My Sister-In-Law Is My Surrogate 47

In the banquet hall, every single guest walked about socializing. A good lot of them gravitated towards Han Yuanjun but the man in question exchanged pleasantries with a select few before grabbing Fu Lan's hand for a dance.

The people seeking cooperation naturally understood this was their cue to leave the man alone and were a little discouraged until... their eyes trailed to the Han Madam on her chair.

Han Yuanjun might be in charge of the company but when it boiled down to it, the true decision maker in the Han home was the Han Madam.

They all decided to move to the Han Madam with smiles.

"Madam Han never fails to disappoint, looking as stunning as always." A Madam from a lesser known family said.

"Wasn't it just yesterday when the triplets were born?" Another one added. "Now look, they're already a year old, soon they'll be talented grown ups pushing the Han family to even greater heights."