51、Differentiation, opportunity which

It's really a "shiny" appearance.

  Jing Xiaoqiang actually bought a black legging sweatpants, very fat kind.

  Then use the stationery store to buy gold foil paper cut into strips, take the transparent tape vertically a strip of sticky pants.

  A little Arabian lantern pants that feeling.

  Sports corsets are also made of gold, but also in the hem glued a circle of gold tassels ...

  The clothing market accessories store, two dollars to buy a large pack.

  Also with this gold plastic beads strung into the cheap goods, made a mask to cover the face.

  Just like the door curtains made in many homes in those days.

  The last plus the gold foil paper made hair bands, wristbands, ankle bands, really all over the body are bulingbuling.

  You beauty girls who do not want to be a shiny fairy it.

  At that time, they could not wait to surround Du Ruolan like it too much.

  Jing Xiaoqiang looked at the girl revealed two white raw arms, also feel a little on fire, or pulled the volume of white gauze to do a half of the cover, paste a lot of gold pieces of the kind.

  More fairy air floating feeling.

  So this frame out, not the whole scene sensation?

  This is the most basic costume road merit, costume modeling, makeup modeling, prop modeling.

  Plus a few choreography freshman boys, the hands of two dressing mirrors hiding behind the bleachers curtain, reflecting hard to shine.

  That is the lighting effect also used up.

  The work of the same.

  Every dance and beauty department makeup major has to start from doing hair crochet and so on, and start doing facial makeup that is more high-end craft.

  And the purpose of the costume road, is to let the role to get positioned.

  Originally felt that the dance is a bit enchanting, full of sex * elements, this is now with a flying modeling of the Western style.

  You say the waist is exposed, it is still hanging spikes.

  But that face that the hidden tassel curtain, than not cover but also attractive.

  The most outrageous is originally everyone is combing the flying bun, that is, two strands of wig pulled a circle, but the shape to be like flying clouds of twist.

  The result is Jing Xiaoqiang help everyone do show makeup, the excuse that they did not bring hair gel mousse, directly into each girl is two strands of wig double ponytail on the stage!

  Typical of playing the front of the flying modeling, but the road of enchanting and cute.

  This is also the tradition of Broadway, the costume needs to pay attention to the original version of the original appearance?

  Almost on the line, the focus is on the audience like.

  A bunch of white people singing Madame Butterfly, Miss Saigon's Asian role it.

  A question is our students repertoire which is so strict styling conditions ah, almost is it.

  Know the masks out of the beauty of the story?

  Know half cover half cover the most attractive people?

  Know under the loose on the tight standard street dance dress, but also to show a small waist of the seductive power?

  Jing Xiaoqiang in this kind of place can be the whole work.

  Before Huang Xuelong they follow the white shirt tied around the waist can make the cabaret crowded.

  Now look at the golden corset in the white gauze coverlet, ouch, from the freshman acting girls on stage on the whole scene sensation.

  Then that series of Egyptian hands with the flower hands, but also dazzling.

  This belongs to the typical unexplained, feel very professional gimmick.

  To practice a good of course difficult, but probably Qi also can fool people.

  After the dance officially opened Biao, but also let the whole audience of teachers and students can not help but be a little shaky.

  Due to the concept of this era, no one blew a rogue whistle, but the applause has been followed by screams of unknown.

  The girls are also in good shape, cold face a cool being in business temperament, eyes swept through there is electric light crispy a large feeling.

  Du Ruolan of course stand C, she is also the most standard movement, the best sense of rhythm and strength of the figure, more than two minutes of hot dance, to the back has been the focus of attention of the audience.

  This time certainly not in the chest, the effect of the sports corset is obvious and can make all eyes focus on the dance.

  Only Jing Xiaoqiang stood on the side of the stage holding his arms, the girls' small abdominal muscle line is fantastic, look at the vest line, look at the tendons, the body fat rate has dropped to below 15, right?

  His attention is not at all on the chest and buttocks.

  Very satisfied.

  This powerful song and dance beyond the times, just like that fire in winter three years ago, break dancing a year or two ago, simply and directly won all the attention.

  Almost all dorm room sleepovers that night would mention this freshman acting department dance.

  Too hot, too shiny.

  It is also not much of a thorn in the side, the cover up are covered up ah, popping chest or something, all kinds of dance inside the bar, has erased almost all touching legs touching chest and other seductive action.

