My Sister-In-Law Is My Surrogate 4.0

The moment He Yuan finished receiving the realm details, he opened his eyes with a dumbfounded sigh. Where to begin? 

First and foremost.... What the heck was with the Han family's luck? He had just 100 luck points -nowhere near the lower limit- and yet he wasn't as unfortunate as they were. It was almost as if there was an external force suppressing the family into extinction.

Anyways... Xu Lifen, Chen Meili and Han Tao's relationship was one unfortunate mess.

At first, He Yuan felt the need to commend Han Tao for rejecting the other women offered to him and sticking to his wife even though he was not very a emotional man but now...

888 tsked and muttered under his breath, "The scum had rejected the other women because the one woman he truly wanted was right in the Han family home!"

He Yuan's eyes moved to his system and he resisted the urge to smile when he saw the disgusted look in 888's eyes.