The CEO's Runaway Omega And Three Little Buns 30

"What do you mean by you're going home?! Have you forgotten that you're a married omega?" The Zhang madam was a little bit alarmed. Once the family head paid up the fine in four days, the Zhang family would truly plunge to the bottom.

More and more socialites were beginning to avoid them and they were already banned from a few high class events. All these would be fine once Zhang Jun got out of jail of course but until then, they needed this connection to the Li family in order to keep themselves afloat in the rank of the elites!

He Yuan walked up the stairs with the movers. He couldn't be bothered to pay any attention to the old lady's useless rants. The Zhang family members were like leeches. They attached themselves to you and sucked you dry, milking you of all your worth before discarding an empty shell.

"Li Yexi! I am speaking to you, how could you disrespect your mother-in-law like this?"
