Little Mandron Soldier 21

The soldier wasted no time in carrying out the orders of his General and in no time, he was out of the hall and on his way to the private hospital located adjacent to the Grand hotel.

Back at the hall, a lot more guests finally arrived at the center of the drama including Xia Yueyu, Ding Weimin's father, Ding Wang, Yang Zhi and a lot of others.

Jin Yusheng also made his way over -to the annoyance of Yang Xiang- but he didn't stay for long and in the next second, he slowly walked away.

"What is going on here?" Xia Yueyu asked with a tight frown and after a guest nearby gave a quick rundown of events, she turned to Yang Liqin with blazing eyes. "It's already bad enough that you Yangs tried to ruin my son's reputation. Now you even tried to drug him?!"

"Tsk. How despicable." A person added at the side.

Yang Liqin shook her head desperately. "I didn't.... I really didn't..." She finally caught sight of her father and then she began wailing. "Father~"