  It is with full of youthful energy enthusiastic, impact visual.

  Almost all the boys in the school will talk about the Northwest girl who led the dance, that is really beautiful ah.

  Usually wearing military uniforms are properly the current performance class flower, this on the stage is really radiant!

  Then someone will definitely mention that the girl seems to have a boyfriend.

  It is the freshman that ... strong man.

  Generally each male dormitory will be quiet, wash up, the heart is full of overflowing sour.

  Anyway, just Jing Xiaoqiang that appearance physique, no one wants to humiliate him to clean him up.

  We are all civilized people, not with that kind of savage guys in general.

  And the mind is also easy to recall the clang clang clang impact strength, the heart stuffed.

  But the girls' side is lively, wow, a beautiful dance, a beautiful schoolgirl, a good ... strong boyfriend, it should be very safe.

  After all, it is not a dance academy, everyone is concerned more or on this link.

  Only the leaders of the faculties watching have a very different point of view.

  It was nodding to each other: "These students are using the heart."

  "Grasping the point of moderation, this kind of initiative is rare in freshmen."

  "The costumes are also all a bit basic, and should be helped by the upperclassmen."

  "The action choreography and music tunes are quite standard, I don't think I've heard this tune before, it's witty and funny catchy, have any of you heard it before?"

  The leaders, who were generally over forty, shook their heads.

  As a result, some of the younger teachers were excited: "This is this year's summer hit "does your mother know", I also went to buy a special tape, but this is definitely different today, re-arranged ... "

  So, the faculty leaders and teachers were quite amazed.

  These days there is no music editing software, electronic effects are rare and very primitive state, can only imitate a single instrument, or add different effects to the instrument.

  PC computers were not even fully developed yet.

  A song orchestrated with music is what it is.

  And there would not be any online interceptions or cloud downloads.

  Even the domestic professionals, want to get more music melody channels, playing oral disc is definitely a main force.

  The connoisseurs in the audience should be able to hear that this song has a large number of standard orchestral instruments, this is a standard orchestra level recording soundtrack!

  The teacher of the broadcast choreography profession then discerned: "So, this soundtrack should not be intercepted from any tape, because at the time of listening, I felt that the sound wave rate was not right, not the standard studio collection, as if the band itself was recorded randomly on a temporary basis, the cost of this program is very high oh."

  Jing Xiaoqiang is purely used to dealing with bands and orchestras, everyone recorded at random once, you can adjust the arrangement and style according to demand.

  But I didn't realize the extreme shortage of such orchestra resources in the country.

  The most poor black areas of New York City can find a group of hip-hop singers playing music with new stereos and instruments, and the accumulation of material conditions in the world's richest countries for decades is not just for fun.

  And the whole Shanghai sea can do this, there are only a few orchestras and cultural groups.

  This is still the most leading economic conditions in the country, Shanghai.

  Some provinces can come up with a complete team is good.

  The faculty leaders looked at each other, the first thing that came to mind was who had overseas connections, made tapes abroad and sent them over, which is the most common thinking in Shanghai.

  Can be sent over from far away, but not too fine, immediately someone denied the idea.

  More like the road is very wild, the relationship is very strong kind of second generation ah.

  Not to mention, this time the Department of choreography and acting department leaders coincidentally looked at each other.

  Vaguely remembered who!

  So immediately find the counselor of the performance department to ask the next.

  Just off the stage excited Du Ruolan and the girls, not half of the idea of grabbing credit, hurried to explain is the Department of choreography Jing Xiaoqiang assisted in arranging music, choreography, costumes, makeup, lighting ...

  They are out of the personal jump, the other all is Jing Xiaoqiang completed ow.

  The original really want to make some achievements in the song and dance drama freshman ah.

  The two department leaders also explained to the hospital leaders: "It is considered that this class of new students inside the very prominent, but also very impulsive children."

  The drama school is very small, a total of a thousand people, the leadership is also full of literary temperament of everyone like: "That's good, that's good, please pay more attention to take care of such a good seedling ... uh, yes, tomorrow night, the television station is not invited to send us a program to participate in the overseas business community National Day Gala it In addition to the previous poetry recitation, and then add this program to go, let everyone see our new generation of college students new weather, both traditional flavor, but also the new fashion, I think it is very good!"

  Everyone ah?

  This is two different things ah.