
She stared for a moment. Her brain did a fantastic job she thought. He really looked like a knight. His hair sat right below his shoulders, a bit dirty, but a nice color of dark caramel and chocolate. He had a broad face accompanying a chiseled jaw and chin. His eyes were possibly hazel or just a light brown sitting on each side of a strong nose.

His skin was weathered and a thin, short, scar ran down the left side of his face. He was dressed in what looked like tarnished amour. His arms were thick, muscular, being crossed over a wide chest. She thought she should make it into one of 'those' dreams, with this look, she could really enjoy it.

Nikolas noticed her eyeing him while he got a clearer look at her.

"Fantasy? Women, ye are in our camp, be weary of what fantasies are going on in me men's heads at this moment." Saying this caused her to stop staring at him and look around. He could tell from her face and cocky attitude she may really think this a dream.

The wizard and witch had only been watching, holding their breath, waiting to see if she'd spout a tail, or summon some hellfire in her palms to destroy the entire camp.

"She is human. I can tell that she has no magic in her. How did she end up here with us?" Caspian spoke up, not able to handle the silence that had fallen. The women looked over at him and he smiled. She smiled back and focused back on Nikolas.

"Human, of course I am human. But look, if this is a dream, I don't do parties" noticing a haggard old woman on the ground sitting next to an even older man. Ally shuddered at the thought and quickly shook her head. Surrounded by iron clad men also, she must have read to many D&D books as a kid to come up with this kind of dream, she mused.

"Or old women and men. Especially not pubescent boys! I think it's time to wake up, this is getting a little too freaky for my taste." Saying that, she ended up squealing as she pinched her right cheek.

Ally started slapping both her cheeks and jumping up and down. Everyone in camp just watched in confusion as to what they were witnessing.

"Aye she be possessed! Hurry now, end her before we all's become cursed!" Hagthoria hissed out, as she got up and tried to quickly hobble to where Nikolas was standing.

"She is not possessed, ye old witch, the lady is merely delusional, she believes she is dreaming and is attempting to wake herself. We brought the poor dear here, I would have sooner brought the Devil." The wizard cried out softly in regret. He stood to walk over to where the newcomer was currently jumping.

"My Lady, ye indeed are not dreaming. I am Vermanius the 3rd, and it was due partially to my incompetence that ye were brought here. I am deeply sorry for it, and we will send ye back, as soon as the old hag, ye see, ehm, that managed this mistake mostly, is sober and well enough to travel. We will need to go and fetch a new batch of materials." He bowed to her after explaining what needed to be done in hopes that she would believe him.

The woman stopped jumping and stepped closer to the wizard, after eying him, she lifted the side of his robe, and proceeded to tug on his beard. The wizard was taken aback, but stood still watching her. He didn't know what to make of her weird actions.

"Wow, you really look, um, real? I haven't watched that cartoon since, dang, I was like 7. What's it called, you know, with the kid, and sword, and the cooky wizard? You look just like him! How did I manage that? I should write a book!" She let go of his beard as she said this and started eyeing all the men around her. She could see the lude stares some of the soldiers were giving her and it started to piss her off.

"Hey! I'm not a piece of meat, and you can just stop with the mental images!" She pulled her robe closer as she shouted at them. It caused a few of them to look away while others hung their heads.

Watching the woman, Nikolas couldn't help but stare. Even her telling off his men was a little attractive. However, he realized they were getting no where and with what lays ahead, they needed solutions.

"A name, let's start with that, what tis yer name, woman?" He asked her curtly only to garner her attention from scowling at the men.

"Alexanna, Ally for short." When Nikolas asked her this, it seemed odd, why would someone from her dream be asking her questions about herself. Wouldn't it be a given, if its HER dream? Ally could feel her stomach drop, she thought to herself 'What if it really isn't a dream? What if I really am stuck here with the Knights of God knows where?'. She started panicking and suddenly all the faces started to swirl in her vision and she passed out.

Seeing the panic cross her face as she started rapidly looking around, Nikolas realized she really didn't know anything. He realized the moment she started to drop. He was quick, and by her side, catching the entire back of her head in his hand.

Holding her head and looking down at her pouty lips, he felt soemthing tug in his groin. Shaking his head feeling it was a bit unappropriate timing, he shouted out for somene to fetch cool water from the spring next to their camp. Day break was here and they could see better to handle things.

"Is Barreth still out in the main tent? If so, someone prepare a pallet of fur in mine. Caspian, lad, come here." Caspian came running over at Nikolas's urgent summons.

"Follow the stream west of here, it'd only be about 3 minutes, find shade by the water. Ye should see a bilberry bush there, if not, looks around the shade, they prefer the cold. Fill this satchel and bring it back. Be quick now!" Caspian nodded as he caught the small pouch. He ran swiftly, faster than a regular human.

Nikolas cradled the newcomer in his arms as he stood and carried her to his tent. Laying her down on the pallet of fur, her robe had fallen open to reveal a soft pink satin negligee. It wasn't modest for women to be wearing such things he thought.

He could see her pert nipples like little pebbles poking the fabric. He looked down and seen the garment was cut above the knee at the middle of supple looking thighs. He felt another tug at his lower region and scolded himself. This was no different than the whores who worked at the pubs he visited. Pulling her robe closed with a little frustration and reluctance, he tied the fuzzy sash it had and wondered what animal had fur so red?