Teased by the devil

They pulled up in front of a tall glassed house fancy restaurant in the city and the driver came out to open the door for them to alight. Andrè came out first and extended his hand to her. She reluctantly took it and came out of the car. He place it in the crook of his arm and walked towards the entrance where the doorman acknowledged him with a slow bow.

"Do well to smile because don't be surprised to see your face on the front cover of a magazine and you wouldn't want to look like some disgruntled third grader." she smiled, not just because he asked her to, but because the simile was amusing.

When they entered the restaurant he took her straight to his favorite spot whenever he came there. It was kind of secluded from the other parts of the restaurant and had low dark light acting as a reflection, which gave it an alluring aura. He ushered her into a lounge and then went to sit down.

A waiter was coming but Andre gave him a sign and he turned back. He was so discreet that if Dee wasn't a shrewd one, she wouldn't have noticed. He leaned towards her.

"You are supposed to sit at that corner," she pointed in front of her, "and not crowd me in this manner. Andrè what do you want with me? You know very well I work for you and your family. I can't be found dallying with you," she blurted.

He chuckled lightly, a rumbling sound that sent chills down Dee's body. "No one tells me what to do, Deandra. The sooner you get that, the better for us."


"Shush... enough! My father is only concerned about this because he wants to save the face of his innocent company. Not necessarily because he cares about the effect it has on me. I have my own company too. Have you stopped to wonder why I'm not moved by all his tantrums? that is because I truly do not care." he looked away, his face having a pained outlook.

"There is more you don't know, Dee, but please do not judge me. It's hard trying to be the son of a man who thinks of nothing but himself. So I live my life the best way I can. I am the recalcitrant son who is not interested in his business but cavorts around town with American light skirts, but, they make me happy," he chuckled sardonically and waved the waiter forward.

The menu was given to them. He dropped back his menu on the table. " My usual," he said to the waiter who smiled and waited for Dee to make her choice. She skimmed through the menu numerous times but was unable to point out any dish, as her mind was occupied with what Andrè just told her, not to mention the pain in his eyes when he had said it.

Could it be that he did all he did singly to spite his father? Is he unhappy? These thoughts whirled around her mind.

"Do you need help?" his deep voice came through. She looked up and smiled impulsively. She dropped the menu. "I will have what he's having," she said and the waiter nodded and went off.

"Are you sure you will like mine? I usually like it simple and classy." he winked at her. She maintained her smile, still looking at him as if to discern his state of mind.

"It appears you are a regular here?" she asked mildly. He grinned wild, making his dimple more plausible.

"Uhm..." he shrugged and laid his hand on her lap below the table. She gasped and looked up at him.

"How many girls have you brought here? Five, ten, twenty, fifty, huh? am I the hundredth girl?" she asked sassily. He shrugged and ignore the question for a while.

"This is my favorite place I relax away from work and everything... You give me more credit than I deserve Ms. Sparks." he blinked and shifted his hand as the waiter arrived and served them their order. Dee smiled and her throat watered at the big size of the shrimp that was perched atop the creamy buzzard.

"You like seafood, huh?" he asked her, detecting the excitement in her eyes. She nodded.

"My twin brother and I used to have a brawl over who would finish a full clam when we were younger," she reminisced and smiled. Back then Nathaniel would cry and run to their mother who would, as usual, take his side, telling her she was the older one and was supposed to be lenient with him.

"So you are a twin?" he asked, picking up the shrimp which he bit into. She nodded and delved into her meal.

They ate in silence, just throwing in silly jokes randomly. He told her she ate like the last girl he met, who claimed she was allergic to eating a shrimp in public and then they had packaged it for her. When they got home she had devoured it like hadn't eaten for a year. He had taken pity on her and had called the restaurant service to deliver shrimp to her every day.

It was a joke to him but Dee looked at it from another perspective as him being thoughtful and kind. After they finished eating, the waiter came to pack off the plates and returned with a bottle of champagne. Andrè popped it and splashed some into the glass for her to take. She thanked him and sipped gracefully, enjoying the calm ambiance the restaurant provided.

