"Are we really doing this?"
Jane couldn't believe it. She was actually doing something crazy. Not the usual 'crazy' like breaking out of her hostel late at night to party, it was something crazier.
This time, she was breaking into a government facility to get her research back. She was sure this was a new kind of crazy for her. Erik was going to be so pissed if he finds out.
She didn't understand why, but instead of feeling scared, she was feeling excited. She was liking this feeling of thrill, and it was only possible because of this man in front of her.
Thor:- "Yes, we are. I'm going to give you a hand, you jump. I will make sure you are not hurt in the process."
The blonde stranger, who she now calls Thor, said while positioning himself to give Jane a boost. He was standing in front of a wall inside the SHIELD facility, with his ever confident smile present on his face.
They have already broken in the facility by cutting open the fence. Jane was really surprised by how easy it was. The only obstacle left was this wall, they just needed to climb through it. After that, they could finally get inside the facility and search for her items.
The real problem came after that. She didn't know how they planned to take Thor's supposed Hammer. It was placed at the centre of the facility, tightly packed with trained soldiers and agents who were ready to stop anyone who came near that mysterious object.
It looked downright impossible with just the two of them.
Jane:- "Are you sure everything would be fine?"
Thor:- "Yes. I'll make sure of it."
There it was again, that charming smile of his. Jane felt butterflies in her stomach just looking at it.
'Sheesh, I'm acting like a middle schooler experiencing her first crush. I need to get my act together!'
Jane quickly hid her blush by nodding her head and supporting her feet on Thor's hand. After confirming that she was comfortable, Thor gave her a boost and she jumped. She landed inside the facility without making much noise.
Soon after, there was a 'thud' sound behind her, indicating that Thor had also successfully entered the facility. She looked at him, and he gave her a confident smile.
Thor:- "Follow after me."
He whispered, she nodded her head once and followed.
They moved sneakily, quickly passing by three agents without being detected. It continued that way for three more times, which made Jane wonder if the security here was just that incompetent.
'No, it's not like they're incompetent. It's just that he is really good at sneaking around.'
Jane looked at the back of Thor. She remembered the first time she met him, he appeared out of nowhere in front of her van. It was also the day they felt that disturbance in the sky.
The way Thor behaved, the way he talked, it was all so different than any other person she has met. It was almost like he lived in a different world.
—And now she finds out that he appeared to be experienced in breaking into government facilities. Truly, Jane was confused about what to think of him.
Thor:- "Is that the car they put your research in?"
Jane was broken out of her thoughts by Thor's voice. She looked at where he was pointing, and her eyes widened in recognition.
Jane:- "Yes. T-That is the one.."
She whispered back, feeling delighted to be reunited with her research. She felt like crying, but she held it in.
Thor:- "Wait here."
Thor grinned, before sneaking towards the said car. There was a guard sitting on the driver's seat. Jane was about to give Thor a warning, but it seemed like he didn't need it.
Thor tapped on the window twice, and just as the door opened, he grabbed the guard from the hem of his jacket and put him in a chokehold. After a few seconds passed, the guard finally stopped struggling and went limp.
Thor looked towards Jane and motioned for her to approach. She nodded and moved towards him. Upon reaching his side, she stood beside him, her gaze shifting towards the unmoving guard.
Jane:- "Did you—"
Thor:- "No. He lives. He should wake up after some time. You should take the van and leave."
Jane:- "What about you?"
Thor didn't answer, but simply looked into her eyes, before taking off his Jacket and putting it on her shoulder.
Jane:- "It's not cold."
Thor:- "You'll need it. Trust me."
As if to prove the truth behind his words, the sky rumbled loudly and small drops of water fell from the sky. Thor smirked, lightning going in the sky behind him, soon followed by the sound of thunder.
It felt as if the sky itself was responding to Thor.
Jane:- "You still haven't answered."
Jane whispered, her voice coming out even lower because of the thunder.
Thor looked at the centre of the facility, a confident smile on his face.
Thor:- "I will look for my hammer, only after finding it will I leave."
"How are you even planning on leaving after that?" Jane pointed towards the security, they seemed to be on high alert, "By walking through that?"
"No. I'm going to fly through that."
—With that, Thor left her with her research.
Jane looked at the back of Thor as he sneaked his way into the centre. He was met with a few guards, who he silently knocked unconscious by approaching them from behind.
It started to rain harder.
The droplets of water poured on Jane's head. It was starting to get cold. She rubbed her shoulders to get rid of the sudden chill before remembering the warm Jacket on her shoulder. She quickly wore it. It was bigger than her and almost covered her knees.
"I hope he doesn't run into any trouble."
