21. You do this, does your mother know

With Zhou Qingyun around, Jing Xiaoqiang didn't go back to the rental house all day.

He knew that the heartless man who fell in love would like this feeling of dressing up in a new home, and most girls would be moved and immersed in it.

So at night, he simply did not go back, and continued to spend the night in the utility room.

What's so special, let's just pretend that she rented a room to pretend to be her home.

Beauty can also be fearless.

Early the next morning, when Lu Xi bought You Dunzi and brought it over, she had changed into a very ordinary white shirt and jeans. Because her hair was not long, she also had two braids.

But her simple and unadorned taste, even if she only looks at the back, will make people feel like a beauty from a distance.

This is really prepared.

Sure enough, he was also treated by the family of the concierge, and he let him go happily.

Seeing that Jing Xiaoqiang was taking time out for morning exercises with the part-time musicians, she quietly sat on the stool by the stage holding the oil-soaked bag and waited.

The band players who came in one after another immediately noticed this beauty. One day, I stayed there and saw the good eyesight of this long-legged hip skirt, and immediately winked to remind colleagues.

The part-time musicians also laughed and signaled to Jing Xiaoqiang: "Let's rest too."

Now Lu Xi's good wife and good mother's look is really likable, much less aggressive than the hip-packed skirt.

Jing Xiaoqiang greeted him, "Come on, come on, let's make a new song, I'll play the piano first, Mr. Chen, you can see if there is any progress..."

The pianist muttered: "I'd better pick up the score... Wait for me to find a pen and paper."

The others immediately took their places excitedly. Even if a few seats didn't arrive, the symphony orchestra was formed very quickly, and some of those who were still eating breakfast didn't even bother to wipe their hands.

As long as the main melody is up, other instruments have to circle around with speculation, which is a very interesting and very interesting playing experience.

Because for these people who have been immersed in the stave for many years, what they will look like after a few bars is actually a bit of a routine.

As a result, Jing Xiaoqiang just played the piano, and everyone's eyes lit up. The playful and brisk rhythm was very interesting to listen to.

Even when the conductor walked to the door, he couldn't help but jump and hurried to the podium, dancing and dancing.

A lot of people think that a conductor is just a few blind beats and can put a dog on it. In fact, a good conductor must first be a composer and pianist.

And for each work, the conductor must first do one thing. He must basically know the instruments of each musician. If it is a vocal work, he must know the breath of the actors and musicians, and then use different gestures according to the musicians and chorus. Give reminders to express different work needs.

This is at least the most basic professional quality.

Therefore, Jing Xiaoqiang's comprehensive foundation should come from the support of the old commander Alex.

This time, Jing Xiaoqiang played this cheerful tune, which obviously made the conductor in his fifties very fond of it and inspired him a lot.

Just one time, the pianist just quickly finished memorizing it for Jing Xiaoqiang to confirm and take it for a copy, and the conductor has already started to arrange: "Bass, you can join the bass to provide some freshness of bass electronic music. This song is very trendy. Xiaoqiang is from abroad. Did you hear it from a friend?"

There is really a lack of information channels these days, even in the most open Shanghai and Shanghai, it cannot be compared with ordinary netizens 30 years later.

Not to mention a guy like Jing Xiaoqiang who lives on Broadway, he basically doesn't take the copyright as his own, he said he heard it from foreign friends.

In fact, there is no need for Jing Xiaoqiang to respond, everyone has already seen all kinds of discussions from Lie Xinxi.

In other words, this is the business atmosphere that a symphony orchestra should have.

When Jing Xiaoqiang was free, he turned around to the stage and said to the girl who was full of admiration and admiration: "Do you speak English?"

Lu Xi raised his hand to hold the oil pier, and nodded proudly. The flight attendants who were employed in the 1980s are really high-level, especially those who are in contact with foreign airlines.

Jing Xiaoqiang stretched out his hand to take it and ate it, but he had no good words: "I just sang it for you. This song is called, does your mother know. You do this, does your mother know?"

The entire orchestra was actually eavesdropping on their ears, and as soon as the two of them spoke, the voices of discussing the tune were tacitly lowered.

But this time, it's really a turtle doing a day study...I can't hold back my laughter.

Everyone burst into laughter, and after the commander confirmed it, they started to sway like a warm-up.

Everyone is looking forward to it.

Lu Xi still doesn't believe it...

Will there be such a song?

And did you translate that?

The literacy of Huhai is still high. Most of the people can speak English. They are originally Western orchestras, and many of them have family inheritance.

Sure enough, when the sheet music was sent to everyone, Jing Xiaoqiang, who was wiping his oily hands, took a sip. This time, he didn't want to play the piano, so he had to pick up a guitar and play a simple chord. Quick and skilled.

The same score, the four-member jazz band, the entire symphony orchestra, and the performance of different orchestras are very different.

