My Sister-In-Law Is My Surrogate 50

Hours after the banquet, Chen Meili was admitted into the hospital with a swollen face, split lips, multiple bruises and two black eyes.

After treatment from the doctors, Mother Chen walked into the ward to find her daughter wrapped up in bandages like a mummy and sitting on the bed with a lost look in her eyes.

As soon as Chen Meili set eyes on her mother, she leaped from the bed in tears. "Mother!" 

Mother Chen just stood still and began sobbing. Even at this moment, she still could not believe it was her daughter she'd seen in that video. "Meili..."

Chen Meili painfully moved to the edge of the bed. "Mother, you have to take me to brother Tao! It's all a misunderstanding. I did this for him, it was all for his sake! I'm sure he'd understand when I explain things to him!"

Mother Chen froze and looked at her daughter incredulously. "Even now you don't admit to your mistake?!"