Little Mandron Soldier 60

In the gallery, the Second Marshal sat up straighter after Jin Qi's recollection. He could feel his blood boil. The odds were clearly pointing at a guilty Yang Xue! He slowly clenched his teeth.

The Marshals exchanged subtle glances between themselves before the First Marshal looked to He Yuan. "Sergeant Major Yang. You may give your own account of the events."

He Yuan went straight to the point, detailing everything -just as he'd done at Major General Serra's office but when he got to the climax, he gave a more detailed narration whilst minding Yang Xue's status as a mandron, "I initiated the self destruct sequence to cause an explosion. The explosion would cause rocks to seal the hole and trap those creatures.

-I would fly out of the hole, eject, then let my Tech suit fall back in. The closest person to the exit was me so I tried to leave first. Lieutenant Colonel Jin would come out after and I would release my Tech suit into the hole."