30、Uncle you have something

The local uncles who are purely familiar with up in the gym.

It can be said that Jing Xiaoqiang's tip income, are a few of them intentionally or unintentionally drummed up.

So usually take care of guidance fitness, Jing Xiaoqiang absolutely did not because they do not give money to slack, but more meticulous.

Also take the initiative to take income to invite people to eat breakfast and drink coffee.

It can be seen that two or three of the income is not generous, but has developed this petty mood, on the preference for this lifestyle, no way.

Shanghai sea major foreign hotels, old restaurants, old cafes in more than one.

But keep the fitness habit that used to be absolutely big family.

Jing Xiaoqiang mentally almost fifty years old, eighteen-year-old body, can not stand his bones of the uncle soul.

Very understand the mentality of this princess body maid life.

Consider making a few city friends, after all, Jing Xiaoqiang is now considering the start of school after the possible cabaret will not go.

But the hotel gym themselves must come, here the relationship can always be maintained.

I did not expect this Uncle Cheng gave him a favor, he used to be a physical education teacher in the middle school next to him, you can find a way to help him get a physical education teacher qualification, in this era can be almost equal to fitness instructor qualification.

So Jing Xiaoqiang in the gym to collect tips, almost flawless, he is qualified to collect money, foreign guests are also out of gratitude to give some tips.

Even if Jing Xiaoqiang does not care if he has this qualification, but can get absolutely more reliable than not.

As a result, three days later Uncle Cheng really got back a teacher's certificate.

Jing Xiaoqiang take this certificate to the front desk checkout, all from 288 and reduced to 250 ...

Although the lady at the front desk laughed to no end, but also proved that this certificate does have the power.

Jing Xiaoqiang must thank Uncle Cheng and compensate for the cost.

Who knew that Uncle Cheng would pull him to play billiards with him, but also take Jing Xiaoqiang to the extremely rare boxing training ground in Shanghai at present to play!

Obviously only a retired physical education teacher's brand, but is able to eat in these sports system in a variety of contacts.

This is the power of the ground snake.

Say thanks to Jing Xiaoqiang's fitness guidance, but also because he usually can not find such energetic friends who will play.

More than fifty years old, from birth he is always playing until now.

In fact, from playing billiards these doings, Jing Xiaoqiang found that this uncle Cheng economic conditions are definitely better than those few.

But the appearance is definitely not visible, the most ordinary Shanghai Hai street uncle look, white hair even if all Mediterranean also meticulous, but always reveal a pinch of nose hair, said the fortune teller to him that still in the money do not cut.

So Jing Xiaoqiang also did not ask how in the end the money, will let each other can tolerate a handful of nose hair at any time in that open.

Playing billiards he was average, can have a place to practice boxing that would be too good.

So now a week there are so one or two days to follow Uncle Cheng boxing, one or two days to play billiards, the afternoon time is also written.

But also reminded Jing Xiaoqiang, if he really bought a few sets of Shanghai houses, but also do not seek to improve the mix of food and death, most of the life is Uncle Cheng this day.

Sort of a preview to see if you can accept decades of this free and easy life.

Uncle Cheng is the typical dedicated to play, while racking the ball while encouraging: "Come on, tomorrow we go to the golf course to see, is a little far, seems to be to the western suburbs 30 kilometers away."

Jing Xiaoqiang, who was wolfing down snacks to replenish his nutrition, hesitated: "I did play golf for a few days at Citi, but I'm not much interested, and golf is very expensive now, I think it's not open to the public."

Uncle Cheng's favorite phrase is: "You do not care, I have connections!"

Jing Xiaoqiang laughs: "You have connections to the newly opened field?"

Then this sentence again provoked the interest of Uncle Cheng, suddenly raised his head with men understand the kind of eyebrow-raising eyes: "Yes, there is a hotel opened a new venue, we go to explore tonight?"

Jing Xiaoqiang sighed: "You ... fitness purpose is to go to such places?"

Originally he wanted to say you are more than fifty, but also so big sex, then a thought of their own almost fifty also changed two girlfriends a year.

Uncle Cheng playing ball are a little distracted: "Otherwise why fitness?"

Jing Xiaoqiang shook his head: "Forget it, I'm not good at this ..."

He has never been a prostitute, nor does he like to see the appearance of lost women, it is really easy to associate with all the ex-girlfriends, if not married early, the song and dance actor is very difficult to end after old age.

Uncle Cheng sighs, feeling Jing Xiaoqiang swept him a lot of interest: "We run far away to play well ... Huh, you will not drive?"

Jing Xiaoqiang nodded: "Yes, but no driver's license, you have the relationship if I can go to test one, but these two years I estimate that I do not have money to buy a car, I want to buy a house first to settle down in Shanghai."

