The mythical forest

As Blake and his small crew, of three elfs and one wolf start there journey towards the human kingdom that may or may not bring disaster towards this crew.

"ugh!, we been walking for a month now are we not there yet" said storm in a annoyed tone.

"huh, shut up you been whineing even before we got walking" responded rock in a annoyed tone.

"uh-m.. can you guys not, master can't focus with all your blabing.." said snowflakes in a quiet/soft/annoyed tone.

Three were annoyed,what to doo...thought blake as he thought of a plan for these three elfs.

As night arrived the crew settled down a spot to camp while the elfs got wood,stones,leafs the wolf went to catch dinner.

As morning arrives, the three elfs woke up to the sight of there master gone?.. "Hey you fools! wake up master is gone" said rock in a half awoke state as he got up and searched for his weapon only to be met with nothing?.. Rock took a look around to notice all there weapons gone nothing but the leaf rug and some leaf pillows were left...

The other two elfs had also noticed it, there master was gone there weapons gone, have we been robbed?!.. thought storm. The three elfs quickly gathered there thoughts and thought this was a test from there master..

So they did what any genius would do they went back to sleep, after hours and hours of just laying down they waited for there master to come back.

As night arrived the three elfs started getting worried that there master had abandoned them, but then storm notice something it was a shiny golden light appearing from one of the branches ontop, "hey look isn't that the thing master been looking at for a month while we walked!" Shouted rock as he started climbing the tree to grab it..

After 4 days of the three elfs thinking, they finally headed out to the human kingdom as snowflake used the map to guide them, as she was the only one who had focused on there master using it..

After hours and hours of the three elfs walking, It felt endless. The elfs had noticed as time pasted none of there surrounding changed, It felt like a loop to the three elfs..

The three elfs then saw a figure from afar as the three elfs got closer with there guards up it seemed to be a human with a huge axe...

As the three elfs saw the human grip tightly on his axe they instantly charged at the human as they had no weapons they were defenseless they needed every advantage they could get.

The three elfs then got into a formation they been secretly training to spar with there master, Rock went straight at the human while storm went to the right and snowflakes to the left all running towards the human.

The human then used his huge axe and smashed the ground leaving the 3 elfs in a frozen state, leading to rock getting hit by the axe barley being able to block it, but the elf dissappear in thin air..

-The master point of veiw-

As morning arrived the 10ft muscular green creature woke up while the three elfs were still asleep, Although blake hadn't thought much of it, he thought of making a morning breakfast to cheer up the mood.

As the orc went around to hunt some rabbits he had noticed a weird feeling like he was being watched... soon after awhile the orc went alittle futher to catch a rabbit who had ran away only to find what seem to be three humans?...

These humans had nothing on them as they got closer to the 10ft muscular creature as he griped tight on his axe not knowing if these humans were friendly...

The three humans quickly charged towards the orc as he also charged towards the human with his axe in hand ready to strike.

One human charged forward one went to the right one to the left towards the orc, but this wasn't enough as the orc then used his axe and crazy strength to smash the ground with force causing the three humans to be in a frozen postion and attacked by the huge axe as one of the humans blocked it barley, but the human disappeared into thin air.