10 kid elfs?

One month after the incident between the orcs and the elfs, Blake had searched everywhere for atleast 1 adlut elf but after hours of searching he couldn't find a single soul. So he asked the kids if they wanted to follow him back to his village although the elfs hestiated they soon found out from the 7ft orc that nobody but them were left , the 10 elfs followed the 7ft muscular green creature..

After walking for the past 20 days they had gotten closer to eachother, the wolf began to enjoy the kids, Blake decided to offer and train them since he wouldn't be here for them forever.

3 months later, the elfs were in the process of training some got better. Elfs were extremely good in magic and shooting so blake taught them some of his fireball skills and how to shoot like a pro, Blake had some experience back in his past life as he was a hunter as a hobby.

It has been 1 year since the meeting of the elfs some had journeyed off alone to a home town they knew as some followed, all thankful to blake for teaching them the basics of survival, only 3 elfs were left who stayed with blake. As they swore to follow him till death since they had no were else to go.

Since these 3 elfs were notice by the system and had became new members they needed some nicknames as these elfs three were orphans.

First was rock he was the oldest elf at 14 and was stubborn like hell and a very good swordsman, Second was snowflakes as she was very soft and she was extremely swift, good at shooting while running, the last was storm who had quite a personality and was good at close combat and shooting.

There stats were pretty good for a child although there strength wasn't as high there agility and mana were excellent for there age.

The 7ft orc with the three elfs and wolf had finally arrived at the village which.. was a whole upgrade..

"huh... BLAKEEEE" Said garge in a respectful/happy tone as he stoped what he was doing and rushed towards his mater to greet him..

After an hour of garge explaining and meeting his new team members..

here's the gist of it, while blake had left on his adventure garge village was attacked and the elder died fighting but luckily garge had learned some few skills and managed to defend.. After awhile he went out to look for members which he trained, and finding other orcs who were talented in a buliding which led to the upgrade of the small village to a big new village with many orcs as they heard of this new village many orcs all around came to find a home, soon garge was the new cheif of the village.

As expected of my people thought blake In a proud tone as he layed on a new found bed made just for him a whole house to himself while the elfs and wolf were treated to luxury aswell..

But even blake knew if he wanted to protect all of this he needed to get stronger, so he told garge he would be going to the dungeon with the elfs and wolf to train for a few months and told him to gather some stuff for the journey, Blake also gave garge some skill books so he could get stronger along with his disciples as Blake and the elfs and wolf headed out.

Its been 2 months since the journey down into the cave while the elfs grew in height and body also getting stronger and the wolf had to change into its medium form as he was too big for the cave and bigger then his master..

Blake had also encountered many missons to kill monsters, as of right now he has 133 stat points and 73,000c even without adding stat points he grew stronger..

After 2 months they finally left the dungeon while blake wasted all his stat points into himself and his bond as the elfs were doing quite good by themselves.

The village couldn't even be called a village, it was a whole town with tons of orcs training and other orcs walking around doing other works..

Blake and the elfs were greeted by garge who was now no skinny 6ft orc he had greatly grew 8ft tall and became more muscular with a aura surrounding him..

Although blake had grew to 10ft and his Aura was thicker than the 20ft orc he had met before..

After 1 month of the kids enjoying there break from the long training blake too had rested while learning more things about the system..

But peace doesn't last for ever...