Chapter Forty

# Chapter forty

The home office of the safe house was a vintage theme of browns and gold. Right as you entered, you're met with a view of the widow with dark brown drapes. Before it, was a vintage designed wooden leather chair along with an elongated dark brown wooden desk. Then before it, sat two wooden chairs upholstered with dark brown leather, they faced each other in a sense there was a small circular wooden table in between.

With another chair by the door, it remained empty as Lorenzo Senior sat facing Bella, the small table with nothing on it but a glass quarter full with brown toxin. He sat with his elbows on his knees as he looked at Bella, who clasped her hands on her lap as she fidgeted with her fingers, for there was always something in the way her nonno would seriously look at her.

Despite being like a nervous child, her heart was steeled with determination and absolute certainty when her grandfather went to ask

"Are you really going through with this?" To which she met her eyes with his and she said with a nod

"Yes" and nonno simply gave a curt nod of understanding for he knew once her mind was set, nothing would change it. He himself anticipated the events that would happen that evening for he could feel it in his bones that the night would not go as it had the years before. Despite being prepared for what his granddaughter might be planning, he still knew something else was coming and it was in no way related to her plans. A storm was brewing and he wondered just how much of an impact it would make.

"Do as you will, neonata" he said and she took the words as ones of a blessing from the old man, and that gave her more confidence in what she would do.

It was then that the door opened up and Enrique walked in with a bundle in his arms that clung to him for dear life. Maxine laid her head on her father's shoulder and her little arms barely wrapped around his neck as her small hands could barely touch on the other side. Angelo followed and both realised what the conversation must have been, based on the tension that was in the air.

"All done?" It was Enrique to question first, and his father knew that that meant they ought to leave already.

Therefore he stood up and fixed his suit jacket before placing a kiss on the still seated Bella's forehead, before nodding to his boys that they may depart.

"I take it we'll see you there then?" Angelo asked, his hands in his slacks' pockets when the old man made for the door and she walked towards Enrique with outstretched arms.

"Yea" was her simple reply as she smiled at Maxine who was placed into her arms with little fuss.

"Right" was all Angelo muttered before they all walked out of the office.

Bella stood watching the men leave for the Order, her own anticipation brewed within her bones, being that she still had about an hour before following. She had planned it that way, for she would rather crash the hall when the official meeting had taken place and hopefully by then, Deacon will have revealed his hand and just what they were planning behind the scenes.

Still holding Maxine in her arms, she turned to look at her as she lay her head in the crook of her neck, clearly sleepy if her drooping eyelids were anything to go by, smiling, she walked towards Laura in the lounge. Who immediately stood up from the couch minute she approached her, knowing very well it was her daughter's time for bed, or more so way passed her bed time.

"I think someone stayed upon too late" Bella said as she handed the little girl over to her mother, who lightly laughed

"Yeah, wouldn't have been able to put her to bed earlier even if I wanted to, she was adamant to wait until they all left" she said. Bella's gaze fell on the other little ones in the room then, chuckling she said

"So did the rest" taking a seat next to a clearly tired Lorenzo Jr and Maximo, she asked "Don't you guys think it's time to go to bed?" Lorenzo Jr was the first to shake his head before folding his arms and leaning against the couch

"I'm gonna wait until they get back" he said only for Maximo to ask

"Why can't we come with you?" and she shook her head then.

"Because the Order is for grown-ups and until nonno dubs you a grown up, you won't be stepping through those hall doors any time soon. Sorry buddy" the young boy simply huffed with a pout a clear indication that he thought the entire ordeal unfair.

However, before anyone else could say a word, gun shots rang out from outside causing the boys to jolt up and sit alert on the couch as their eyes clashed with Bella's. When the gun shots became incessant, she got up grabbed both the boys' hands and marched for the stairs, where they met Angelo's wife, Giulia, who seemed slightly panicked only for the sake of the kids. Bella stopped then and pushed the boys towards her

"Go get Maxine and Laura, and go to the panic room" she instructed. However, it seemed the woman was reluctant to leave her behind and Bella sighed

"You either watch these boys die or they loose a mother. Now go, I'll be fine, promise" and the woman nodded then with a muttered

"Okay" only to add pointedly at Bella "And you better keep your promise" she more so ordered and Bella cracked a smile then. As much as she knew both wives were well more than capable to take care of themselves, she would rather not risk it while she was still there.

The front doors of the house were yet to burst open meaning the enemy was yet to get passed their protectors, and right as the boys and their mother disappeared up the stairs, she realised then that she needed a weapon and an evaluation of the scene outside. With that she climbed up the wide stairs and ran to her room. Locking the door behind her, she got down and retrieved a black suitcase and made to put in a code on the locks.

