Belonged To A Demon

It was mid noon already, Ashley had slept off after having lunch and was just waking up. She felt refreshed.

She went to see if Damon was back already but there was still no sign of him. She became even more worried. What had they gone for that was taking this long?

Looking for what to do to keep herself busy, she went to the garden. When she had first seen this garden she was surprised that Damon had one. He didn't look like someone that would have time for it. But well, he had servants that took care of it which was probably why it stayed alive.

Ashley loved flowers and there was a variety of them here. There were some vegetables planted there too. The garden was really beautiful and Ashley wanted to thank who ever was keeping it clean and beautiful all this time.

Jobless Ashley took a watering can, filled it up and began watering some flowers. When she finished that she sat down and inhaled, closing her eyes. The peace and quietness was calming and she loved it. But very soon, the sky darkened and thunder began rumbling in it.

Ashley stood up and quickly went inside as soon as it started drizzling and as if she was the one delaying it, as soon as she got in, it began raining heavily, for the first time in weeks.

The rain was so heavy that one couldn't even manage an umbrella in it. Ashley stood in front of the big glass door, watching the rain pour down in torrents. She sighed softly.

It thundered outside again and Ashley had to block both her ears with her palms then she walked away from the door.

She had to look for a way to call Damon. She didn't have his number neither did she even know if he had a phone. He should definitely have one. She wanted to ask Jacob if he could have Damon's number by any chance but he would only wonder how it was possible for her not to have his number and all. But maybe it would even be a good thing, so that they could all know that she wasn't in any relationship with Damon.

Ashley didn't find Jacob anywhere within the mansion so she went back to her room, feeling bored she decided to text Natalie.

But as the lady saw her text, she called Ashley immediately.


"Natalie I'm worried." Ashley said.

"What happened this time?"

"Damon left since last night and has not returned. I'm scared something bad might have happened."

"He didn't say when he would be back?" Natalie asked.


"Have you called him?"

"I-I don't have his number."

Natalie was surprised. "You don't?"

Ashley was quiet.

"I think you just have to wait. Be patient. You know there is nothing I can do."

Ashley let out a breath. "How has today been for you?" She asked.

"It's been smooth. Big bro's been home and nagging me all the time." Natalie replied.

Ashley chuckled. Just then she heard Natalie's mom speak in the distance.

"Hey, my Mom wants to say hi." Natalie said and Ashley heard the woman's voice the next instant.

"Ashley dear, how are you?" Natalie's mom asked.

"I'm fine, thank you. It's great to hear your voice again."

"It's beautiful to hear yours too." The woman replied. "I hope Natalie isn't disturbing you too much?"

"Okay Mom, that all for now." Natalie then said moving away from her and Ashley giggled.

"Don't mind my mom. I really wished we could hang out today."

"I know right? Me too." Ashley said with a pout. "But right now I just can't help but feel worried for both of them."

"Both of who?" Natalie asked.

"Damon and Sephirah."

"Sephirah went with him too?"


"What if it's a couples thing they went for?"

Ashley's eyes widened. "I don't think it's that Nat. He looked and sounded like there was trouble when he spoke last night."

"You can't be so sure." Natalie insisted.

Ashley was sure of herself. She knew that there might have been a problem and Sephirah and Damon didn't just go out for fun. She just wondered what exactly it was to make them stay away for this long. And besides Natalie didn't really understand what they were dealing with so she wouldn't even understand when Ashley said Damon look troubled.

"I just hope they return safely no matter what."

"I hope so too. Because if not, who will protect my beautiful Ashley?" Natalie asked sounding concerned.

"Oh Natalie." Ashley shook her head and the lady chuckled from the other end.

Natalie asked if she had spoken with their new friend today but Ashley told her that she hadn't. She had not even thought about Zuka throughout the whole day, she had just been worrying and waiting for Damon to return.

"Have you?" Ashley asked back.

"We just became friends remember? I don't even have his phone number yet." Natalie replied.

Ashley smiled to herself. Natalie will loosen up eventually. She only hoped Zuka would be a real friend.

The call ended and Ashley had nothing to do again. The rain was still pouring like it was trying to free it self from the heavens and the rumbling of thunder could still be heard.

Ashley waited and waited and very soon, it was dinner time. Even till then, the rain had not stopped falling and it refused to reduce. She became scared it would only cause a flood if it continued that way throughout the night.

She ate alone this evening and didn't quite enjoy the meal. She would normally be so hungry and devour the food like a starved lion but today she just sat at the table, mostly staring at the wall in front of her instead of focusing on her meal.

Jacob came to sit with her.

"Are you not hungry?"

"I am but I don't feel like eating." She replied him.

"You're worried about the master?" He asked and she gave a curt nod.

