I'm back

Yo. How are you people doing?

Sorry for going on a Hiatus without notice, but, well, I came back so forgive me?

I'm going to be updating this story starting today, and not take a break unless I finish it. I think my writing has improved quite a bit, so you guys are going to enjoy it much more than before.

Those who have been loyal to this book all this time, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. I swear I'm gonna make it up to you by turning this story into the best story I've written till now.

Some things might change though, like, my writing style. It has been a while, so you will see that I might not deliver the story the same way as before, but I will still try my best.

Once again, I'm back. I hope you guys are also with me.

I will post the new chapter today.