Part 33

After seating everyone in their seats, and putting those who were really sick on the bed, I started to give everyone first aid while finally taking my shirt from Akane hands. Of course, there wasn't much I could do outside of my lab, but I should have at least helped Chiaki and Teruteru, and made sure the others didn't do anything serious. Good thing Seiko came quickly with the pills and helped me with most of the casualties, and stayed to watch over them when I went to get another batch.

"That was awesome Nanami!" - I heard the first one when I got back to the medicine cabinet. "Just like the leap of youth!" - A happy Sonya said, holding her folded arms up to her chin. "Said don't touch my classmate!"

"Although the Hanamura she beat up is also her classmate..." - said Mahiru a little uncertainly.

"But the punch was super!" - Mikan said unashamedly.

"Heavenly dragon fist." - Chiaki said quietly, lying on the bed. "This is a very important attack for me."

"Important attack?" - I wondered.

"Why are you still eating that nikujaga?" - Mahiru said angrily with a red face.

"It's delicious, and it doesn't work on me as an aphrodisiac." - I popped another spoonful into my mouth. "Don't let the good stuff go to waste. So, what's the Chiaki attack?"

"Yeah." - Chiaki said, and with a blush she looked over my body one more time, and I'm sure I saw disappointment in her gaze. "Once upon a time there lived a gangster named Willy. A dangerous guy and ready to kill anyone with his machine gun."

"Such a man." - Mikan clearly believed the story strongly.

"He didn't just kidnap a woman; he also killed her by stuffing her with lead." - Chiaki continued with a happy smile on her face. "Everything that happened in my country happened here as well. This is the attack I used to finish him off."

"Cool!" - Mikan is so gullible.

"Nanami, is this your past?" - And you Mahiru.

"It's not my past." - Chiaki still said easily, with a smile on her face looking up at the ceiling. "You don't know? It's a masterpiece in the genre of beat I'm all, 'Two-Headed Dragon 2."

"Techno?!" - Mikan and Sonya exclaimed together.

"You know her?" - Mahiru added with a completely silly question.

"It's a real masterpiece!" - Chiaki confirmed.

And to be honest, I've never heard of such a game. Perhaps it only exists in this world. Or my knowledge is limited in games of this genre. This was the moment Seiko chose to leave since she had something else to do.

"Of course, the first game is a classic, but I like the balanced gameplay of the second part. It influenced the subsequent games quite a bit." - Chiaki didn't relent, clearly happy to be able to talk about the games.

"How do you feel at all Chiaki?" - I decided to interrupt her monologue. "Do you feel dizzy? Nothing hurts?"

"А? No." - she said after checking her sensations.

"That's good." - I walked over to her and stroked her hair, which made her feel very embarrassed. "But despite this incident, you are still not exempt from tomorrow's classes."

"What?" - came the general indignation of the class.

"And there's still class tomorrow." - I finished them off.

"Well." - Still, they continued to be indignant.

"I realize that today's incident was unusual and you will probably have a hard time getting out of bed tomorrow. Since I have forbidden Seiko to give you anything for a full recovery." - Predicted their condition tomorrow. "But don't you think the culprit of this whole situation isn't even breaking a sweat?"

"W-what are you all looking at me for!" - The little one resented when all eyes were on her.

"It's called a friendly class!" - I prepared to rub it in, "If the whole class is feeling bad or hurt because of someone, they should have a common feeling for more cohesion in your friendship!"

"I didn't see anything that anyone was against!" - made the argument small and thank God she didn't bring up me, who was enjoying the situation. What kind of guy would I be?

"So, you're in for some unscheduled physical training. Twenty laps around the academy for starters."

"WHAT!!!!" - she was greatly exasperated.

"And you'll have a drone watching you so you don't slack off, leave before you finish all the laps." - I said, texting the academy tech support about it.

"B-but..." - she tried to say something.

"That's out of the question." - I hammered the final nail in her coffin.

So, she had no choice but to walk out of the medical office and curse me in the hope that something would work. Finally, she slammed the door hard.

"Isn't that a little harsh?" – Mahiru sympathized.

"You'll change your mind when you try to get out of bed tomorrow." - I smiled at her. "Well, and she should feel the repercussions of her actions. It will only harden her character. I'm your teacher and that's my job."

I walked all the students who could walk by themselves to their rooms, and helped those who were too weak to walk by themselves, like Teruteru, who I just dragged along the ground, Nagito, who I dragged in a princess pose but away from my body, and Chiaki, who I had already dragged by all canons, so she fell asleep before I left the academy. It's a little ritual already. With that thought I ran my hand over her cheek so that she smiled lightly and opened her eyes, shining with happiness in a half-sleep.

