Bella was sitting criss cross on her bed, or rather Luka's bed as she had claimed it for herself, when Luka walked through the doors. Seeing her in nothing but his shirt and boxers, neither of them having bothered to mention her lack of clothes and him prolonging it simply so he could be welcomed with the present sight, all tension and anger washed off from him.

Whilst she finally took him in, and the more she looked at him, the more she realised just how similar he was to the boy. She wondered how in the world she had overlooked the silvery grey eyes to begin with. She felt her heart clench then, acknowledging just how much the young version of him had meant to her and to think even now he was still looking out for her.

She wondered then if he knew who she was, if that was reason for his unfathomable behaviour towards her, considering a day ago they were nothing but utter strangers to one another. Then again, she wondered why he wouldn't tell if that was the case, thinking back to what Greta had said, she thought perhaps he still thought she was dead, which would answer her question of why he would keep it to himself that they already knew each other.

"Okay, what's with the faces, what has you thinking so hard?' his question made her blink, only to realise Luka now sat before her, his suit jacket long discarded on the couch, his shoes on the ground as he sat on the vacant part of the bed, a tray of food between them. Shaking her head, her eyes fell on his rear steak and she just about gagged at the look of it. Seeing this, Luka questioned

"Are you vegetarian" 'I just might end up being,' she thought to herself, wondering if she would ever bring herself to eat meat ever again. She gave no response, and Luka made to eat his dinner

"So you already ate yours?" he questioned although he clearly saw the empty plate on the bedside table. Knowing this, she gave him a blank stare and he chuckled then.

"I'm glad you ate it all" he said. Her eyes fell on his pea purée and mash.

Reaching for the fork that lay on her empty plate, she scootched forward and forked mash and peas before shoving the combo into her mouth, paying no mind to the amusement in his eyes as she relished the creamy taste of the two foods combined. Deciding that she really liked them, she kept eating at them, until he said

"Okay, you know, the reason they are on my plate is so I can eat them along with my steak right, because steak alone, although juicy as it is, isn't as pleasant as with the sides" although his tone held teasing humour, she knew he had a point. She sat back,  a sudden fallen look on her face that had him mentally cursing himself for his words.

More at ease with him now that she knew who he actually was. She looked aside and ignored him as he tried to talk to her. Luka felt a sense of warmth in his heart at the image of her, though she was being childish. He let out a sigh, with his fork, he scooped the sides up and said

"Fine. Now come on" he said and she looked at him. Thinking to be mischievous he did the most ridiculous thing

"Chu, chu" he sounded, like a train, not knowing whether to be offended or amused by the action, she couldn't keep the chuckle from escaping through her lips at not only the random absurd noise, being that she was a grown woman, however, she realised just how similar he was being to his younger self, for he too had always tried to find ways to make her smile, no matter how ridiculous. Silly faces were really amusing to her little self, especially when done by a twelve-year-old.

"Uhh, she finally smiles, and not only that, she made a sound too. I feel like a proud daddy right now" he said in an over exaggerated manner. She cringed when sin said

[Now, that's definitely kinky.]

`Shut up.` to which the voice laughed

"Too much? Okay" Luka said after seeing her expression, with a nod, yet the smile remained on his face as he tried to feed her again, and she remembered that the fork had been in the meat, and she shook her head, only to use her own fork to feed herself.

It wasn't until he walked out of the steamy bathroom, a towel around his waist and another small one around his neck for his wet hair, that she felt her insides clench at the sight of him. From the contoured muscles, to a prominent V that led to unchartered waters. Her eyes fell on his hairy legs and something about hair on men's arms and legs had her going.

Weird but she loved it. She couldn't help but bite her lip as she thought, he truly grew up well and most cherished by time for he was truly fine, by sin's words.

"You can't just look at me like that, piccola" she heard him say in a low dark tone and she automatically squeezed her thighs from where she knelt on the bed. Feeling her lids dropping low, she questioned, all of a sudden feeling spontaneously mischievous herself, she tilted her head to the side and gave him a questioning innocent look he knew was otherwise

"Bella" he all but warned, his own greys a darker stormy shade. She simply shrugged, unbuttoning her shirt, albeit rather slowly, Luka felt tortured,and not in any way ashamed of the forming tent on his below.

The image simply spurred her on and when she reached the last button, the man approaching the bed, she slowly let the cotton drop to expose her shoulders, down until her bosom was fully on display, her buds peaked in anticipation. Seeing her golden globes out to play, he wondered if whether they were as sweet as honey as they looked, if whether other parts of her tasted just as sweet. He stood before the bed

"You just like tempting me, don't you?" to which she nodded

"Come here" he beckoned with his pointer finger, and in nothing but his boxers, she obliged until she was before him. Gliding his fingers between the valley of her breast, he said

"You quite the little minx, aren't you?" his voice but a whisper she didn't answer, and simply splayed her fingers onto his chest eliciting a hiss from him. Causing her to quickly retract them thinking she hurt him or something, his eyes fell on hers and he took her hands only to cocoon them and blow a breath as if to warm them

"They're just a bit chilly, that all" he reassured and let her explore his body like a curious cat she was.

