Chapter Five: Stranger

Angelica was astonished with what her mother narrated but her eyes weren't silver anymore and her hair had one color which was white.

"B...b..but, I have o.. only one color of hair and my eyes aren't silver" She stammered and her mother smiled.

"Have you ever wondered why you are the only girl in this kingdom who has pure white hair? Have you ever wondered why it is rare for you to see your kind who has purple eyes?" She asked her daughter and she shoked her head. Truly she was the only one who had white hair and purple eyes. She had only seen a guy back then with a purple eyes and she was happy but she guy turned her down.

"I'll leave you alone now...I want to speak with your father" She said and Angelica nodded.She kissed her daughter on her cheek and crawled down the bed. She was out of the room. Angelica never had guards and maids because the all feared her. Even if the King ordered them to serve her, they would prefer their throat slitted than have them serve her. She wondered what was so scary about her. She decided to stay alone and do her things herself. She never had friends and she had never left the castle. Even if her parents were to have meeting or have occasion to go to, the would always leave her behind and Angelica hated her life and her existence. She was better off dead than being isolated from people.

Angelica left her room and decided to go to her personal garden. On getting to her garden she met a boy as old as her in the garden.

"Hey, who are you?" She called his attention and the boy turned to her. His golden eyes startled her that she forgot to breathe.

"What are you doing here Princess?" His hoarse voice echoed in her ear and she breathed out.

"I should be the one asking you that. Who are you and what are you doing in my garden?" She asked. This was her first time to have a speech with somebody except her parents. Anytime she wanted to start a conversation with people, they always get startled and scared of her, but this guy is extremely different. He seemed fearless.

"Is this your garden? Well, sorry." He lazily waved his hand attempting to leave when Angelica held him back.

"Who are you?" She asked with curiosity. This was her first time meeting someone has breathtaking as him and his eyes was totally different. She haven't seen that color of eyes before. This guy was really something.

"I'm a stranger in your land" He simply said.

"So get your hands of me" He ordered.

"Stranger? Did you come here to meet my dad?" She asked still not releasing his hand.

"I came to meet him but he is having meeting with some elders, so I decided to wait outside for him" He said gentle, trying to pull her hands away from his

" seem different from the rest. Can you perhaps come on my birthday?" She blinked her eyes continuously

"and why would I?" He smirked and Angelica frowned. He wasn't only handsome but rude to.

" dad doesn't want me to throw a party because everyone is afraid of me but you aren't?" She insisted.

"Little pet... I'm not interested about your ordeal or why people are afraid of you. I'm here to meet your dad" He cut her off

"You are mean" She spatted out with irritation. The boy glared at her and yanked his hand away from her. Angelica hissed. The mean guy entered the palace.


(In the palace)

"Your Majesty" The mean guy said casually as he sat on the sofa with his legs crossed over the other.

"What are you doing here? Why do you keep bothering my Kingdom?" The king said furiously. An evil grin escaped the mean guy's lip.

"You very well know that there is always a reason for my action" He sat down with his legs crossed over the other in front of the king.

"What exactly do you want so that you can leave me and my family and Kingdom?" The king said desperately

"Ssshhh" He hushed the king.

"Anyways, I saw just spoke with your beautiful "Angelica"" He stressed out her name and the king's jaw dropped.

"Don't you dare near my daughter" He warned.

"I knew wouldn't give me what I want. I have no intention on taking your daughter but she seems to be forcing herself on me because I'm not scared of her." He tilted his head and then his gaze flew back to the king.

"How bout a war and who ever wins will take over the looser Kingdom?" He suggested.

"King Nicholas!! Why war out of all solutions? I saw I want my family and my people safe and here you are suggesting war? It's Impossible!" The king said with anger. A devilish smile appeared on Nicholas face and it disappeared immediately.

"Very well then, I will kidnap either your wife or that precious daughter of yours" He finalized and stood up from the couch.

"Stop!! Don't do that! Isn't there another way to solve this?" He asked Nicholas.

"I will come back tomorrow. I have some meeting to attend" He ignored his question and left the palace. Nicholas was in thoughts as he shoked his head nonchalantly.

"Don't give are more than this. Have you forgotten your purpose on this Earth?" Nicholas inwardly berated himself and he bumped into someone.

"Mean guy! I think your meeting with Dad has ended. So how bout my request? Will you come on my birthday?" She asked him with pleading tone. The boy frowned as he zeroed his eyes against her.

"You keep stalking me..... don't hate me if you find out what I'm capable of doing. Don't provoke me and don't near me for the day I'll be having meeting with your father. I hope I made myself understood!" He said in a hoarse voice and Angelica was disappointed and sad.

"What's with you? I'm only trying to become friends with you and you are scaring me away. What I've I done wrong to you guys, it's not my choice to be like this. I just want to be normal" She purred out with tears dripping down her eyes. Nicholas was stunned. Angelica darted into the palace heading to her room leaving the speechless Nicholas in thoughts.