it's been a week since I fought against Untouchable/Amy. Normally this week we are supposed to be preparing for the Inter-High Sport's Festival, but due to a certain someone it got postponed to a months time.

It was due to that Deviant who killed a football player at the National Multi-Sports Stadium and also the one who introduced me to the Untouchable Queen. But there's good news, the Inter-High Sport's Festival was normally a competition for schools in Tokyo prefecture alone, but this time instead of just Tokyo it's been maximized to all schools in Japan.

The states invented a new competition to thin out the number of schools competing so only the top schools in each prefecture, like the Tokyo prefecture for example will compete.

At the end, the winners of each prefecture that is prefectures with enough schools approved of their tennis club, will take part in the Inter-High Sport's Festival Tennis Event.

They named this event The Intra-Japan Highschool Tennis Preliminaries, God the names.

This was the information passed down by our coach when I went for a tennis practice on Monday, I wasn't really shaken by this information it was like I didn't even care about things like this.

And everything has been real quiet since then no, maybe it's been too quiet, but it's not like I despise the peace or anything of that sort.

Amy was acting like a tsundere character the next day morning She only talked to Hayami and Momoi but was pretty cold to me while having a fully flushed face like I had seen her fully naked and She never wants to see me again, but if someone wanted to do something like that it should have been Momoi who I had recently seen naked~, but I was pretty happy how She took things...it was like it never happened, I was almost freaking out about how to face her cause I kept seeing her nakedness before falling asleep that I dreamt about murdering me in my sleep to keep things confidential. But all in all I was really happy it was just a dream and everything been pretty normal and I haven't gone vigilante for sometime too.

"H...ak....i, y....ok..y"

"A...su..I, He...a..asuki"

"Hey Akasuki"(Hayami)


"You ok, you've been absent minded for some time now, and I hope you heard everything I've been saying so far?"


Crap I didn't hear shit about what She's been talking about.

"Suu~ree, now rephrase everything I said please if it was just the key detail"

'I hope She isn't mad is She?'

"I beg you please spare this humble soul"

I kneeled on the floor nodding with all the energy I had in me cause I didn't want to displease this calm beast.

"*SIGH*anyway we're here"

OH!, It seems I forgot to mention that today's the start of the Intra-Japan High.. Tennis....whatever.

There's a poster to my right hanged on the fence which says Intra-Japan Highschool Tennis Preliminaries.

We went into the compound that's looking kind of like a colosseum except with a Tennis field and lacking all its gladiator vibe, crap this stares up an odd memory, I hope I won't see Nobunaga in the Tennis match...oh that's right he's dead.

We went to the back of the audience seat, there was a lane leading to where I saw alot of people and some familiar faces amongst them and the rest wearing different tennis uniforms, it seems were just in time before our school plays.

Hayaku, Kakeru and Joe were the faces familiar to me, it seems Kaneki isn't here, he's probably on a bench or something too busy keeping his mouth busy.

Girls don't take part in this event, too bad for Hayami Senpai, the event arranged at one double Teams and three single, and I absolutely have to take part in the singles, being in a double was never really my style seeing as no one was able to synchronize with me, anyway I should probably say Hi.

"Yo Kakeru, Hayaku"(Akasuki)

"OH, Hayami senpai seeing you here already assures my victory"(Hayaku)

He says as he walks past me like I wasn't even there, he's been like this althrough the past weak, he's been viewing me as nothing but an invisible and intangible object.

"Haha, but that's doesn't mean you should underestimate them, Hayaku-kun"(Hayami)

"We should get prepared, out schools match is coming up next"(Joe)


The game proceeded rather normal than expected, our school has made it and we're currently in the finals, our schools last rival has fallen to a school that established it's tennis club not too long ago 'Miyoka high', while the school is known for its basketball club cause they are the strongest, the school didn't really focus much on the rest clubs and I think I know what the aim of the Miyoka tennis club is, they want to make a name for themselves so that the school won't focus fully on the basketball team but also assist the tennis team, I heard they have no coach and the stand-in coach is also the leader and he must be quite the beast in tennis if he's able to have such strong companions, while I've been recently introduced to everyone else in my team. The Tokyo district holds 6 schools with tennis clubs so far and that's also the number of schools playing in this tournament and now...we're about to start the final match.

Our double will be going up first against Miyoka, I don't know them much, except a few talks during practice but here's all I currently know.

Itoshi and Shinra, while looking at them I can tell they flow with each other well, Joe said they've been friends since childhood. in other for Joe to hold them in high regards then they must not be someone you laugh at needless underestimate, I was never really into a double team match but I should at-least see how they play.


"What the?!"

'What's with this sudden change in the atmosphere' I wondered as I looked at the two people going in.

The both of them were how do I say this...they were completely polar opposite of each other, one was completely scared as he muttered alot of things to himself while almost chewing off his right hands finger, while the other was looking eccentric and passionate should I add proud as well as he eyes had stars in the them.

Itoshi and Shinra also stood up heading towards the tennis field at the center of the stage.

«First round doubles: Representatives Stand,

Hayano-High: Itoshi, Shinra.

Miyoka-high: Amine, Nagi.»

The commentator calls out as high voice carried by a loud speaker grabbed the attention of every single individual in the surrounding also signaling the start of the finals to determine the winner of the Tokyo district tournament.

"HE!...the match going to start, the match going to start, the match going t............"

Remind me to say he's not scared but paranoid, and why is he sweating blocks over there, is he like going to snap later on or is this all just an act.

The paranoid guy(Nagi) got tapped on his left shoulder by his other team mate.

"Haha, dearest Nagi I always told you never to be scared, and can you guess why?, cause I am here"

Did he just wink at the end of that sentence and how come the sun light reflected on his teeth when he opened his mouth.

"A-Amine, B-But what if I don't react in time and can't catch the ball and lose a point, or I try to act all strong and it causes my shoulder to become all stiff and lose my ability to hit the ball back or--

"Shuuush....there's no need to be afraid cause you've left your back to me"(Amine)


WHAT!!!, what's with the flirting Atmosphere on the field are they homo's. I really do wonder how the sky and ocean floor are gonna mate with each other.


"Go amine!, Go Nagi!!"

"Show them the Miyako spirit!!"

The audience for Miyako high really are on fire, their loudness are already silencing our own supporters but that doesn't matter at all.

"Hey...I know you kids made it to the finals with us, but try to keep up" (Amine)

"You all set Itoshi"(Shinra)

"If you are?"(Itoshi)

Amine who is currently at the center part of the field which is right on the line that's splits a tennis court in half prepares to serve, he raises the ball like a normal serve and hits it straight at Itoshi and Shinra.

Shinra moved left before hitting the ball as Itoshi steps back a little. Nagi catches the ball this time and hits it straight at the middle.

Due to Nagi's position the ball lands right on the line of our court.

While itoshi would've be the closest to it. it was aimed at the left hand side where Shinra was and due to his speed he wasn't fast enough to catch the ball.

«0-1, Miyako lead»

Miyako high got a point, but what will they do about it?