26、Step by step, silk by silk

Not really, the strictly trained waiter even came to ask Mr. Robert if there was anything unsatisfactory.

In fact, Lu Xi, who can basically be considered half a high cadre, was shocked.

Her parents had never received such comprehensive respect when they came to such occasions.

That kind of respect for leaders on the scene was another matter.

Jing Xiaoqiang briefly expressed in English his suggestions for the taste of several dishes.

Only after the foreman manager seriously wrote it down and left, did Lu Xi lower her voice as if she was chasing her affair husband: "What did you get up to again!"

Jing Xiaoqiang looked for her to open the back door: "Can you book a ticket for Feng Xiaoxia, preferably to Pingjing tomorrow night."

In fact, this month he has gone to the airline company to do a training, know that although on the surface of the plane still have to open the unit letter of introduction to purchase tickets, but in fact there are already a lot of labor companies, purse companies to help open this letter of introduction.

The main thing is that ordinary people simply do not know how to operate.

The industry has begun to loosen up.

Lu Xi thinks this is good, it turns out that tomorrow will go ah, immediately asked for Feng Xiaoxia's ID card to call the counter.

The poor county girl did not resist at all, weakly on how the two decided, but looked at Jing Xiaoqiang's gaze full of question marks and exclamation points.

Jing Xiaoqiang finished eating his own fitness meal to collect the box: "Xiaoxia, college these few years, definitely not some people say it's easy to go in, this life is sitting in this kind of place to eat, or washing dishes below to end dishes, it is likely that these years are distinguished."

The girl who knows nothing about her future college career is clueless and confused.

Jing Xiaoqiang pointed to the tall figure at the counter over there: "We can test out of the small county, it has been h county inside the vast majority of people are different in their lives, but with these children of the big city than none of them, they casually read and finish reading parents have a house in the city, find some connections to find a good job, you and I if you follow along to play, together with the romantic time to enjoy college, graduation Only to go back in the dust, that hard to read the book for more than ten years to do what? At the beginning, just lie flat in the county and live with your parents?"

Feng Xiaoxia nodded her head as if she understood.

Lu Xi has come back easily: "Tomorrow at seven o'clock at night, five o'clock before the end of the day to the office to get a ticket on it."

Jing Xiaoqiang touch banknotes: "How much, which airport is now, tomorrow morning I come over to take you to buy some gifts, Xiaoxia, you can come to Shanghai, I am happier than you got into college, that you have the courage to make the decision to venture into the future, also keep this mentality, try to fight, I am always happy to provide help."

Lu Xi is still having fun there, even Feng Xiaoxia heard it and jerked her head up: "What do you mean?"

Jing Xiaoqiang directly clear: "I did not say it, college time try to focus on academics, it is likely to change the future of your life to go, can not you still want to fall in love with me ah, I do not want to fall in love with what bullshit now, want to make money!"

Lu Xi actually heckled beside him, listening to Jing Xiaoqiang reject other girls, is happy.

Jing Xiaoqiang also cleaned up with her: "You too! On the basis of good family conditions, with us poor children waste what time ah, the rich official, the right family to find a go! I'm too busy to fall in love!"

Feng Xiaoxia immediately side eye observation, so you are not oh, heart a big sigh of relief.

Jing Xiaoqiang also looked at the wall clock, confirming that it was seven o'clock past: "Let's go, I'll send you to the room downstairs, teach you how to use the device, high-grade life is still very beautiful, can become the motivation for us to strive."

Sure enough Feng Xiaoxia that bloated cheap denim bag, has settled on the luggage table of a small standard room.

Lu Xi quickly probe sweep a glance, to confirm that there really are a few Jing Xiaoqiang's clothes hanging in the bathroom, and reached down to collect: "I take back to give you re-wash over ... here about eight hundred a night, right?"

Feng Xiaoxia dumb as a chicken!

Her parents' salary combined for several months can not reach this number.

Jing Xiaoqiang, however, as if nothing had happened, taught her to use the remote control to watch overseas TV stations, as well as alarm clocks and door cards, and what to use in the bathroom: "Later on, you will slowly get used to this kind of life, then I'll go back to work, you rest early."

But he still underestimated the power of a young girl's pregnancy.

Feng Xiaoxia only quickly washed her face: "I followed you to see where you work, promised the aunt."

Jing Xiaoqiang grabbed a thick towel to help the table to wipe the face full of water beads clean: "into the university, we must always maintain their own grooming image, also okay, later in the past I will teach you some simple makeup techniques, to school in the dormitory can also quickly make good relations with people."