She loved how hard he felt beneath her palms as her fingers dipped on every crevice his chest had, every pec. She leaned forward then, only to lich at the small trail of chest hairs he had, making him groan and she couldn't help but giggle then.

[You're nasty, child.] Sin teased and Bella mentally rolled her eyes as the voice chuckled.

Grasping her waist only to give it a squeeze,

"So you think that's funny huh?" he questioned, before enclosing her nipple in his mouth only to give her a bite and she hissed herself, only to let out a light whispery laugh.

She saw his eyes darken then and he smiled, before he finally smashed his lips against hers and she sighed into the sweetly aggressive kiss. His lips were warm and soft, pillows of delight that were hers to devour and she did just that. He found the fact that her mouth was nothing but chocolate most enticing and he greedily took her in like he had been starved for years, until they came up for air and she thought it to have been one hell of a first kiss between then.

Wanting more of her, his lips descended from her jaw to nipping her ear to her neck only to elicit a sound he found maddening, her moans continued, a siren's call to his ears as he ravaged her chest, his hands squeezing her flashy globes, pushing her against him, and the feel of his steel had electricity attacking her abdomen.

The two bodies fell onto the bed in a dance of both pleasure and need as she writhed from his tongue on her womanhood. She found him to be most skilled as he played her like a symphony just about nearing a crescendo and right as she reached her apex and raptured into wails of intense bliss, crazed from pleasure, hands distinguish his hair

"Andreas!" was nothing but a rasped out call for rescue as her climax hit her body like an earthquake. She felt him still between her legs his hands clenching her thighs to the point it almost hurt. His lips released her between her legs, that dripped of nectar that had him drunk to the point he thought for a second that he imagined what she had just said, except, as she let go of his strands and leaned on her elbows, eyes on him, the black pools glistened

"What did you just call me?" he asked, his was tone airy with uncertainty, for no one had ever dared to use that name, being that it was a name only ever reserved for just three people, people who were dead.

He wondered then how she came to know it, angry, he wondered who had dared to blab their mouth. Seeing the conflict laced with anger on his face, she sat up properly, only to kneel before him as he sat on the bed, their moment of bliss long forgotten, she decided to straddle him when he wouldn't look at her. Cradling his face between her hands, tears leaking down her cheeks,

"Hi, Andreas" she said in a soft tone, her voice better from Greta's remedy. She saw Luka's face contort into furty as he glared at her and asked

"How the fuck do you know that name?" he spat the question in her face, slightly surprised by the booming tone of his voice, she tried to think of ways she could phrase her answer. Taking her silence wrongly, he couldn't help but squeeze her fragile throat in his hands only to grit out

"I Said, How the Fuck Do You Know That Name?" she felt his grip tighten around her neck, more surprised that frightened

"Sunshine" she grasped out, causing him to let go of her neck as if she had burned him, brows furrowed in confusion, disbelief

"What?" his tone but an uncertain whisper

"I'm sunshine, Your sunshine, remember?" she emphasized the word 'your'. Seeing him in denial, she offered a trembling smile

"The one you met at the house, the one you spoiled with chocolate ice cream and sunflowers. The one you would find bruised, the one who knows the lullaby your mother used to sing to you, who knows that you absolutely hate strawberries. Although I could never understand why. The one who knows why you have the marks you do on your back" she said,

"They were your father's way of protecting you from your uncle, you had said, though he had never told you that, you just simply knew, because you had seen him wipe away his tears when he thought no one was looking, but you were, weren't you?" to which he nodded, and she made to wipe away the tear that slid down his left cheek.

"The one thing we had in common, parents who loved us dearly" she choked out her las words. Luka simply couldn't believe it, however, all she said, only the two of them knew, only his sunshine knew, and he found it terribly hard to believe that the Bella before him was thee Bella, His Bella. Yet there she was, on his lap, same black eyes and chocolate brown hair, he wondered just how stupid he had been to have not recognised her from the get go.

"You're really sunshine?" he asked and she all but nodded with a tight-lipped smile and when his eyes landed on her neck, he glided his fingers ever so slowly on it

"Forgive me?" he asked, and judging by the intensity brewing in his eyes, she knew he meant to apologise for more than just having choked her a minute ago. Leaning forward until her lips were teasing his, she whispered

"There's nothing to forgive…Andreas"