The outing

"Dee open the mother fucking door!" banged Chloe at the door, causing Dee to jump off the couch she had dozed off on after eating. She hastened to the door before her next-door neighbor rushes out. He is a hot-tempered douchebag who easily flips. He had reported her once for disturbing him in the middle of the night with her loud music. She wonders why Chloe thinks he is hot because to her, he was nothing but a flat-faced self-conceited douchebag.

"Dee_" Dee pulled the locks and plunged the door open.

" Really, Chloe? You know how that lout acts with noise. By the way, you want to pull down my door or what?" she moved after her, after securing the lock.

"Whatever, bitch. The both of you would make a good team with your snobbish ish. I have been knocking for the past 5minutes! You know I hate waiting." she rolled her neck slightly and went to poll on the chair.

"I am sorry. I had slept off on the couch. I had a long nasty day even though the highlight was the job," she flopped down beside Chloe who looked at her with concern.

"What happened? Apart from the interview did you start work today?"

"No I didn't but I had a tougher encounter with the fucken miscreant." she relaxed back on the chair, pinching her eyes closed as she imagined the face of Andrè when he smirked at her. He was one hell of a demigod but he was too full of himself.

"You mean the handsome devil?" sassed Chloe, bringing her back from her daydream.

"Chloe, stop with all the simpering. That dude is sick in the head. " forged Dee, putting her finger into her mouth to bite into. That was one bad habit she found difficult to let go of.

" Bitch, you have a problem with every good-looking dude. I won't be surprised if you end up with a gorilla. Just spare me the heartache and keep my name out of the chief bridesmaid list, thanks," Chloe said, bending to remove her flats and stretching out her limps, feeling her leg ache.

Dee who had busted out laughing at what she said recovered from her cackle and smacked her lightly on the arm. "You are very silly Chloe. I would blow your mind, I promise. I simply hate dudes moving about feeling like they're Jesus come to save the female race." she waved off and picked up the remote to change the channel on the television.

"This dude, bitch, is loaded and even though he wants to walk around like Mohammed, believe me, he's fucken worth it. Have you looked at that guy? Chill out bitch." Chloe said and pulled out of the chair. " What's in the kitchen? I'm starving as shit!"

"I made some noodles. I remained some for you in the pot." Dee yawned while Informing her. Chloe danced about and sashayed into the kitchen, letting out a shrill the next minute.

"Dee! What the fuck is this? You cooking noodles like some 18th-century granny?" Dee covered her mouth and suppressed the laughter that was trying to escape her. She knew Chloe was going to complain about the noodles. Chloe always liked her noodles looking like pepperoni from frisbee and Dee wasn't really bothered with veggies shit as far as the noodles were tasty, she was good.

Chloe came out with the noodles on the plate and a glass of water. " Look, Dee, I love you so much but I would tell you this. If you want to keep a damn man in your life then definitely you need to learn how to cook. Independence and gender equality shit aside." she tasted the noodles and her eyes widened. " But it tastes great, though." Dee picked up her phone, choosing to ignore her with all her tantrums.

"I have to rest, Chloe. Work resumes tomorrow and I need to be well-rested," she said, standing up from the couch. She picked up her plate from the table and moved toward the kitchen.

"Okay... But be assured that we are clubbing tonight so have the best rest you can. I don't care if you are resuming in the White House, you owe me an outing." she fluffed out with the food in her mouth. Deandra came out of the kitchen and walked to the room "Wake me up by 6... Until then Chloe, stay the fuck away from me," she warned from the door and banged it close. She dived into the bed and dozed off


"There's no way you are wearing that stuff to go with me to a fucken club, Dee. Can you look at yourself in the mirror? you look like my sick grandma," Chloe lashed at Dee who frowned and tried to remove the fifth clothing for that night.

"Chloe, this is the fifth, I'm tired," Dee whined, "what else do you want from me?" she asked and sat down on the bed, laying on her back to look up at the ceiling in frustration.