(The next day.)

And just as I suspected, everyone who entered the classroom looked extremely broken. Well, except for Sonya and Ryota, who looked around at everyone with incomprehension. Of course, Fuyuhiko looked normal too, but I can tell he's faking it. It also occurred to me overnight that a simple thought had occurred to me that I hadn't really developed my skills in the past year. I certainly created nanomachines, and in creating them of course I used not only medical skills, but also mechanical skills along with programming, but I hadn't developed in other areas and it was safe to say that I had relaxed a lot during this year. Even my project to create {} stopped and I didn't have time to do it, so I'm thinking of catching up.

After watching everyone finally settle into their seats, I decided to start the class hour.

"Stop looking so broken." - I decided to cheer them up and humiliate them at the same time. "Smile."

"Why are you so chipper?" - Soda questioned.

"I have good genetics." - I said my usual excuse.

"I see. "I don't feel tired either," Sonja said, surprising me.

"What." - Soda confirmed my thoughts, displaying incomprehension on her face. "Sonja-san? That's..."

"Okay. Let's start the class hour." - I interrupted his further musings. "Let's decide who won't participate."

"What do you mean?" - Nekomaru said painfully, lifting his head from his folded arms.

"About the class president, of course." - The class perked up a little after those words. But they don't know yet that the choice has already been made. "First of all. Teruteru, Shallow, Ryota, Ultimate Impostor, Akane, Mahiru, Mikan, Ibuki, Nekomaru, Nagito, and Soda are not participating." - There were immediately disgruntled voices. "Second. Peko is too quiet, Gandam is Gandam, I don't like Fuyuhiko, and Sonja doesn't know too much about our country and the rules. So you can choose from the rest."

"But the only one left is Nanami." - Fuyuhiko was the first to conclude.

"Chiaki? Good choice! You're right. Besides, Chiaki was just great yesterday. She's responsible and can rally the class, as well as fill out some paperwork for me." - I laid out the basic gist. "So Nanami Chiaki becomes class president."

"What?" - Chiaki finally breaks away from her games. "I don't want to."

"I didn't ask." - I interrupted any objections.

"Nanami's great for that." - Sonia agreed with me.

"I agree with Sonya-san." - Soda agreed.

"Seems like a good idea." - Akane was in agreement.

"I agree." - Nekomaru had no objections either.

"I don't mind either." - Fuyuhiko said trying to look cool.

"I don't mind." - Peko said her answer after hearing Fuyuhiko opinion.

"I don't mind." - Ibuki jumped up from her seat.

"Neither do I." - Mahiru agreed.

"Why not." - Said the petite one to herself.

"Great choice!" - Teruteru, as always.

"I agree, too." - Nagito is always in favor.

"I'm... also... for... Nanami." - Mikan faintly uttered.

"This is what the world has chosen." - Gandam said in his manner.

"I think you're just right for it." - said the Ultimate Impostor with the strongest of arguments.

"Yes." - Affirmed Ryota, who didn't seem to understand what was going on.

"So, what do you think Chiaki." - I walked up to her and asked. I said, of course, that I wasn't asking her opinion, but I couldn't just make her. "Will you take it?"

"..." - she was silent, looking ahead while thinking something over. "Ha... Got it."

"That's good. I'll show you what to fill out and how." - I wasn't ashamed of anything.

Pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop pop.

I turned around at the sound of the clapping and saw Nagito with a happy smile on his face.

"How wonderful and beautiful." - he stopped clapping and opened his eyes with the same calm smile. "You are all talented students. You will be bonded even more strongly with Nanami-san at the helm."

"Nagito..." - I thought back to yesterday, and the whole class was showing unsure faces along with it.

"As long as Nanami-san is our head girl." - He continued, looking at his hand. "This class will never leave the light." - After that, it was as if he remembered he wasn't alone in the classroom and looked at me. "Oh, I'm sorry! I was talking."

"Nagito." - I addressed him again. "You're going to see a psychologist tomorrow. I don't think you have the most normal reaction to anything, much less an aphrodisiac."

"А?" - he didn't understand. "To see you?"

"And don't get your hopes up. I don't think I can look at you normally afterwards. И..." - at this point I leaned toward Chiaki and whispered in her ear. "Look what you have to roughly do."

"А?" - she didn't understand.

"Nagito." - I said confidently, walking over to him and putting my hand on his shoulder. "It's your class, too, and your classmates. You may not believe in yourself, but believe in my belief in you, and I'm sure you're a talented student, too. You're on par with everyone else here, even if you don't think you are." - I squeezed his shoulder even harder as a sign of confidence in my words. "Do you understand?"

