Breakable Blues

It was never ok.

I could only see blue, but no one believed me.

No one could see it.

It started when I was young,

The colours were light, ranged and scaled clearly between scenery and humanity.

But as my mind grew, so did the blue.

It grew slightly darker every year.

The storm clouds would merge with the sky and become one blur.

I would hold my tongue at first.

But I would talk about a blue world, and they told me I was crazy.

So I continued living in this darkening blue.

The grasses became blue and the white summer clouds became ocean waves in the sky.

The world was changing, but it worsened.

They say she hung herself.

Why would she leave me,

The one friend who would listen to my stories.

She would tell me how I would be ok.

She told me she understood.

Was she also stuck in this world of blue?

My sight became dark.

The sky was a permanent midnight blue and the faces of people became blurred to eyes.

I locked myself in.

I had no one.

They all thought I was insane.

I bit my tongue, spitting up a purple liquid.

How amusing, the red mixed with the blue.

Was this the only way out.

The only way out of this dark blue world.

Maybe I'll see her, see her in colour.

I lift the blade, point out my chest, and thrust.