The visitor...

Once Andre got to his penthouse that evening, he went straight to his bar to drown himself in a bottle of alcohol. He couldn't fathom the level of his father's ambition and why he would think he could drag him into it.

He has been enduring it from him all along because of the perks he gained from him. Yea, his business could thrive without his father,  still, he knew what he was looking for, and to get there, he would still need the old man's support. Not to mention his mother's incessant quest to ignore him.

He loved his mother so much and could do anything to please her, including enduring the excesses of his father which he wouldn't fib to say was getting to the brink of his patience.

He gulped down another of the sore liquid as his phone chimed on the table. He peeked at it, his blood boiling at the caller displayed. Madeline.

"What do you want?!" He rumbled, his chest heaving at her effrontery. She is the onus of every mess he is in right now and she dares to call him?

She snickered, toning off his voice. "Calm down, lover boy. I didn't think anything could rile you ..." She chuckled. "I'm glad to find out."

"Again I ask, what do you want?" He was on the verge of cutting the call on her. Why did he even pick in the first place knowing she was only calling to gloat? He chided himself.

"Okay, let's just say I'm bored," She slurred. He held a clicking sound and surmised she was flicking her fake nails as she is used to doing each time she is up to mischief. "So I decided we should talk..."

"We have nothing to talk ab-"

"Oh, oh, you wouldn't want to start with me, lover boy. Don't forget I'm the captain now and could sail this ship where I want... I'm coming to your penthouse."

"What! Are you insane? You lie to the press about me and now you think you can walk into my den and go scout free?"

"Stop talking nonsense, Andre. You and I both know you are a dog. Only in this case, the only language you understand is fuck."

"I will never fuck you again, get off your high horse. "

"Let's experiment that..."

The call went dead. I held the phone to my face, my fist tightening about it in so much rage, until I took pity on the poor object and roughly dropped it. The nerves!

To think she would ever think of something so obscene. I am over her a long time ago! Not that I was ever into her, by the way. Why does she think I will ever want anything to do with her?

I looked around my apartment. Maybe I can set her up and bring to an end this charade once and for all. I stood, then pause, something occurring to me.

Deandra. If I finally expose Madeline, that means our tryst would come to an end? Why did I even call that a tryst? Ugh! I brushed my fingers through my hair. She is more than a tryst I could feel it. I haven't even touched her yet apart from a kiss and I feel this way.

She is so different. But, that doesn't excuse the fact that I feel betrayed by her for not telling me about my father's plan on time. When did my father get so cozy with her all of a sudden? He hardly tells anyone anything except my mother. There again, Dee looks like the kind of woman that would have you twirled around her finger without even meaning to.

I kicked the couch aggressively and rushed to my chamber to refresh. I have a date with her tonight and nothing can change that. I will not allow that slimy weasel to get away with whatever trick she has up her sleeves. Soon, her cup would be full. After all, I'm not moved one bit by any of this. My father is the one bothered by it all, not me.

I stayed in the shower long enough to allow the cold water to calm my raging groins that had come to attention at the thought of Deandra, standing there rendering my mind void of the thought of her lest I took her against the restaurant table I'm planning to take her tonight. It is the latest hotel I'm thinking of acquiring but I will need her opinion on it first before I do.

Since when did I start needing the opinion of a woman to do my business?

I huffed, seeing that the technique wasn't working. Instead, my cock seemed to become harder. Perhaps, I will make a call to one of the girls that take care of me, to suck me off before heading out.

I left the shower, picked up my towel, and massaged my wet scalp while leaving the bathroom. I padded blindly into the room until I was standing at the center of it before removing it and tieing around my waist, my eyes popping out at the sight that I met.

I jostled back, my mouth going in a straight surly line.

She chuckled. "I'm elated the thought of me still has your boner looking that hard. Just by my voice," She said flirtatiously, biting down her lower lips and throwing a calculated step toward me.

"Madeline, get out of my room. I thought you said you ar-" Wait, that means she was close by before calling me. "You were close..."

"I needed to make sure you were home before coming in..." She stopped in front of me and pulled her lower lip into her mouth to suck in. Oh, God. Not now when I'm vulnerable.

With a slight grunt, I ignored her seduction and ambled to the closet. Now wasn't a good time at all. I am very horny and need a woman and here she is in that smutty red dress trying to seduce me? Perfect! Just perfect! My father would surely disown me if he as much as caught the news that I allowed her into my penthouse not to mention have senile thoughts towards her.

He would call me cursed.

I just hope those nosy paparazzi didn't see her.

Her hands circled my waist from behind and I struggled from her grasp, pushing her slightly away. "You crossed the line when you lied to the press about me. Stay the fuck away from me!" I wagged my finger on her face with a stern look.

"Well, that is because you refused to see me. What happened to all your sweet promises of forever? You loved me!"

"I never love. You are mistaking lust for love. By the way, I was only with you be_"

"Because you wanted to use me to get my father's contract and now that he is no longer useful to you, I'm chaff."

"I didn't say that." My eyes twitched, knowing she wasn't far from the truth. "I only needed breathing space from all your nagging and forcefully trying to have me leg shackled."

"Forcefully? Andre, what do people in a relationship do after knowing each other for close to three years, if not marriage? What were you planning?" She snorted with a snarky smile. " Pretend all you want, I know you dumped me because you no longer need my father."

I am done with this, still the nagging bee. "So what? Didn't you use me too? You think I don't know you used my influence to elevate yourself? Your father was nothing without my influence. Deny it that his dealings with me didn't boost his outcome?"

"Well, it's had nothing to do with our relationship! You said you loved me!"

"Well, I lied! I never ever loved a conniving bitch like you! Maybe I don't need to deny it anymore so yes, I used you and you enjoyed sucking me off and having me pound you, didn't you? We are even." I splayed my hands, matching her glassy eyes. I recollect how she used to cry for more when we had sex in the past. She enjoyed every moment of it.

My mind went to Deandra once more, thinking about how she would react to me when she finds out how I liked my sex rough. Would she be repulsed and runs away with her tail between her legs or would she enjoy it like this bitch?... I let my eyes skid to Mandeline's body, my traitorous dick responding immediately.


 I was about to whirl away when she lunged forwards and her hand grabbed me. "C'mon Andre. Okay, I admit I missed you so badly. I can tell them everything was a lie only if you will stay with me only for tonight, please..."

I groaned, my eyes rolling up as she began massaging my groin. Jesus, I am behaving like a horny teenager. Every time my dick is touched I lose control over my body. This is not happening. "Mandelie..."

"I know you like it when I do this, mmm..." She fell to her knees, my towel flying off my waist to my replaced by her hot mouth. She rocked my balls with her other hand as she dragged her lips to the tip and sucked.