She had been averse to coming on this dinner but she was glad she did. She had learned something about Andrè she wouldn't have learned by just exchanging angry words with him at the mansion.

"So how did you become a revamper?" he asked and inched closer into her lounge, making her aware of his closeness. She exhaled and smiled, willing her thoughts to be composed. She tried to talk to distract herself from thinking about his breath that was fanning the side of her face and his masculine scent that was clouding her sense of concentration.

"Are you okay?" he asked, leaning closer the more to her.

"Yea," she whispered. She cleared her throat. By now she could feel the wetness in her panties.

Maybe Chloe was right she was truly sex-starved and needed some attention down there.

" I'm still waiting for your answer," he whispered close to her ear. She restrained herself from turning to his side coz if she does that, she would meet his lips head-on. Her breathing has already become erratic. She could feel the mad thud of her heart against her breast.

"I..I...I had attended the..the University of Chicago where I had rebelliously studied journalism. I have always had a passion for the media. Growing up I have always been interested in information, magazines, news so on and so forth," she shrugged, the memory bringing her good grief.

"In high school, I was in charge of the media and entertainment. No news is approved without going through my scrutiny," she smiled, "so it has always been there. My brother chose to be a lawyer which my parents had wanted for the both of us but then it wasn't my thing."

"I like the way you talk about your career with so much passion, though," he commended, sipping his champagne. She spared him a look to know if he meant it. She was met with a shimmering mist and quickly looked away. He stood up and pushed the curtain that was hunged as a divider to conceal the part they were, from the main restaurant.

Dee's heartbeat pounded louder when she saw what he did but she was consoled with the fact that they were in public and there was no way he could take her in there, no, he wouldn't stoop that low. He sat back down and pushed his chair closer.

"Well, I have always wanted to be a businessman just like my father since I could remember. I grew up adoring the man he is and always wanted to be like him." he had a distant look as he said it, "The truth is that I studied Law at Harvard, and did my Master's program in Cambridge. But when I came back, I had dumped my degree and settled to start up my own business." he shrugged with a smug smile on his face.

Dee hasn't really run a check in his company which is because she had always thought his company was a conglomerate of his father's company, with him as the CEO but now he said it, she would have to run a background check on it.

"You have done well for yourself," she acquiesced. He has that intent look now. His hand trailed on her arms mindlessly. Her body burnt as his eyes remained intent on hers.

"You think so?" he whispered huskily. She nodded slowly, still reluctant to turn towards him. She feared her heart might burst through her chest if she doesn't do something soon about what is happening to her. He reached out and turned her face gradually to him. Their nose was touching and her eyes were hazy, mirroring his that was dark with lust and suddenly turned forest green in winter.

She didn't want what happened in the car to happen again so she kept her eyes open. "Deandra..." he breathes out her name. She liked it when he called her full name. It sounded sweeter than when any other person called it.

He pecked the side of her face and then her chin, the side of her lips. Losing control and falling in surrender, Dee's eyes flipped close with her lips slightly falling open.

His thumb trailed through her lower lip to produce a whimper from her. He groaned and the next second slammed his lips down on hers. He captured her lower lip and suckled on it. She moaned and melted into him as he pulled her out of the chair into his lap to mold her into his arm.

" Deandra, what are you doing to me?" he growled, trailing soft kisses down her ear. She moaned aloud and tilted her head back to him to give enough room for his sweet torment. He bit softly into her neck and she gasped. He suckled at the point he had between his lips. She wrapped her hand around his neck bucking into him, wanting more of him.

He trailed his lips back to her lips which he smoldered. He grounded her lips with his, thrusting his tongue down her throat. Their lips tugged at each other in warfare with each unwilling to yield to surrender.

Dee grounded her hips on his, feeling his bulge pushing against her. She wanted him badly. She kept moving her hips against his meanwhile, Andrè was smiling at her action in his mind. He had it in him to take her home and have his wicked way with her but then, he didn't want to rush anything with her. He wanted to take his time in unraveling her.

He pulled away slowly from her to Dee's disappointment and placed his forehead on hers to quell his arousal and regain his composure.

"Let's take you home," he forced out the words.


