEO's Runaway Omega And Three Little Buns 1.0

Once He Yuan crossed over to the next task realm, he stood up and rushed over to what he guessed was the bathroom. Good thing he guessed right because he started hurling his guts as soon as he reached the toilet.

That damned system had forgot to inform him of the soul travel issue again! And he forgot to ask.

[You do know I'm right in your head and I could hear your thoughts clearly right?]

He Yuan froze. 888 was with him? Of course, he was his system. The only reason he was alone in the former task realm was because it was a test task. "What's up with the nausea?"

[Just take it as a form of jet lag and move on. It'll get better as time goes on.]

He Yuan walked back to the bedroom and then realized he was in a hospital. If there was a built in bathroom then this leaser was definitely rich. He laid on the bed and gave 888 clearance to give him the realm information.

The name of the leaser this time was an omega called Li Yexi and this was a realm that had two standard genders. Male and female which were further subdivided into alpha and omega. The Alphas were generally the dominant parties but this didn't mean the omegas were any weaker as there was a delicate balance of equality in this world.

The only reason the alphas were termed dominant parties was because they made up a larger part of the population and not because they ruled the world. Both genders could work at the same places.

The reason why the balance of equality was still termed delicate was because it was newly formed and they were still some old fashioned people who still viewed omegas as the weaker sex because the omegas, whether male or female, were capable of giving birth.

Unlike what He Yuan had read somewhere when he was in his origin world, there was no such thing as a mating or binding bond in this realm. There was an omega's estrus but it wasn't as serious as they made it seem. It was intense but could be efficiently controlled by the omega themselves.

He Yuan also took a moment to take a breather. Some men in this world could give birth and the body he was occupying was one of them. It felt so sudden that He Yuan needed to take a moment to adjust his mindset. After a mental chant, he felt much more prepared to understand the leaser's life.

There were two special ones in this realm and they were CEO Zhang Jun of the Zhang conglomerate and Li Shiyu, Li Yexi's omega cousin.

Li Shiyu's alpha father was the head of the Li corporation but when Li Shiyu turned twenty, his parents both got involved in a car accident. The young omega was saddened but decided to be brave and pick himself back up but when it was time to take over the Li corporation, a will suddenly popped up that stated the Li corporation was to be handed over to Li Yexi's elder brother instead.

Li Shiyu was dumbfounded. How could this be? He was his father's son so how could the Li corporation be handed over to his cousin instead? Why wasn't he ever informed of this will? Li Shiyu felt wronged and he looked over to his omega uncle and alpha cousin with tears in his eyes.

Did they do this? If they wanted the Li corporation they should've just asked and he would give it to them willingly after all he was an omega that was going to be married off and they were family. Was there any need to use such an underhanded method when his parents graves were still very fresh?

That night, Li Shiyu went over to a club, he never drank so he took apple juice as he grieved about his life. He felt betrayed. How could his own family do this to him? Was it because he was an orphan? His father was especially good to them!

He lost track of time and soon it got very dark. He decided against calling the chauffeur because he didn't want to trouble the middle aged man and paid for a room in the hotel directly above the high class bar.

In the middle of the night, his room door was suddenly opened and a handsome man who was drunk to stupor walked in. Li Shiyu was alarmed but when he saw the man's pitiful state his heart softened and he wiped the unknown man down and left him on the sofa.

When he was about to return to his bed, the man suddenly held him and flipped them over. Li Shiyu was stunned and struggled to get free but the man's grip was very strong. Next he noticed the man's reaction and heated eyes and Li Shiyu blushed.

The strange man made thorough love to his body, even with Li Shiyu's weak protests. The next morning, Li Shiyu woke up and found himself in the arms of an unfamiliar, good looking man. He thought back to the events of the past night and froze. It wasn't a dream? What had he done? He had taken advantage of a drunk man!

Even if the man had had his way with him, Li Shiyu didn't see it that way. He quite enjoyed it so he felt he was the one that allowed himself to indulge. Now feeling a bit guilty, Li Shiyu took out ten notes of one thousand yuan bills and placed them on the bedside table before rushing off.

Whilst he was drinking last night, he had thought everything through. Since his uncle and cousins wanted the Li corporation, he would leave it for them. He quickly sold off his shares and relocated abroad.

When the strange man woke up. He found the money Li Shiyu had left behind and he was stunned. He'd been expecting this person to come to him making demands after all he was CEO Zhang, the popular business magnate, but instead this person left him money. Has he been mistaken for an escort?

Zhang Jun laughed. Trying to escape from me? No way! He quickly ordered his subordinates to search for this person that didn't follow the norms of society at all cost!

Months after, there was no trace of his omega and Zhang Jun was a little heartbroken so he offhandedly married the omega his mother had found for him. This omega was exactly Li Yexi.

Li Shiyu, who had relocated abroad, soon found out he was pregnant with triplets. He was a little sad as his children would be born out of wedlock but being the brave omega he was, he picked himself up and persevered. Looking on the bright side, he wouldn't be so lonely anymore.

He finally gave birth to his three little balls of sunshine, two alpha males and one omega female. Five years later, Li Shiyu was glad he did as his children were so mature and well behaved that they never made him worry. He also didn't have to worry about money as his first son was a financial genius, his second son was a genius hacker whilst his daughter was an adorable piece of cinnamon roll.

Since he had spent over five years abroad and had forgiven his uncle and cousin, he decided to return home.

Once Li Shiyu returned home and before he could get to his uncle and cousins, he was caught by Zhang Jun, who was surprised that the white moonlight in his heart all these years was actually his partner's cousin. More surprise to come as his white moonlight had even given birth to triplets for him.

The Zhang madam was beyond elated as Li Yexi had been unable to give birth for all these years and this couldn't even count as cheating because the children were conceived before the marriage!

She quickly had the children move into the Zhang family home and renamed them. Zhang Di, Zhang Ye and Zhang Hua. The house became lively with the children around and her old heart was very pleased.

The children spent more time with their omega father and only stayed at the Zhang family home during the weekends because they were attached to him and Li Shiyu didn't want to let his children go so the Zhang madam had Li Shiyu move in as the children's caretaker.

Li Yexi, who was watching all these from the sidelines was dumbfounded. What was going on? First his cousin suddenly appeared with children that belonged to his husband and now his cousin had moved into his marital home to live with him and his husband. What really was this?

No one even asked him how he felt about the entire situation. He loved Zhang Jun very much and has been with him for five years but he had never, for once, smiled at him the way he smiled at Li Shiyu.

Whenever Li Yexi complained, he was labeled as being jealous for no reason and the Zhang madam directly cursed at him. You can't bear a child but dare to complain when someone else had done your job for you?

Soon enough, Zhang Jun started making moves on Li Shiyu. He'd met Li Shiyu first and they'd gotten together before he even thought of marrying Li Yexi so Li Yexi was the third party in their relationship.