Part 26

When I looked at the system clock, I realized that it was already late, so ------ should have been home by now. So, it was already time to go home, at least today, but first I had to go to one place before that. So, with a confident gait I went to the lab.

I walked lightly back to the lab, only to find Miaya and Seiko actively discussing something, well how do you mean discussing... Seiko was talking and Miaya was answering all the questions by typing the answer on her laptop, but when I walked in their conversation was interrupted and their burning eyes were directed in my direction. They were clearly inspired to work.

"So, Seiko. Settling in a little?" - I asked a neutral question.

"Yes. Miaya -chan showed me around a bit." - She said quietly and looked at Miaya.

"That's good." - A slight smile broke out on my face. "I have another suggestion for you."

"Yes. What is it?" - she said with interest.

"We want to celebrate the creation of this project. So, we decided to have a little party, and I want to invite you there. And you too, of course, Mia." - I turned to the girls.

"[Chisa-san already texted me. She and Juzo-san and Kyosuke-san went to make arrangements." - She wrote on her laptop and showed me its screen.

"Okay, and you Seiko what do you say." - I said to the girl who looked unsure.

"Ah-it's that I don't know anyone there is no big deal." - Again, she bristled with words. "And there's no one waiting for me there."

"Of course, it's okay. You're just about to meet everyone. And I'm waiting for you there, and the party is mine, so no one can say anything against it." - I encouraged the girl.

"Then...okay...fine...I'll go. Right now?" - it felt like she didn't know what to say.

"Yes, right now. Go to the exit of the academy while I check to see if I forgot anything here and if everything's okay. And I'll gather a few things, too." - I said, pointing to the laptop and various papers on the table.

*Nod/Nod*" I waited for a double nod from the girls.

Watching them walk out the door I started to put the equipment with the data in my inventory, I don't think anyone would pay attention to it. The time it took to check on the state of the lab wasn't too long and didn't take more than fifteen minutes. So, after turning off the lights in the lab I headed out to the exit of the academy to pick up the girls. Where I found them, in principle, still actively talking, but this time Mia was writing on the phone. After picking them up, we headed in the direction of my house, only this time I was part of their conversation.

It didn't take more than half an hour to walk home, though. After listening to Seiko sigh a little about what a huge thing it is, we entered the house, of course before doing so I let the ladies in front like a real gentleman.

As I took off my flip-flops, I noticed Miaya dragging the embarrassed Seiko by the hand toward the living room where I could hear the activity. But I didn't go there, I went to my room to put the laptop with the documents on the bed, and then I went downstairs to see, to my surprise, a familiar picture.

------ and Chisa were tidying up the room while talking to Seiko and giving little errands to Mia. Juzo was sitting in a chair with a can of beer, staring at the TV. On which the boxing was showing, Kyosuke was sitting next to him reading a book. I was also seriously convinced that if this meeting hadn't been so spontaneous, there would be more people here now.

"Hello, everyone." - I said hello to everyone, though the only person I hadn't seen today was ------

"Yasuke!" - she shouted, since she had probably already missed me.

Which she showed by throwing herself at me for a hug.

"Yes yes. I missed you too." - I said, trying to hug her, but not in time and she let go of my embrace.

As she lowered herself to the ground, the first thing she did was start inspecting my face from every angle, while pulling my head down to her level by pulling on my tie.

"What are you doing?" - I asked the question that interested me.

"Chisa told me everything. About you getting hit, and me seeing if you're okay!" - she said excitedly.

"I already told her I was okay." - I said, grabbing her hands in my palms.

"If you were okay, you wouldn't be bleeding!" - There was a sound of excitement in her voice.

"Ha." - I sighed and let go of her hands to keep out of her way.

She didn't wait long and continued to study me. I knew very well that she wouldn't back down from her ideas. But there was something odd. Her movements showed her excitement, her fingers and palms touching me as gently as they could, her face filled with seriousness, trying to find some kind of wound on me. It all looked as if she was worried and worried about me. But...

But here were her eyes, which only I could see. Were completely calm. Like she wasn't worried about me at all. No, it was just a publicity stunt, as if something could happen to me. She knows perfectly well that nothing will happen to me because of this, that I have enhanced regeneration, that my body is abnormal. She knew all this as well as anyone else and was completely confident in me and that nothing would happen to me.

"See? I told you I was fine." - I said as I saw her hands begin to stop.