Chloe finished applying her red lipstick and replace it in the makeup bag and stood from the chair. She picked up a ribbon from the vanity bag and tried on her hair. "I'm coming to get you something that can at least show some flesh. I am tired of you looking all dreary and following me about town like my motherfucking housemaid."

"Thanks, Chloe, but I would gladly accept to lay in bed and enjoy my sleep rather than follow you to your silly parties. My life was perfectly quiet until you came along to drag me about New York City," Dee muttered the last part wishing she would evade going out that night with Chloe.

"I heard that! But anyway, you should be glad you have me. At least now you won't have to die wretched and lonely," she said and walked to the closet. She sorted through the dresses and produced a red short peplum gown. She dropped it close to Dee. "Here try this one." she walked back and came out with a cute heel which she kept on the floor and went back to finish up her make-up.

Dee stood from the bed and picked up the gown. How come she didn't notice before? She thought and wore the gown which hugged her body like a second skin. She frowned when she noticed the way her cleavage was on full display. Now she knows why she didn't pick out the gown. The gown was bought by her ex, Fredrick who was a renowned womanizer and liked too much exhibition_ part of the reason why she broke up with him.

"Good. There we have you. Trust me, Dee, this night, you are going to get shagged by some fortunate dude! Even though the guy would have to go through a lot," she breathes out humorously.

"Chloe, I'm right here, you know that?" She said, going to join her in the mirror. She picked up the compact powder and patted some into her face and then applied some pink gloss to her lips to make them look pouty, then she removed the band she used to tie her hair and it spilled down her face. She combed it and was about to pack it again but Chloe stopped her and told her to leave it flaunted.

Later after they had finished their preparations, they left the house to the car. As Chloe was moving out of her house, her neighbor was pulling in. She rolled her eyes and slid down so he doesn't see her but then as annoying as Chloe can be, she stopped the car and buzzed the horn, making the guy stop, thinking probably she needed something. "Hy," she said. Dee slapped her lap signaling her to move the car.

"Can I help you?" rung his male indifferent voice.

"Of course, there are so many ways you can help me but the first would be to help me keep watch over my friend's apartment while we are away. Anyways she said I should say hy," she finished and winked at him. He didn't say anything in response so Chloe drove out.

"What the hell is wrong with you, Chloe? What were you thinking? That guy can be crazy..." Dee pulled up and berated her friend but Chloe wasn't moved and kept giggling.

"You needed to see his face when I told him you said hy... It was priceless. I can feel his pain, he must be very lonely. I mean which guy would be coming back by this time of the night with no babe, or, at least be out there hanging out with his friends? Maybe you are right when you said he is weird. You should be more careful around him."

"While I think he is crazy and weird, Chloe, not every guy likes to party and frolic around with girls. I don't know if you know about the word called discipline? Good, it's a good virtue," Dee bit out, still thinking about the stunt Chloe just pulled. She knew by tomorrow morning he would definitely call the cops on her. Sometimes she can't help but wonder if he was a security tab.

Chloe's phone started ringing and she picked up, her eyes lighting up in exuberance. It was her boyfriend. After they finished talking she was floating. Dee chose to ignore her and concentrated on thinking about what she was going to do at the club.

"Thompson said he is coming with his friend Richard. You know Richard? The_"

"I know Richard, Chloe, the question is what is Richard still doing here? I thought he was supposed to be in Philadelphia for...what was the project again?" she thought and then hissed when she didn't remember. "And secondly, why are you telling me?"

"Dee, I am telling you because, you are hooking up with him for the night and secondly, he canceled the trip. Something to do with finishing with his course before taking up the project since it is going to be taking up most of his time. Have I answered all your questions or do you have more? Whatever you do, just know that Thompson just saved us the stress of trying to hook you up this night. At least now I can focus on my love life." she smiled and looked ahead.

They soon pulled into the park of the club and alighted. Dee straightened her gown and looked about the place. This night is going to be eventful. She could feel it.


