2. Kurma Avatar

The Kurma Avatar is the second avatar of Lord Vishnu. It came into being after the Matsya Avatar of Lord Vishnu.

The term "Kurma" means tortoise. According to the Hindu Puranas, the Kurma Avatar came into existence as a half Tortoise and half-human being.

Bhagwan Vishnu took the form of a turtle to save the planet earth from a massive cosmic mishap for avoiding the feud between the Devas and Asuras during Samudra Manthan.

The Devas & Asuras were churning the ocean to receive the gifts from the sea. Lord Vishnu helped the Devas in two ways. First, he functioned as a base to support the Mount Mandar, which was used as an axis for churning the ocean. Secondly, he took the form of Mohini to take hold of nectar. It is because of this act that Gods got the upper hand in "Dev Asur Sangharsh."

Kurma Avatar came into being in the Satya Yuga. Maha Vishnu incarnated in the form of a giant turtle for saving the earth from destruction.

The Kurma Avatar has been mainly narrated in the Bhagavad Purana, Agni Purana, and Ramayana. In fact, in the Kurma Purana (one of the major eighteen Puranas), Lord Vishnu himself has given account about Kurma Avatar.