The Day I Met Him [Not canon]

[Hello Dear readers!!

Author here.

This is not your typical chapter as this can be considered as an omake(which is not cannon) but I ended up loving it and was deciding to post it atleast so that you guys can tell me whether I should turn this canon or not.

I am not so sure whether I should do it as one part of me is telling me to not overdo it but the other one is telling me to just go for it.

This is just a Flashback to the day when Abomination attacked.

I find this chapter to be really nicely written compared to my other chapters in this story so I decided to just share this with you.





[The day when Abomination and Hulk fought]

[Betty's POV]

I was currently inside the chopper with Bruce and Dad with his soldiers; who were taking us away for completing their mission of capturing Bruce....

Talking about Bruce, we were staring at each other's eyes while having a smile on our face with our hands linked together.

At the time, I found that ride to be the happiest moment in my life but it all changed.....

When the pilot of the chopper called out to my Dad

Pilot:- "General! You should hear this!!" The pilot called out to my Dad in an urgent tone of voice.

After hearing the urgency in his words, Dad went towards the Pilot and took the offered telephone from his hand and listened to what the soldier from the other line of the call have to say.....

I couldn't hear the person on the opposite end of the call, but I still knew something serious was going on after looking at the expression my Dad currently had on his face.

He was panicking!!

And my Dad never, and I mean NEVER panicks.

And even if he did, I never saw him doing so.

If his panicked look was not enough confirmation for something bad happening, his next action proved that something was definitely going on.

Something bad!

He ordered the pilot to turn us around.

I was confused, but so was Bruce so he decided to ask why were we going back.

The answer to that question came in the form of a video that a soldier showed us live from his post.

In that video, I saw a creature that came straight out of people's worst nightmares!

It was a scary looking creature; standing at almost 11ft of height, with his rib cage and spine protruding out of it's body and had Fish ears instead of his real one's.

If Abomination were to have a face, then it would be 'his'!!

That thing was destroying buildings and killing innocent people with a sick smile plastered on his face.

It was vile!

It was down-right Disgusting!!

I have seen Bruce's other-self kill before too; but it was never because he felt some sick pleasure out of it. He killed because he was trying to protect himself but....this thing.....

It was doing this just because it wants to.

I felt myself getting really disgusted by what my Father helped create but before I could point that out to him, something else cought my attention....

That something being-

Daniel Ross.

My brother

He was not my biological brother; rather he was adopted by my father.

Why did he adopt him? I still don't know....

But it was still the best thing my Father ever did for me.

Daniel was a smart kid. Way smarter than any kid his age

This was one of the reasons why he was much closer to me than 'General' because he liked to know more about my experiments and always seemed to be so enthralled by them.....

But I was not able to give him my attention for a few days, as I was busy helping Bruce with his problem.

That was my mistake.

I made a mistake by ignoring Daniel....

If only I had paid attention to him, then he wouldn't have been 'there' at this moment!

He wouldn't have been in the same place where That Abomination was wreaking havoc right now!!

I knew it in my heart that Daniel was a lonely kid; as even the children from his school tend to ignore him. The only time where he actually felt like a kid his age was when he was with me inside my lab....

But I ended up ignoring him, which led him into being away from home to play with the ball his real parents gifted him.

And now he was in the most unsafe place this world has to offer for a kid!!

In the video we were currently watching, he was there trying to hide behind a car while covering his mouth with his one hand while holding the football from the other....

He was trying his damn hardest not to get noticed!!

I couldn't watch it any longer and was about to yell at my Dad for getting Daniel into his mess and demand him to take us to him....

But I saw something on the screen that made me stop on my tracks...

A car was launched straight towards Daniel and he didn't seem to notice it coming towards him!!

He was about to get squashed!!

I couldn't breathe.....

In that moment, I couldn't focus or notice anything else....

The only thing I was able to see was my brother who was about to die...

And I won't be able to protect him!!

That realisation hit me like a brick; and I did what any other person in a similar situation as me would have done too.

I prayed for someone to save him.

Anyone to save him!

The only thoughts that were going through my head at the time were-

'Save him....


Someone, Anyone....


I screamed inside my head expecting someone to hear my cries;

And guess what?

Someone actually did!

A man wearing a suit saved my brother's life.

He was not your typical superhero as some of you might aspect.

There was no costume involved, nor does he seem to have super-powers. There was also no involvement of any kind of technologically advanced armour he could have been wearing inside his suit.

He looked just like your normal, everyday office worker.

But his presence alone gave me hope.....

Hope that my brother would be safe.

I don't know what was it about him, that I felt like no matter what kind of situation were to befall on my Brother at the moment; This man would keep him safe.

He felt Powerful. Invincible even!

