My Sister-In-Law Is My Surrogate 2.0

Things were going well and the Hans began looking to Chen Meili, expectant of an heir until. Unfortunately, Han Jinhai lost his life less than a year later during a field operation to catch a mafia organization.

Chen Meili and the entire Han family were filled with pure agony and out of desperation, the Han family members began pressuring Han Tao to quit his job as a policeman and did everything possibly to keep the only surviving male descendant in a glass cage as he was their only hope for continuing the Han bloodline.

Han Tao, being the unyeilding man that he was, vehemently refused to quit being a policeman. Seeing this, the Han family had no other choice but to urge him to quickly get married. He had no problem with this request and since he wasn't a very emotional man, he offhandedly decided to marry Xu Lifen, whom he had interacted with a few times.