Journey to the village

Its been two days since the start of the journey where the two orcs head off.

'system', Blake discovered many things in those two days about the "system", first was the shop where you could buy different books about mana and skills and more which all costed coins.

As the two orcs walked and walked unitl night time they founded a place to camp for the night..

"uh-mm, sir i see a wolf.." said garge in a frighten tone as he held up his sharp katakana barley able to balance it because of its weight.

"prefect" said Blake as he wanted something to test his newly found orc strength, as he grabs his axe and in a fighting stance prepared to attack at any moment.

Wolfs are different from earthly wolfs Same for all the other animals and monsters here in this world, wolf here are 6x the size of a regular woof at earth and the alphas are said to be 24× bigger.

As the wolf sees these two orcs it gets curious and steps forward only to be striked by blake, only for it to doge the attack. huh, so there fast thought Blake as he quickly calculated a strategy only to be spook by the message.

[misson-kill the wolf- 5 stat points-500c]

"hey garge, on count of 3 i want you to run towards the wolf,trust me" said Blake in a serious tone as he grips his axe tightly.


As garge who questions why he is following this random orc command who he had known for just 2 days. he charges forward only for the Wolf to doge, only to doge towards blake who striked his axe full force causing the ground to shake with blood all around and a headless body.

[misson-compelete-5 stat points-500c]

'wow' thought garge who was in shock, orcs never really used there brains they would only charge forward with there orc strength.

After that, the night was soon over..

As the two orcs walk towards there destination, Blake wanted to view the shop to see what he could get, while saving his stat points.

[skill-fireball- required- 500c-5 mana]

after some time of considering Blake invested 5 stat points into magic and bought the skill "fireball", eager to use it on the next monster..

"hey garge, are there any monster dens along this road?" asked Blake

"no sir, not that i heard of but they do come out at night in the woods, may i ask why you want to know?" said Garge in a curious tone while draging his weapon along the dirt road.

"you will find out soon.." said Blake.