It felt as if nothing could hurt my brother who was currently inside his arms as long as he was there.

But he let go of my brother and told him to run!

Only after that action of his, was I able to move and found something really interesting...

That the feeling I got from that man was not only felt by me...

But by everyone who were watching him.

Every soldier near that area who were aiming their guns to shoot at that Abomination, stopped.

They felt their heart which was beating faster because of adrenaline and fear, start beating normally again.

They felt safe.

They felt protected.

Even my Dad who was just recently barking orders for his soldiers to shoot, stopped on his tracks and seemed to not believe what he was seeing.

Just like me, He couldn't believe his eyes.

Someone was standing up against the Abomination!!

And that was not even the part that shocked him the most...

It was the part where he actually felt safe.

In all his years working as a soldier; he never felt safe.

The feeling of confidence oozing out of that single, ordinary looking man was able to make even my Dad feel safe at the moment.

Even Bruce who was looking as much as scared as me for my brother's safety earlier, felt relieved.

For the first time in a while; I saw a genuine smile to find it's place onto Bruce's face.

After many months of running away from authorities and his past, he was finally smiling.

And he was not the only one.....

All of us watching him were smiling; even though we knew that there was no-way for a normal person such as him to actually defeat that Abomination, we still found ourselves unable to undo that smile present on our faces...

Because that man himself was smiling.

Any normal person, If were to be in his situation would be trembling in fear.

He was trembling too....

But not out of fear.

Rather; It was anticipation.

He was anticipating a Fight.

A fight against a creature that was strong enough to kill him with a tap of it's finger...

But he was still smiling-No.

He was Grinning!!

And he himself doesn't seem to notice it.

He was too excited to notice it....

Not only me; but all the people looking at him could tell that he was really appreciating the situation he found himself in.

He looked as if he found the thing that he was born for!

He looked as if he was in love!!

Not with the Abomination ofcourse; as he also seems to be pretty disgusted by that Thing's appearance.

It felt like he was Loving the situation he was in; which he actually was!!

We were all looking at this scene with our eyes glued to his figure; without being able to help nor run.

And then it happened.

He got punched.

Looking at his figure that just crashed into a building, nobody among us was able to move.

Our Hope just got defeated!!

With just a Single Punch.

After realising what we all were thinking; we found ourselves unable to hide the horror that came to our faces.

We just assumed that he would be fine; which we still didn't know why....

But our assumption led to his death.

Death of a man who risked his life to protect a kid!

That kid being my brother!!

I was getting really disheartened by these turn of events but something was able to lift my spirits again....

That something was coming out of the building he was recently thrown at.

Everyone of us; including Abomination, couldn't believe our eyes.

That man was covered in blood with head to toe and was having difficulty in just standing straight but he was alive.

He was still Alive!!

Something that should have been impossible for a normal Human.

Hell; even a Gorilla would not have been strong enough to survive that Punch!!

But that man was; apparently.

He was strong enough to survive a punch that could have turned a truck into a paste of metal!!

It was just.....

Too ridiculous for our eyes to believe.

Don't get me wrong; we were getting the feeling that he was strong before, Yes.

But Common Sense; Just like always, was able to prevail over our hearts and it was telling us that this was supposed to be impossible.

No human could survive that!!

And if thinking the same thing, Abomination punched that man again.

This time harder than before....

But He still got up.

He was in a really bad condition after that punch.

But he was alive.

And I am glad he was.

Even though he was looking forward to a fight, there was still that determination in his eyes.....

Determination to save the kid he risked his life to save from the beginning.

There was also something happening to his eyes.

There seemed to be some kind of fire in them.....

That fire was the main reason why nobody moved in to help him. They just stopped those soldiers who wanted to help in their tracks.

Those eyes didn't seem like the eyes screaming for help.

But I knew he still needed that help.

As I was about to say something about that, someone else among us decided to help.

That someone being Bruce.

Bruce was the only one who decided to take action at this moment, because he felt if we were to let this fight escalate, someone (that someone being that man) would die.

So he decided to go out there and fight that Abomination himself.

I was in a difficult situation after hearing his words.....

One part of me was thankful because if Bruce was to go down there, then there was a chance that he could save my Brother as well as that man.

But other part of me was worried.

Worried because there was a possibility where he couldn't be able to turn into his other-self.

What if he stays a human even after jumping off the chopper!?

Doesn't that mean that he will die!!?

I wanted to stop Bruce from doing something stupid, but I couldn't do it in the end.

The part that wanted to see her Brother safe again was not letting me stop him.

As if sensing my distress, Bruce leaned towards me for one last kiss and whispered in my ears

"Don't worry. I will save him." After saying those words he jumped off the chopper.

And Put an end to this whole Fiasco....