The performance itself will put people in a state of excitement. The conductor often bursts out with passion and ideas that were not seen in rehearsal during the performance. Therefore, the performer must pay attention to the conductor's actions on the stage, and must cooperate with the conductor tacitly. , once the conductor has a treatment that is not in the rehearsal, the performer must react quickly and show it immediately. This on-the-spot performance is often quite wonderful and unrecoverable.

Today, facing a brand new and very interesting piece, the conductor is obviously excited.

It is very different from Jing Xiaoqiang's dry piano solo just now.

Cheerful and naughty at the beginning...

The drums, the orchestra, and then the bass to sabotage the seriousness.

It's not that the symphony orchestra absolutely forbids the inclusion of bass and the like.

The whole orchestra is a dish, each musical instrument is like seasoning or side dishes, but the main ingredient is Jing Xiaoqiang's singing.

As soon as he opened his mouth, everyone turned into a surround sound: "You are so hot, you are still teasing me?"

"No matter how lonely you are, I can't take my luck on a girl like you."

"This is my bottom line..."

"I can see the deep affection in your eyes..."

The English lyrics are very simple and simple, and the eyes of girls who can understand them slowly widen!

Then amazed!

Everyone already wanted to laugh, bear it.

"Because you're just a little girl..."

"I can dance with you, or chat, maybe make a joke..."

"But does your mother know you're out to play?"

"Little girl, calm down"

"If you find it interesting..."

"Do you think your mother knows what you're doing here?"

First, there was a serious principal violin, a girl who was quite temperamental. She couldn't help laughing and her hands were shaking, and she vigorously waved her hands and sat down.

Dissatisfied, the conductor used gestures to force her to stand up again, but she couldn't do it. The musicians couldn't help shaking their shoulders and put down their eaters.

so funny.

Jing Xiaoqiang is only eighteen or nineteen years old, but to be honest, he is still a little immature in front of Lu Xi, while a twenty-one-year-old long-legged stewardess is more mature and stable.

In the end, the flight attendant looked adored and addicted, making Jing Xiaoqiang sing face-to-face like an old man preaching, as well as sly gestures when preaching.

So fitting!

It even makes people think that Jing Xiaoqiang is not making up words to tease the little girl.

Moreover, this kind of narrative song uses a serious tone to ridicule the content. Later, haven't several choruses and symphony orchestras in China played similar memes.

In fact, Broadway has had this kind of trick for a long time.

This song, which was supposed to come out in 2008, is really famous for being used in Mr. Bean's hilarious scenes.

Now I feel that if everyone in the orchestra is watching the show, how can they still play.

If Zhou Qingyun was there, it might be another experience!

Fortunately, the pianist quietly turned on the recorder before picking up the score.

Because Jing Xiaoqiang unexpectedly used male and female voices to sing alternately!

It is to create the kind of play scene with men and women, and reject such a good girl who is pure and simple.

It feels like everyone is wandering with Jing Xiaoqiang, and help him persuade the girl not to come, okay.

Jing Xiaoqiang sang very well with body language, so he asked if it was funny.

Fortunately, the pianist insisted to accompany to the end.

The conductor raised his dissatisfied hands high, closed his eyes and recalled how to control the rhythm of the entire piece.

In the conducting department and the composition department of the Conservatory of Music, the topics are the same.

And most of the people who arrange music in those singing programs are such characters.

Only they are the chefs who are best at cooking all kinds of ingredients and seasonings.

Most of the other musicians are looking forward to seeing the beauty's reaction.

As a result, Lu Xi opened her somewhat blank eyes and kept looking at Jing Xiaoqiang.

Jing Xiaoqiang had to sing the last sentence: "does your mother know that you're out?" looking into her eyes.

Lu Xi just woke up from a dream, clapped his hands hard, and finally returned to the state of worship with his face full of drama: "It's great! It's so good! It's so beautiful! Was it a song specially written for me?"

When I said this, I pressed it against my chest, I was really excited and proud.

Everyone laughed a little. Xiaoqiang expressed his attitude in the form of singing. You can't react at all. Do you still think it is very romantic?

Jing Xiaoqiang really wants to open your beautiful brain to see if it is filled with tofu dregs!

Sing it again with emphasis: "does your mother know that you're out?"

The pianist and drummer were immediately accompanied by the accompaniment!

Many people didn't respond as quickly as they were attentive, but they all subconsciously picked up their musical instruments and wanted to cooperate.

Lu Xi finally reacted: "oh oh oh, I get it, I get it, I'll call my mom over right away. Are your parents coming too?"

The rehearsal hall was quiet for a few seconds.

Everyone is hilarious!

The principal violin, always so graceful, slipped under the chair this time laughing.

Jing Xiaoqiang covered his head and fell down, ignoring this silly roe deer!

Only the commander who opened his eyes is dissatisfied, what are you playing: "Okay, okay, do it again..."