Rebirth Of The Di Daughter 6.0

He Yuan draped the outer wear over his little figure and rushed out. He knew Wan Ruo was going to die today but he wasn't going there to save her. He was going there to make sure no mishap occurs to the child.

Although nothing happened to the child in the original storyline, He Yuan had done nothing but anger Cao Luomei since he got here. Who knew what the vengeful lady would get Yu Ming to do to the child?

When he got closer to the isolation courtyard, he could see teams of servants entering and leaving in a hurry.

Once he entered, he ran into the matriarch who was on her way out with two of her personal servants supporting her. Even if the old lady disliked Wan Ruo, the child in her stomach was still her grandchild.

"Grandmother," He Yuan greeted with a perfect curtsey.

The old woman only humphed and continued on her way. She was old so even if she wanted to stay for a bit longer, her body wouldn't let her.