The Sea

He stood bare foot on rocks,

Pain at his feet the jagged edges.

Staring out to the sea.

Wearing plain clothes,

Sorrow in his eyes that barely flicker the flames of life.

An ember on the verge of dissipation.

His sight losing colour,

All colour but one.

Looking out to the sea he only sees blue.

A greyish blue of the sky merging into the sea turning the sight into endless blue scene of crashing waves of grey.

He takes a step forward,

The cold embraces his feet as well as the shocking spike in pain from the battle wounds of grazes and cuts that covered and leaked a red substance that merged with the ever blue, fading out.

More steps forward,

His body submerged up to his hips.

His legs losing the flow of warmth through them as the liquid blue drained the life out of his lower half.

His body beginning to shiver as the warmth spilled out to the sea lost never to return.

Moving deeper,

His shoulder submerged into the never ending blue,

The fuel for the faint ember becoming damp,

His body no longer shivering.

His breathing becoming hasty.


He chokes on the blue that fills his lungs.

He doesn't struggle,

He doesn't fight.

He uses his last efforts to continue moving forward.

The ember no longer glowing.

The boy lost in blue.