I lifted my hand to gently stroke her head, to soothe the non-existent anxiety. As my hand began to stroke her, her eyes closed because of the pleasant feelings. So, when I took it away her eyes opened and this time the eyes that only I could see were filled with warmth in my direction. I smiled at that warmth.

"Okay. Let's go celebrate." - I turned to her in my full voice.

"Uh-huh. But only you tell me what's going on." - She gave me an ultimatum and we went to the others.

It didn't take long to explain to ------ why I wasn't home today. So after getting a kiss on the cheek as a congratulations to my genius we started a party, well, like a party, just a gathering of good company. It was not much different from the ones we had before, but this time a new person was added to us in the person of Seiko, who seemed to be not often at such meetings and did not know what to do, but ------ is not just the most popular girl in school and was quite easy to get Seiko to talk, and after that and pour into the company where she could relax.

(Time Skip.)

It was well past midnight and it was dark outside, lit only by the streetlights as the moon was obscured by clouds.

These literary thoughts flashed through my mind as my gaze quickly flashed to the window and quickly returned to the room, which was left with only three people consisting of Kyosuke, Juzo, and naturally me. The girls had had time to disperse to their rooms and were already dreaming their tenth dreams, since our gentlemanly temperament didn't allow us to let any of them go outside alone, well that and the fact that Juzo and Kyosuke had taken revelatory drinks, so they weren't in the best of shape right now. So, we just sat on the couch and played games on the console.

"Kyosuke. I almost forgot to ask you." - I turned to the young man who was sitting to my right.

"Yeah, what's up Yasuke." - His voice was relaxed and his eyes were a little blurry, but there was a clarity in them that said what he was just relaxed and nothing more.

"Remember I was called before the steering committee on speakerphone." - Waiting for his nod I continued. "I don't know what went through their heads and all the reasons for it, but from what I was told the main reason was to raise more money to fund the academy, but whatever it was they decided to create a 'Reserve Course' for people without Ultimate."

"Is that good news?" - he said while not sure how to feel about it. "But what does this have to do with you and what did you want to ask me?"

"About that." - I had no doubt that Kyosuke would notice the main point. "I've been assigned to be the one to create this course. I won't be alone, of course, and I'll be assisted by Tengan-san, but I'd like to invite you as well. Like you said you'd be willing to help me with any help, and I won't always have time with this project."

"Of course, Yasuke." - He said and relaxed as if he was expecting something more serious. "Of course, I'll help you. If you need anything else, don't hesitate to contact me."

"Thank you Kyosuke. I appreciate it." - I said from the bottom of my heart. "And now you Juzo."

"Yeah? Anything." - said an already more relaxed Juzo, but I don't think it would affect him much.

"Chisa probably told you all about getting hit today?" - I asked him the question.

"Mentioned it a couple of times." - he said nonchalantly, and then more seriously. "I've never seen her so angry."

"I want you to train me." - I started straight ahead.

"What? Like jogging and lifting iron." - he didn't understand.

"No. Literally combat experience. If I'd had more experience, I wouldn't have missed out on such an embarrassing hit." - I admitted to him.

"Brainy you what?" - he wondered. "You're the brains! You're supposed to think. Why do you need to know how to fight. If you need to beat somebody up, you can just call me." - he said angrily, as he always had the urge to punch someone in the face.

"You don't understand." - I objected. "I want to be able to defend myself. In case something happens. I want to have the strength personally to protect those I care about."

"Wow!" - he was surprised and took a sip from his beer can. "If that's the case, of course I'm in. Call me anytime."

"Thanks, Juzo." - I said, looking at him.

"Yeah..." - he brushed me off and mussed my hair.

"Okay. Then I'm going to bed, because it's late and I didn't get any sleep last night." - I said, getting up from the couch. "You can play as much as you like, but don't stay up until morning either and get some sleep. Good night."

"Good night! /Good night!" - came from the twin voices, and they stared further into the television, where another game was already on, to which they had switched.

Turning around, my eyesight, which had been enhanced in every way possible, was able to see a shadow slip down the stairs to the second floor, with ---------- hair next to it.

Not paying attention, I went up to my room, where I suspected ------ was asleep, with her arms and legs spread out on one side of the bed, and her face relaxed, which showed that she was asleep.

Lowering myself onto the bed in the middle and lying down on it while tangled in the blanket, I said into the air.