"Yes Matsuda-san." - he said with a smile on his face.

He didn't understand anything, but when he returned to his seat and turned around, I saw that everyone was looking at me very differently. Especially Chiaki who had little sparks in her eyes. After I looked at her, she returned her gaze to the console, but with a smile on her beautiful face.

That evening, after everyone had dispersed and the sun had already begun to set below the horizon, which made the whole office orange, we sat with Chiaki and I showed and told her about her duties and how some of the logs would have to be filled out.

"It won't be every day, of course. After all, I'm not always at the academy and sometimes I have to go home." - I added the comment to my intoxication.

"Home?" - Asked Chiaki who, was surprisingly focused and hadn't even pulled out her console once the whole time.

"Didn't I tell you? I don't live at the academy and I have my own house thirty minutes from the academy." - I explained. "Or did you think I lived in my lab?"

"No." - Chiaki shook her head from side to side.

"Remind me, by the way, to show you all where it is." - I added a little point to my plans. "Well, or we could do something like what happened yesterday. Only without the aphrodisiac, so the food would be on me."

"Yeah." - Chiaki confirmed with a blush seemingly remembering what happened yesterday.

"I think we'll organize it this weekend. So, the party plan is on you. The budget's on me, and it's not very limited. So you can go all out and take someone with you to help carry something heavy."

"Okay." - Chiaki agreed with me and at that moment there was a gurgling sound.

It didn't take me long to realize that the sound was coming from Chiaki's stomach.

"You haven't eaten again?" - I asked, getting a faint nod from her. "Well, that's enough for today then, let's go out and eat."

"Together?" - replied Chiaki who, was more active than usual probably because she had been asleep all night.

"Sure, and do you see anyone else here." - I said, tossing my papers on the table and getting up. "Let's go. I just know a nice restaurant nearby."

Throwing her papers on the table, but not as defiantly as I did, Chiaki got up from her seat and we headed off in the direction of the restaurant. On the way out of the academy I noticed Hajime who was walking with his head down and as I suspected, neither my words nor Tengan-san words had any effect on Hajime. It's a pity I don't have the skill of persuasion. Without it, it's hard to change someone with a dream, especially in a world where many people have that person's dream.

But anyway, it is not worth spoiling the moment with this same person, but I noticed that Chiaki didn't even pay attention to Hajime. Could it be that their meeting hasn't happened yet or am I... Okay enough bad thoughts. To my surprise Chiaki was really active and we spent the whole way to the restaurant almost speechless, she talked about many things which sometimes weren't even related to the games. Well, I always had something to say, especially to someone who really listened to me, though he didn't understand, but he tried.

For example, I found out about her, that she does not like to swim because she is afraid of falling asleep and drowning. I invited her to go to the pool with me, even at my home. Since I certainly do not allow anything to happen to her, it made her cheeks red, and also if she wants, she can go with the girls from class.

When we were in the cafeteria, I noticed an interesting thing about her. She eats the tastiest thing on her plate which I inquired about and she confirmed my suspicions. This is surprisingly a very strong skill. Usually, it is the other way around, you eat all the non-sweet stuff first and plan to eat the tastiest stuff at the end, but you are already full and can't eat the tastiest stuff this of course was only in a past life, but it seems I have some moral grasses left from it.

When we had already had breakfast and I had, of course, paid for dinner for both of us, Chiaki took the initiative to invite me to the play center. Where we had already spent time before it closed. Texting ------ that I wouldn't be home tonight, of course not hiding why. Maybe I do listen to her on most things, but that does not mean that she can influence my decisions if I insist on it. She knows that very well herself.

So, taking Chiaki to the dormitory already through the night city, where she had already said that I could stay and sleep over at her place since I'm a long way from home. I politely declined and said that I would be working in the lab all night, so I wasn't going to sleep. At this she only thought about something and asked to wait a few minutes and closed the door. After the allotted time, she came out of the room holding a set-top box that plugged into the TV, and her briefcase was fuller than usual.

I knew right away what she wanted to do so I didn't mind and we went to the lab together. After plugging the set-top box into the TV, she started playing, and I continued working on {}. And we spent the whole night in that atmosphere and...I have to say it was comfortable. It was similar to what we usually had with ------ to my surprise.

This moment was totally different from all the nights before. I think it was because we got closer to each other than before.

I also realized one interesting thing during that night. We are both like each other and give our time completely to our talents. And Chiaki is the only person in my memory who gives so much of herself to her talent. I think that's why we were comfortable with each other. You could see it even in Chiaki's face, which almost never left her face smiling, and she thought exactly the same.

