The orcs village

After 9 days of the 2 orcs walking they had finally come close to there destination.

"were here" said garge in a exciting tone as he rushes towards the wooden made village.

After getting more closer there were many different kinds of orcs from female to children's and some adults.

[misson-arrive at the orc village-competed-

15 stat points- 10,000c]

Blake now had a total of 25 stat points to use as he pleased.

As garge quickly ran towards a house like structure and blake followed along while all the other orcs look at these two orcs in confusion.

knock knock...

A orc women open the door..

"MOTHER!" said garge in a exciting tone as he went in to hug his mother..

5 hours later

after settling down, and explaining to everyone what happened some cryed since there sons and daughters were also sent out to war... although others still questioned these two orcs...

after a while blake was offered a room by the family of garge for helping there boy, so blake used this time to rest after the long trip and to do some scrolling on the shop...

soon after night had arrived..

blake had founded some interesting things..

[skill- weapon aura-

required-10,000 coins-

Surrounds the weapon you are holding with a colorful aura enhancing its sharpness and power]

He decided to buy the skill turning him broke.

10 hours later..

"hey garge, come outside." said Blake in a quiet tone to not wake up the others..

even garge didn't know why he got up quickly and went outside like he did at training camp..

"uhm yes sir?" said garge in a half sleepy tone as he scratched his eyes..

(on the way towards the village blake asked many questions about this world and garge answered)

"take me to a dungeon you were talking about" said Blake in a exciting tone..

"uhh ok, let me go tell my mom" said garge as he quickly headed back towards the house..

Dungeons are places where different kinds of monsters reside in and many gemstones/ores aswell, making them quite popular for human hunters and orcs to train at.

In the morning blake received a misson, a misson with very good rewards.

[misson- kill 100 monsters in a dungeon-time limit 24 hours-50000c,35 stat points]

The journey to the dungeon...