Little Mandron Soldier 1.0

888 gave a nod before waving. Not long after, an impossibly handsome young man, in what He Yuan would describe as a uniform of sorts, materialized in the system space.

The young man had this tired demeanor but even then, he was very alert and his eyes darted around briefly, like he was looking for the quickest escape route out of a tough situation.

He Yuan didn't need a fortune teller to know that the man before him was a soldier. "Hello," He said to the leaser and made a please gesture at the seat on the other side of the office table.

A pause and then the soldier slowly answered in a melodic accent, "Hello." Before he looked down at his legs, shook his head rigidly and said, "Stand."

He Yuan nodded after taking in the man's tense state and then turned to 888. 888 got the hint and sent the information of the task realm to He Yuan's mind space.

Yang Xue. That was the name of the young man before him.