When going downstairs, Lu Xi had to compare: "How come you didn't teach me this in particular, I made so many fitness meals for you!"

Jing Xiaoqiang cried and laughed: "You are working for several years of old grease, and I am not in your unit to do training ... Well, later you go before I teach you a simple set of exercise fitness exercises, your legs are good, but the waist and abdomen and hip shaping can be strengthened again. "

Lu Xi is happy and shy: "You pay attention to the? You how so ah, see where the bad ..."

Side said also reached out to block behind the buttocks, walking also become tiptoe, as if Jing Xiaoqiang that hot eyes have been pasted on it to give heat it.

But then apprehensively touch down: "really need ah?"

Jing Xiaoqiang just not, tilted his head to look elsewhere: "do not want to learn forget, originally I wanted to say the premise is that I will soon also go to school to report, you promise not to bother me later, you will teach you."

Who knows Lu Xi also firm: "Then do not learn! I still know where the drama school is."

Jing Xiaoqiang teeth are clenched, you come to the college to stir, I can still bubble what wave flavor fairy it?

I thought I would come to Shanghai to sing in a cabaret, just to get money early, and then wait two years to get better, but who knows, I actually met a red-headed stewardess like you!

I'm so annoyed!

And women, it seems to feel Jing Xiaoqiang's female classmates to come, no threat but can not help but to show off.

Jing Xiaoqiang in the stage after singing three songs down, she grabbed the arm again pampered: "teach me well ... you to the unit training I am not in, Sister Fang makeup are more powerful than me, I want it ... "

And nasal voice, she is tall, the nose line between the eyes and eyebrows and high and nice, surprisingly some mature naive.

Jing Xiaoqiang heart are a swing, this continuous shouting to words, afraid that nutrition can not keep up.

He was not what a gentleman, otherwise it would not be in the theater near the water to change so many girlfriends.

Bone soft three or two, simply taught to teach, in fact, is also precisely with the characteristics of the work of flight attendants, on duty in the flight while taking advantage of the small space to facilitate practice.

Take two pots of water to do weighted squat, translation squat, cross arrow squat, single leg hard pull, do hip bridge before going to bed are very simple.

Lu Xi was pleasantly surprised, and felt that Jing Xiaoqiang was specifically tailored for himself, repeatedly stressed that no training to teach other flight attendants, before rushing off.

Said to go back to wash clothes, but run before trying to sneak a kiss, was Jing Xiaoqiang defense.

Feng Xiaoxia is again shocked half an hour.

It feels like from her arrival in Shanghai, is constantly shocked in.

The county key high school good girl, certainly have not come to this kind of business ballroom.

I didn't think that the three years of the same classmates, table for more than a year, actually standing on the stage with a guitar singing indulgently!

So hot "Gangnam Style", deep feelings "i do it for you", naughty "does your mother know", the first capital can lead to so many dance friends cheer.

The table that I thought I knew completely, how a month or so away, it has become so.

So rebuke the wind, or rather the wind up feeling!

Jing Xiaoqiang look at her dumbfounded look, from their cosmetic bag to sort out a few things to find a bag on: "Come, just a few things, I'll give you a simple talk from the beginning, to ensure that can you in school temperament metamorphosis, in fact, you should get the hang of it from the clothes ... "

Feng Xiaoxia only care: "Then ... where do you sleep?"

Jing Xiaoqiang patriarchal: "big old man, just where the cat a night is not sleep?"

But the girl's distracted look, it is impossible to teach, say what she is a little dull, it is estimated that the whole brain is down.

The company's business is a very important part of the company's business.

Jing Xiaoqiang hurriedly went out again to sing three songs after work, this time riding a bicycle to the hotel.

The county is built on a mountain, and never sees people riding bicycles.

Feng Xiaoxia has been too concerned to ask Jing Xiaoqiang how even the bicycle are so skilled, sitting on the back frame clutching the back hem of his shirt, or shy not hold tight.

But in the hotel lobby there called to accompany her in Jing Xiaoqiang do not have to go, although the voice is as small as a fly.

Jing Xiaoqiang know their own point of resistance, help press the elevator: "tomorrow morning around ten o'clock I'll pick you up, rest well, good night."

He exchanged pleasantries with the attendant in the elevator room, before slipping back to the cabaret.

Early the next morning, in fact, before seven o'clock, Jing Xiaoqiang had already parked his bike from the hotel's back door staff passage and went straight to the fitness center floor.

More than ten tourists of different nationalities were waiting for the fitness instructor to do the instruction.

Jing Xiaoqiang choose to come to Shanghai sea this international metropolis, really can put all his skills, all to the best!