Who Let The Zombies Out 11

Du Jian looked back and instead of the pure rage he expected to find on his brother's face, Du Ling was looking at them with a mocking smirk. He felt foolish for some reason and he cursed at Du Ling in his mind.

"Mmhn... Ri..ght.. Ther-" Lu Ming arched his back against the desk, meeting Du Jian's thrust when the man suddenly pulled out of him, he was confused. "Brother Jian, why did you-" He raised his head and found He Yuan watching them.

"AAHH!" Lu Ming exclaimed as he scrambled off the desk and tried to gather his clothes.

He Yuan rolled his eyes. "No need to be flustered. You're nothing special. I'm pretty sure if you walk around this base naked, no one would look twice."

Lu Ming frowned at He Yuan as he struggled to pull on his clothes and Du Jian narrowed his eyes at He Yuan before saying, "You've changed."