"He'll be back, that I know. This is not the first time he's been gone for so long y'know." The man said.

"Do you think he's alright?" Ashley asked.

"I know he is alright."

That somehow made her relax a little. She put some food into her mouth and slowly, she got her appetite back. Jacob smiled as he sat with her for a while then he stood up to leave.

Some minutes later, Ashley finished eating and left the dining room. She then spent a very long time sitting with the television. She watched television till it was very late in the night. She even started dozing off where she was seated. When it was time to put the lights out, the butler woke her up.

She couldn't believe that she was already sleeping there in the sitting room. She was not one to fall asleep, just like that and there was no work she had done to make her feel tired to the point of falling asleep or dozing off on a couch.

She walked like a lame man towards the hall to go to her room. Then she stopped and looked down at herself, at the red dress she was still wearing. All her dressing up and everything had at the end of the day become useless. She would go to sleep now and tomorrow morning be the one to get awestruck for his beauty and dress sense.

The last Sunday she spent in this place, even though Damon had gone out, he only stayed away for a few hours and then he was back. She had not really missed him or should she say gotten worried for him while he was gone. Instead, she felt a little bit more free than when he was present.

But wait, was she really missing his presence or was she just worried? She shook her head not wanting to know. She didn't want to realize that it was possible she was missing his presence.

Ashley let out a loud yawn and continued walking. She wanted to use the elevator this time, instead of the stairs and right there in the hall, she saw that door. She had seen it before and had asked Jasper about it but he only told her that he had never gone down there and Damon had forbidden anyone to go there so nobody knew what was behind the door. She had since then had it in mind to one-day check it out but she hadn't because of work.

Now, she thought she could. If she didn't now then she would have to wait again till another Sunday or so and even then, she might not get the chance so now that Damon wasn't home and nobody was around was the best time to check it out. She would be quick about it.

That part of the hall was barricaded and above the door was clearly stated "Out Of Bound" Ashley had wondered why and that was the reason she had become curious and wanted to check whatever it was out.

She carefully got past the small, should she call it a fence that was used to barricade the place and walked to the door. Ashley tried opening it but it was locked. She took her hand to her hair but there were no hairpins. Ashley cursed. She rushed to her room to get one then came back. It was already dark downstairs, all the lights had been put off. She didn't put on her phone torch light, scared that she may get caught but instead used the light alone from her phone to find her way and was able to unlock the door.

She looked around to be sure no one was watching her or anything and even though she couldn't see so clearly, as the light from her phone wasn't so bright, she could feel that she was alone.

Ashley opened the door and was met with complete darkness. She took in a deep breath. Instead of her to mind her own business, she was here letting her curiosity get the best of her. She could be getting herself into very big trouble which she knew but still, she pointed her phone light towards the dark room and walked in, afraid to close the door behind her so that if anything went wrong she could easily run out.

She felt like she was in some kind of horror movie and would meet with some evil creatures or spirits in this room. That could be possible though, after all the house belonged to a demon.

There were a few steps which led her downwards. There were ten of them she counted before she turned left and took three more steps before she finally got to the bottom. Ashley walked slowly and carefully watching her steps so she wouldn't fall.

There was a small window where no much light came in from this night, obviously because the moon was not out but some light came in when lightning struck outside. It seemed the rain had not stopped but had possibly reduced.

Ashley thought that it was possibly the basement she was in. She felt cobwebs stick to her face and she battled with getting them off.

She wanted to get a betterview of the place where she was, so she tried to look for a light switch. She didn't move too much, managing her little phone light before she found one but it wasn't working. She began looking for another and then she remembered that now she could make use of her phone's torch light.

She decided to put that on first at least it would help her see better than just the phone's brightness. As she turned, she hit something and heard the sound of things falling to the floor. She immediately turned to see what it was and just then, she heard flapping of wings as something flew across the room.

Ashley quickly turned on the torch light to look at what it was and she saw bats, a lot of them. Good Lord! She hated bats, she was scared of them. How the hell did they even get into the room?

The light she flashed on them made them cause chaos. They suddenly started flying all over the place.

Now she didn't have the time to look around the room again, she needed to find a solution to this bat problem first.

Some of them flew close to where she was standing and Ashley let out a loud scream without thinking and quickly bent down covering her face and head with her hand while her phone fell to the ground. The flapping of wings she was hearing wasn't helping at all and she was too afraid to move from the spot.

Soon, it became calm and relief washed over her but it wasn't for long. Strangely, she suddenly felt a cold presence in the room. Which made her become even more scared. She raised her head up but it was all dark and she couldn't see a thing.

Lightning shone in the room and all she could get was some dark figure by the steps because the lights went just as fast as they came.