The main thing is that the cost performance is too low.

Car prices are also in line with foreign convergence, housing prices are still basically linked to domestic income, so choose which is not very simple.

Uncle Cheng ambled on the dugout to glance at him: "How much are you prepared to spend to buy a house?"

Jing Xiaoqiang according to the market price: "not that two thousand three hundred a square, buy a hundred square meters of building? Two hundred and thirty thousand, so I am saving money ah."

This rate of his actually has been very fierce, makeup side will not count, singing is now a small head, the gym almost net more than a thousand a day!

The momentum, if you can take on a few more recording jobs, you may be able to buy a suite after the semester is over, which is great!

Uncle Cheng expressed his disdain: "Those new village buildings are for country people to live in, to buy the old houses ah."

Jing Xiaoqiang snort: "I now on a few tens of thousands of dollars, do not be overly ambitious, first to get a set of landing."

In fact, Jing Xiaoqiang how much money, Uncle Cheng should be clear, because at first Jing Xiaoqiang is to take the dollars to the street cattle exchange.

Later, Uncle Cheng simply helped him to change, but now mulled over: "I heard that there are a few public cars to be sold over the Organ Works Committee, because this year requires all units to be fully replaced with locally produced Santana, which is considered to show our own industrial achievements, do you want, if you want, I have connections can get you one, tens of thousands of dollars can certainly get."

Jing Xiaoqiang really laughed out loud: "I bring what, only today the high school classmates sent to Pingjing to report, the day after tomorrow I also have to go to the drama school to report to study, and then where to park the car? This time I am definitely not going to be waving around inside the university."

The lesson is to learn, they are in the cabaret eye-catching so much, to the drama school to low-key, can not have Lu Xi this kind of thing again.

The long-legged stewardess must be now in a million meters are a burst of ear hot, hard work to do fitness meals, laundry, but also to help block off so many bad flowers, this conscienceless also smack of three smack of four.

Uncle Cheng is a little poor: "can park my house ah ... my garage empty for years."

Jing Xiaoqiang hahaha laugh: "You do not tease me, to buy your own to buy!"

Uncle Cheng sighed: "My mother does not allow me to show off ..."

Jing Xiaoqiang almost laughed out of the pig squeal: "Your mother to this age still care about you?"

Uncle Cheng helpless: "What can I do, she has a harder relationship than I ... really, you buy a car, parked at my place, I can not drive, convenient for us to go out and play ah, now to a golf course are thirty kilometers, I heard that the northern suburbs near the countryside of southern Jiangsu some fun places miles, eh? "

The man's eyes again.

This Jing Xiaoqiang firmly and resolutely refused: "Alas, forget it, I'm really not good at this, you do not want me to give you as a driver, and I advise you to go to such places less, it is easy to meet the fairy jump, was swept to your mother to the police station to collect people are not decent ah."

Said to the back of the maniacal laughter.

Uncle Cheng actually not half fire, change a mysterious expression: "Cadillac brougham, do you want?"

That tone is like asking Jing Xiaoqiang if he wants a porno.

Especially the handful of nose hairs wiggling, Jing Xiaoqiang thumping heart!

He certainly knows the Cadillac brougham, like Ivy world Tanita teacher so noble and elegant ah, almost equal to the American luxury car inside the Rolls Royce.

Although still second to the BMW five series, but already is the American system inside the wave of the Bay, because with the Citi presidential seat of the same model and the same system, the status is very high.

Even in Citi, counted down to two or three hundred thousand, but imported to the country, but also properly luxury cars!

Jing Xiaoqiang expressed disbelief: "That must be how old the model, I remember the earliest this model from 77 years, right, otherwise how can tens of thousands of dollars on the second-hand plucked out."

Uncle Cheng resentful opening: "Because this batch of cars is my last year from the foreign investment to come, allocated to the authorities, now the policy does not allow the use of such luxury vehicles, but how I am entitled to a souvenir, is a token to give some money, you do not want, this cheap no one wants, I can not go to ask for it and then resold to the market, the country are less than ten I can't afford to lose this person ..."

This is the tone of the old Keller, hundreds of thousands are small things, face can not be lost.

This is a few hundred thousand can buy a suite in Shanghai Hai era!

Jing Xiaoqiang finally moved, even if you can not use their own in two years and then sell a few hundred thousand, is also blood money ah!

So Uncle Cheng immediately put away the cue, now go to see.

When he arrived at the parking lot of the institution, Jing Xiaoqiang only took a look and was shocked.

He shocked Feng Xiaoxia all day, and finally retribution came to him.

Uncle Cheng snickered.