But even the most pleasant time has to pass sometime, and that moment had to disappear too. And in this case, because it was time to go to class. After picking up a sleepy Chiaki, we went to class.

After putting Chiaki in her seat, I sat down at my desk, continuing to fill out the paperwork that I hadn't filled out yesterday and without any explanation of how to do it I filled out the rest in ten minutes, after all being able to write quickly is not an empty word. During that time, some students had already arrived in class, and after saying hello to Chiaki and me, they sat down in their seats. Chiaki seemed to be asleep already, and I didn't mind saying hello to them.

And after a few minutes before the start of the lesson, the rest of the students managed to come running, well except Nagito who was at the psychologist on my referral and Ryota who wrote again that his deadline was burning. Also, everyone looked much better than yesterday and you could tell they looked better than ever.

"Good morning, everyone." - I said hello to everyone again.

"Morning!" - they answered me in sync except for Chiaki who was just starting to wake up.

"Good. I have two pieces of news. One good and one bad, but not for everyone." - I said non-definitely. "Which one to start with?"

"Eh?" - some people didn't understand.

"Let's go with 'bad, but not for everyone'." - Sonya showed leadership.

"Okay. Nekomaru, Akane, remember that fight I promised you?" - I turned to both of them.

"What fight? / Fight?" - They both answered almost in sync.

"Yeah. You know, the one with the Ultimate Fighter. The one I promised when you defeated the class." - I reminded them.

"What?!?! The fight with the Ultimate Fighter!!! Why is that bad news?" - Akane didn't understand.

"I don't understand either." - Affirmed Akane words.

"Because it's going to hurt you." - I said calmly. "It will arrive during lunch break, so get ready, but not in class and not during class."

"YES!!!/GREAT!!!" - again they shouted at the same time.

"Okay. The second news will be brought to you by Chiaki." - I said, pointing to the girl.

"М?" - she didn't understand, sitting at her desk.

"What we talked about yesterday." - I reminded her.

"Ah yes." - she said, standing up and seemingly completely unaware of what I was talking about, so she stood silent for a while to remember, but when she did her face lit up with a smile. "We decided to throw a party for the class this weekend."

"Yeah. In honor of Chiaki's appointment." - I thought of a good excuse on the fly. "Since I don't want you guys crashing anything else, it will be held at home."

"Oh yeah!" - Soda cheered.

"I've never been to a Japanese party before so I'd love to attend." - Sonja is always up for any kind of boil.

"Party!!!" - Ibuki jumped up from her seat and pretended to play her guitar.

"I'll make lots of delicious food." - Teruteru added.

"Food? I'm in!" - Heard Akane cherished words.

"May the heavens turn for fear of the great Demon's rebirth." - Gandam was fine with that.

"I'll get something too. Should I call someone?" - Fuyuhiko suggested.

"Just for our class." - I replied.

"I will too." - Peko said after hearing Fuyuhiko answer.

"I... yes." - Mikan almost snapped.

"I'm always up for having fun." - Nekomaru always doesn't mind having fun.

"In case there's something interesting coming up." - Petite affirmed.

"Okay. I can't let you guys go home alone to that man." - Mahiru, as always, though I have more than one girl coming over so there was nothing to worry about.

"Um... I don't mind." - Ultimate Impostor confirmed.

"If anyone wants anything, say Chiaki." - I said, looking at Chiaki who had already managed to sit down and was smiling. "And someone warn Nagito. Ultimate Impostor, and you Ryota."

After waiting for their nod from them, I began our first class.

After about two sessions I got a message from the psychologist, who wrote that Nagito was finished and wrote his approximate stats, nothing serious of course, just a general conclusion. And in principle I did not see anything new there, everything I already knew. I just thought that if he would talk it out, he would feel better, but it seems to require more sessions. So, in the middle of the next class Nagito already came to class smiling as usual, and Sakura was already supposed to come the next break.

And to be honest. There wasn't much to describe. It didn't take more than ten minutes and then most of the time was taken up with introductions and not a long walk to the academy courtyard. The fight itself lasted literally four blows, one each from Akane and Nekomaru, and two too successful blows from Sakura, which were enough to knock them out.

Giving them first aid, though they didn't really need it much. Still, Sakura spared them a little. After that, I walked Sakura out, while asking her for training. She, of course, wouldn't turn me down. So, after agreeing on the days when I could visit her we said our final goodbyes. When I returned to the place where we had our little training session, I saw extremely enthusiastic Akane and Nekomaru, who had already woken up and were burning with enthusiasm to fight Sakura again. After that we went back to class and continued our lessons, but in a more fun atmosphere.