When the locks gave, she was met with a sight that made a smile lace on her lips. It was her Barrett M82 rifle similar to the one she used to use years ago. She let out a sigh minute her fingers grazed against the steel, and she made quick to assemble it right before her window which gave her a clear view of the front yard, that was barely lit beneath the night sky and the porch lamps were barely aiding everyone's human vision.

She took a glass cutter and made a perfect hole on her window, her bedroom light switched off, no one down below would come to know from where and who it was that would come to rain bullets down on them. With the close up vision her rifle gave her, she could distinguish other enemies that tried to hide behind the trees for protection as they fired at the Camorra men that used the two SUV's parked before the house, as shields.

The enemy did the same and she could see that she had arrived in time for it seemed they were losing compared to whoever had dared to step foot on Camorra territory. It didn't' take long for her to even the plane field, and right as she shot the last man, she saw a car a tad bit distance away move away from the house ever slowly as to not give away their position, going as far as not switching the car lights on, she honed in on the tires she could see and she managed to puncture just the two of them and that proved enough to halt their departure.

The Camorra man seeming aware of just where she was shooting at, they were quick to go towards car guns blazing, only to approach the house dragging three figures she could barely make out as she stood up and looked down towards them. Leaving her gun behind, she wrapped her thigh straps on, sheathed herself with daggers as well as a gun, only to shove two more daggers down the outer sides of her heeled combat boots.

In nothing but black tight jeans and a black tank top, she cared little to throw anything else over as she unlocked her door and made to walk downstairs. She casted a glance towards the room where the panic room was and was certain they wouldn't leave it until either she or the camorra men approached it. She was on the last stair when she came to realise just who had stormed the Camorra safe house.

The Russians, she knew for a fact considering the angry woman clutched by Antonio. Next to them were two more Russian men held by the Camorra men.

"Well I'll be damned" Bella said, causing he woman's head to snap towards her, and she watched the woman's eyes narrow into slits as she sneered at her.

"You, what are you doing here?" she asked, her Russian accent most prominent in her angry words, Bella lightly shook her head then

"I should be asking you that" and when the woman did nothing but glare at her. Bella insisted as she neared them. "So, what are you doing here?'" she officially questioned. And although none of the men had made to question how the two knew each other, it was one of the Russian captives that went to spit out

"We aren't gona tell you shit. Bitch" and Bella hummed then with a nod

"Right" she said, feeling her right eye twitch, she grabbed for her gun on her thigh, and right before they could blink, the man fell in a dead heap onto the wooden floors. Her eyes landed on the other man as if to ask if he too wished to die unless he tell her what she wanted to hear.

The man's response was to spit at her feet and she let out a cold chuckle then, aiming for right between his eyes, she said

"I only need but one of you anyways" a shot rang out with her last word and she sheathed her gun again. Now with the Russian woman the only one that would have to provide her answers, she tilted her head to the side as if curious and said

"If I ask nicely, will you give me answers?" she asked, her tone too sweet to be genuine.

"Just who the hell do you think you are?" the woman spat in outrage at her callus actions

"We haven't met have we" Bella said in more a statement than a question. Knowing that simply asking the woman wouldn't give her answers, she looked at Antonio and said.

"Think you can strap her on that chair right there?" she asked pointing to a wooden chair that had arm resters on, that sat next to a small table against the wall of the lounge.

Her mind raced then, with thoughts on why the Russians would attack the Camorra safe house when the leaders of it weren't even in the house to begin with. Had they waited for them to leave, was that it? and if so, just what were they after? for the only thing more valuable to the Camorras left, were the children…

Her thoughts trailed of then, as a certain kind of fury took over her and she marched towards the woman and before she could even glower at her, her right eye twitched for the last time before she blacked out and Sin had two daggers plunged through the Russian woman's wrists, attaching her to the wood beneath them.

The woman's screams rang out through the house as blood leaked through her wounds and into small puddles on the ground. The Camorra men could only watch stunned for they hadn't anticipated Bella's actions, however, they found them justified by her next words

"You were here for the little ones weren't you?" she questioned, her voice full of shards and cold as ice, as she looked at the tear stained woman that threw slews of curse words in Russian and Sin let out a cold laughter then finally having figured it out and her inky black pools fell back on the woman. Who seemed to shudder when her own eyes met Sin's, for they seemed even darker and colder if that was possible, more crazed. She could only watch through blurry eyes as she continued

"You're going after the Camorras" as if in disbelief, Sin let out another laugh then. "The kids were going to be leverage weren't they?" she sneered then, her expression making a 180 turn. She stood before the bound woman and got into her face with nothing but crazed furry in her eyes.

The Camorra men knew that they were finally witnessing the infamous Killer Sunshine in the works, for what came to follow her next words would have them seeing the innocent looking woman through different kind of eyes.

"Big mistake…" was all Sin finally said and the men were left with shuddering knowledge that never would they come to dare go against the woman and what she cared for.