The goodnews!

She stood up from the pool and walked back to the canopied deck. She sat and brought out her hard drive to check up on some documents. She had to finish up and leave early so she can submit her report for the week at the office before Mr. Timothy leaves.

She jumped when someone appeared beside her. It was one of the serving maids. She apologized and dropped the tray of tea and scones she brought and left.

Dee picked up the tea and sipped and hummed at the great taste. She hovered it over her nose to perceive the aroma and closed her eyes as she smelled the cinnamon and almond aroma. She kept note to ask the maid when she returned to pick up the cup, what the name of the tea is. She likes the aroma and taste.

She was still engrossed in the document before her when she heard soft footfalls coming behind her and whirled around on time to see Andrè who trudged toward her slowly, his gait very practiced and gracious. It was as though he was a male model on the walkway. The only difference was that she was the only audience. He had one of his hands in his trouser while the other swung freely beside him.

"Here you are! I have searched far and wide for you. I was beginning to think you might have absconded but decided to come check you here." he flopped down on one of the chairs, his eyes intent on hers.

"As you can see here I am still alive and breathing and definitely haven't absconded. To achieve that feat you will have to bring an entire army of your kind," Dee spoke with her eyes pinned to the document in her hands.

"Do you have the flair for antagonism? Or is it just your way of acting fierce and unattainable? Because if it's the latter, then trust me I know how to play," he dared, leaning in toward her with his eyes squinted in a sensual way. She shrunk away, her breathe quickening especially with the way his lips quirked at the side and his green eyes shone with mischief.

He was fucken hypnotizing.

"Well, I don't give a flying fuck what you think about me. Like I told you before, I am here only for work and I intend to concentrate on doing just that. So if you have a problem with my attitude, you might as well stay the fuck away from me." she tilted her neck to the side to observe him.

He rubbed at his nose and pulled away, having been burnt by her gaze too. Since meeting Dee he hasn't been able to keep it in him again. Everywhere he turned, it felt as if her eyes were watching him. With all the haughty words she threw at him and still, he feels drawn to her in a way. She wasn't like the others with all the fakeness and the phony attention they give him because of his prestige. She seemed not to care one bit about all of that and that was what ached him the most as well as mystified him.

What kind of girl won't be happy with the attention he was showing her? When others out there would die to have him look their way. He smiled at the way she defiantly lifted her chin to meet his eyes as a way of telling him she wasn't intimidated by him. He was intrigued. He won't be easily bored with this one.

He liked her fire and intends to tame it even though he would have to get burnt in the process.

"Have dinner with me, Ms. Sparks, please. I have never asked a woman like this before so do not throw it back in my face," he asked with an arrogant smile plastered on his flawless well-defined face.

Dee smiled and shook her head.

"You know, if only you would take a minute to think about all these charades you put up just to get what you want, then you would realize how lame you look doing them and if you think I would fall for any of that, then my dear, I am truly embarrassed at my fellow ladies that fall in the first place. I used to think you were smart enough," she mumbled all the words out while arranging the documents in front of her. But, listening closely you would hear the irritation laced in them.

She looked up to meet his gleaming face. Why the hell is he smiling? She just threw a bomb at him that is supposed to send him scooting away and here he was smiling. She thought.

"You tried. But that wasn't enough. I will pick you up by 7. Don't be late. I don't like being kept waiting..." he said, standing up from the armchair. Wait. What? Waiting? How? There was no way in hell she was going out on dinner with him.

He pointed his two fingers at her and shot her the invisible bullet while winking his left eye at her. She wanted to smile but schooled her feature into a tight frown until he turned and strode back into the house just the way he had come. Then she smiled. He was fun. But as much as she was affected by his presence most of the time, she won't let him make her do what she doesn't want to. And if he tries to bully her, he won't see what would hit him.

"What a cad," she whispered and resumed what she was doing before he interrupted her.

Sometime later when she finished with the documents she had at hand and wanted to leave, she went back inside to submit the document to Lukas's desk before asking the housekeeper to notify him that she was ready to leave. He soon came downstairs and told her they would be meeting that Friday and then he instructed one of the drivers to take her home.

Throughout their latter interaction, she didn't see Andrè anywhere close and inferred that maybe he'd left after looking her up which appears to be his latest favorite. The driver soon appeared in front of the building where she stood with the bodyguards, still conscious of their movement.

The minute she saw the car she ran inside and it took off. When they reached the crossroad she had told the driver to take her to her office which he had concurred to. Entering the office everyone's eyes were on her each wondering from whose car she just alighted which she laughed and waved off as a silly question. Most times she wonders if the work they did as reporters wasn't contributing to their flair for regular gossip.

"Dee!" Chloe screeched and ran towards her, enclosing her in a baby-crushing hug.

"Chloe, let go, I'm suffocating...It's not like I died or traveled, we met this morning..." she whined, pulling off Chloe who frowned her face and pretended to be hurt by her words.

"I've missed you! Does that mean you didn't miss me? Meaning that someone else has taken your attention from me. Spill it, who?!" she inquired in a silly manner, causing Dee to snigger and wave her off as she sat down in her cubicle.

"I missed you too, just that the work was just too much that I hardly had time to miss anyone. You won't believe mum called today and guess what?" she went ahead to explain to the attentive Chloe what had transpired between her and her twin brother and how he had run off to report to their mother who had in return called her to reprimand her and how she had ended up having an anniversary to attend against her wish.

"I am going to make sure he gets a dose of this medicine. I won't be the only one to suffer this injustice from our mother," Dee threatened, bringing out all her working equipment from her bag to place on her desk.

"C'mon, Dee, he was just being a prick as usual, but that prick, I would like to ride. I mean I love my Thompson but damn!... your brother is a fucken adonis. That day we encountered him at the polls, to be honest with you Dee, I had nasty imaginations while staring at him. And he doesn't have a girlfriend! Your mum must have pampered him too much and now...he's tied to her apron strings." Chloe blurted and Dee just sat staring at her, pondering what to do with her.

"Chloe. You need help. Seriously, you need help because I feel that you are sick or maybe something is wrong with your estrogen. How come every man you meet gets you shaking in this manner and still you are in your relationship?"

"That is because I appreciate the work of God when I see one, unlike you who had pledged to die lonely and wretched with the devil. Thompson appreciates what he has and if he doesn't, I'm letting you know now that your brother would be my next target." Dee smiled and looked up as Mr. Timothy came out of his office and searched around the hall until his eyes stopped on her.

She instantly stood with the document and walked toward him. He was smiling.

"Ms. Sparks, I have been trying to reach you for ages. What happened to your cell phone? Have you read the blogs? Come, come." he led her into his office. "Sit," he said, going round to sit down on his seat. She was still appalled by his behavior.

He turned the laptop towards her and her eyes widened at what she was seeing.

His face broadened as his smile spread all over his funny face. "You did it!" he exclaimed ridiculously

She was still looking at the post she just made this morning on the website concerning Rossi's.

"I can't believe this. I just made this post this morning... how?" she asked in disbelief.

"Yes, that is because you have the right story, Ms. Sparks. The right stories are like a magnet that haul in the attention of the audience from every niche whether they want to or not." he went on.

She looked up at her boss and smiled. This was good news. Yes! Finally, she got what she wanted. This is just the beginning and it is like this, talk more of when she would give them the main substance.

This was really what her heart has been desiring for the past couple of months but she didn't expect it to happen this fast!

The Rossi's needs to see this!


