Living in Luxury

"Wait, so after things get better with this Damon's enemies stuff, you're going to leave this comfort?" Natalie asked and jumped on the bed, beside her.

"What do you mean comfort?" Ashley asked back.

"You really don't know?!" Natalie asked and left her mouth open like she couldn't understand Ashley.

Ashley just watched her waiting for when she was ready to explain.

"This place Ash! I mean leaving all this," she waved her hands around "and going back to that tiny apartment."

"Anything wrong with that?" Ashley asked.

Natalie hit her forehead in frustration. "What's wrong with you Ash? You don't get it do you? Ashley, this place is beautiful. You don't have to worry about food, you don't have to stress yourself in anyway, your room's super comfortable... You're literally living in luxury girl! Are you going to leave all this and go back to struggling?"

Ashley didn't know what answer to give this young woman.