"Okay I don't need sleep, but you need to sleep. Besides, I won't be home a lot right now, what are you going to do about it? No sleep again? Okay...we'll figure it out somehow." - I said to ------ who pretended to be asleep. "Good night ------."

"Okay. We'll figure something out. Good night!" - she said in my ear and put her arm and leg over my body. And even after that, I heard soft breathing in my ear, and this time it was believable.

When I opened the system window, I too fell asleep.

(Time Skip.)

Surprisingly, the morning was quiet. I woke up early in the morning to make breakfast for everyone, helped, of course, by Chisa, who, having been awake for a long time, had managed to practically clean the house. And how she only has the strength to do it.

Then the rest of the people began to approach in lonely groups, some looked tired, some more precisely the only Seiko looked confused, and some have a look of pain on his face. About this condition and we ate, and then after about two hours, everyone began to go away, or rather everyone except me and ------ went towards the academy. I think the most suspicious thing was that ------ had been calling and chatting on the phone practically all day.

Otherwise, the day passed quietly, as well as the night did not portend anything bad. It was another day off, and tomorrow I had to go to the academy. So, as always, I woke up early and started to make breakfast, until the doorbell rang out like a bolt from the blue throughout the house. Of course, we weren't expecting anyone, and people who want to come over usually text or call us. So, the visitor was an unknown to me. Walking up to the door, I opened it.

"Yasuke!" - someone said and pounced on my neck. "------ told us everything. You are so good!"

"Natsumi? It's good to see you too, even though our meeting was a couple of weeks ago." - I said, looking at the two people who had come to see me. "Peko."

"Yasuke." - She also said hello to me in a brief style.

"It's even strange to see you both without Fuyuhiko. Where is he, by the way?" - I pointed out the missing detail.

"He and Byakuya are arriving a little later." - Peko said seeing that Natsumi, who was hanging on me, didn't want to answer my question.

Yes... Fuyuhiko and Byakuya. Surprisingly they got along too well together, well what can I say, they're just like each other. So, they often meet at their cool receptions, to which I had no intention of attending, even though I was invited, but unlike them my reputation wouldn't suffer from it, and their friendship was even something to do with their families starting to work together, I don't know exactly in what and didn't want to know. But also, in connection with this, I quite often get pictures from these receptions where the two of them stand together and show how cool it is and how much fun they're having there, but I know that's not true.

"You could have at least texted me, because I don't have anything prepared." - I noticed one problem.

"That's okay. I've already made arrangements, and we'll go to the cafe." - said from my back ------ and unhooked Natsumi from my neck. "It's good to see you." - she said and immediately hugged the two girls.

"Let's go into the living room and wait there for the others. Maybe some tea or coffee will do." - I decided to prove myself as a true landlord.

"No thanks. / I'm fine." - they answered at the same time.

"Okay." - I said and we sat down on the couch.

It didn't take long for the rest of the company to arrive, and about half an hour later we heard a huge pile of cars pull up next to the house.

"You go ahead and I'll check to see if we've forgotten anything." - I let the girls go ahead, waiting for them to confirm.

Of course, the house was fine, and I just didn't want to go out first and watch the guards check everything around for danger. So, ten minutes later I left the house, remembering to lock the door.

As I turned from the door, I saw about twenty dark cars near the house. As far as I could remember when they drove together, their guards took turns, but unfortunately, I couldn't tell exactly who was guarding them now, since they all always looked the same. I also saw a limousine that was right in front of the exit, in front of which were two men in formal suits who were trying to strike as cool and unassuming a pose as possible. As I approached them, I saw a slight smug smile on their faces, which brought the exact same smile to my face.

"Good to see you." - I said, patting their shoulders in greeting.

"You too." - they said at the same time and patted me on different shoulders.

For their little rehearsal, we only laughed together, and then we climbed into the limo, with the girls seated on one side, so that accordingly the other side fit us, after which the limo moved off and drove in a direction unknown to me.

However, this obscurity quickly disappeared when we arrived at a cafe which was not a single person and which most likely was rented by the end of the day by our little company. Basically, the rest of the time was not much different from the day before and only after I reported my project I had a few buyers in the form of rich boys, I of course offered them for free but they did not agree and just want to support me with this.

So, the whole day was spent celebrating heavily too, and I think everybody knew that the next meeting was not going to happen soon with all the work I had to do, so everybody wanted to enjoy the moment to the fullest.