I Became The Top Cultivator With My Harem Of Beauties Beside Me 45

Mo Sheng calmly unfurled himself from his position and grabbed Bing. He also used his jade slip to send a message to Gu Long. He wasn't going to be stupid and let pride cloud his mind. You never know what trick Mo Jiu had in his sleeves.

As soon as Mo Sheng stepped out of his courtyard, Mo Jiu sneered. Seeing Mo Sheng look so clean, calm and composed when he was the total opposite made Mo Jiu flush in shame and anger.

Mo Sheng wordlessly unsheathed Bing. He had to admit, he was a little surprised at Mo Jiu's state. His former shidi's robes were splattered in blood, dirt, suspicious white stains and appeared very moist. The night breeze blew and Mo Jiu's smell was carried in the cool wind.

It was quite unpleasant. The worst part was that Mo Sheng could feel Mo Jiu's unstable energy. Even his evil cultivation wasn't properly hidden any more and Mo Jiu had the foul smell of dark energy on top of his other unpleasant odors.