Coulson couldn't believe it. Someone actually dared to infiltrate the SHIELD facility, all alone and unarmed.
That much should have been enough to make Coulson realise that the world is changing, but what left his mouth hanging open was the fact that the man was succeeding.
He was able to beat up most of the agents they had single-handedly.
A few minutes ago, Coulson was looking at the reports the SHIELD research team submitted to him about the mysterious object. He was passing every information he found about it to Maria Hill. Everything was going smoothly, too smoothly in fact.
—And then it happened.
Rain started pouring out of nowhere, and the weather started turning odd. The readings they were getting from the object started giving off weird signals as if it was reacting to the weather.
Or more like, the weather was reacting to it.
Coulson knew something was odd, but before he could ponder on it more, someone infiltrated their facility and started taking down their agents one by one.
Coulson recognised that man. It was the same man he saw at Isabela's Diner.
That man was good. Really good in fact. They didn't know what he had under his sleeve. It appeared as if he didn't care about his own life, which made Coulson wonder if he had a bomb on him which was about to set off.
If nothing was done, he would reach the object, and God knows what he has planned for it.
If Hawkeye was there, Coulson wouldn't need to needlessly worry about such things. That man could have handled it. But right now, they didn't have that trump card.
"Time to use another trump card then."
Coulson muttered, before giving a call to the trump card.
"....why isn't he picking up?"
Jason moved across the SHIELD facility, his face stoic and bored. He was looking for something to eat, but apparently, these people here didn't have a canteen.
Jason wondered how they were even surviving without food. The only thing he saw someone eat was some sort of energy bar. They were barely taking breaks, and working non stop. It felt as if they were possessed.
Jason was creeped out.
They all reminded him of what his life could have been if he didn't decide to be a hero. Jason didn't even want to give that thought any space in his limited brain. It was really hard for him to imagine himself doing this much work every day.
In his eyes, being a Hero is so much better than being a corporate slave or an agent. You don't need to do anything but just wait for the monster to attack, then punch it. It wasn't even exhausting. The only problem was the blood that gets stuck in your costume, it was almost impossible to wash off.
—Oh yeah, there was that one issue too.
You don't get paid for being a hero.
Jason's shoulders slumped, and a depressive aura surrounded his figure. All the workers in the facility looked at him in confusion, before deciding to ignore him and got back to work. It would have been a different story if it was a cute girl, but nobody wanted to console a bald-headed grown man.
Jason, after a while of slumping, got his bearings back and decided to look around the place. If there was no canteen, there should be someone who is bringing food in here. He was going to take some of that food for himself.
With that thought in mind, he was about to start his quest to find the food but was interrupted by the sudden alarm ringing in the facility.
"Is it an earthquake?"
???:- "Get ready everyone! It's an intruder!"
".... nevermind."
Jason noticed three bulky looking dude running towards some place. He was about to follow after them, but before he could, the earpiece he was given by Coulton started beeping. Wait, how do you use it again?
"How do I receive this call? He should have just given me a normal phone."
Jason complained. His hands were wandering around the earpiece, trying to search for the button to pick up the call. After a whole minute of searching, Jason was finally able to find the button and the call connected.
("Jason? Do you hear me?")
There was some shuffling noise from the other side of Jason's call, making Jason wonder what his partner was doing.
("We've got a situation on our hands, and I think we'll need your help.")
Jason nodded his head, before realising the guy couldn't see that.
"I see."
Coulson was left speechless for a moment because of the lack of reaction, but quickly got his bearings back and got back on topic.
("There's an Intruder who is moving towards the extraterrestrial object. We have no idea what he wants to do. I was informed you specialise in combat. We can handle the situation by using guns, but I want to capture that man alive to further question him.")
"Wait, man? You mean there's only one guy infiltrating the place?"
("Yes. He has defeated almost all the agents single handedly. He is good.")
Jason's eyebrows rose up just a tiny bit. A man single handedly defeating every agent they had, he must be strong.
Still not strong enough to pick his interest though.
("I'd like for you to handle the situation. Just apprehend him, don't kill him.")
Jason was surprised by Coulson's trust in his abilities. The man seemed to be too confident that Jason would win. He didn't even see him fight yet.
Jason cut the call after that, before realising he didn't know where to find this so called intruder. Thankfully, the earpiece started beeping again.
"....how do I receive the call again?"
Hello Dear Readers.
Author here.
In my process of trying to pace this story fast, I'm coming up with short chapters only. I mean, short chapter for me, it's almost 2000 words in this one.
I wanted to make Jason meet Thor again in this one, but decided against it. The next chapter will be better for that because of something I'm going to write in it.
Don't forget to leave a comment guys, and give me your power stones!
Meet you at the next chapter.