Chapter Forty-two

Everyone was stunned to silence as they watched a single woman bring the Torres Mafia legacy to the ground with a push of a button. She saw something break within the young man as his crazed eyes turned towards her and he raised his gun, yet before he could shoot, she tore out a dart gun from her open cloak and Deacon stood as if paralyzed for a second before he fell to the ground.

And before the Torres men could make a move to avenge what they stood for, the Camorra men had their guns aimed at them, along with Luigi's and for some reason, the Genovese men too raised their guns while some went to detain Giovanni who tried to protest against them. Both the Russians and the Spanish could do nothing but surrender in that moment as they were heavily outnumbered. Then again, who else would have been out of their minds enough to oppose the yellow cloaked woman.

Sin felt high on the adrenalin of the night's events that when she felt eyes burning holes into her, she turned and her eyes clashed with stormy greys. It was when she saw the woman that was trying to get his attention to no avail, that she smirked and marched towards him. She didn't care for Melina's glare when she simply grabbed his hand and pulled him out of the grand hall and into the barely busy hallway of the hall venue.

She marched them towards the lady's loo and when she drug him through the door, she locked it behind her only to turn around and grab Luka's collar. She didn't waste a minute before she smashed her own lips against his in a desperate heated kiss that stunned the man for but a second, before his hands curled around her waist and he returned her kiss a ten fold.

He untied her cloak from her neck and it pooled to the floor and his hands roamed her body only to land on her waist. When they finally came up for breath, she watched his grey eyes turn a darkner shade when he took her in in all her armed self and it was clear he found that image of her more than pleasing.

"You can look at me all you want later, but will you give me what I need now?" She demanded, feeling slightly impatient with need and her hands shot for his shirt buttons. His expression was indifferent and he cared little about taking his time with her as he would have another time, he unbuckled her jeans and she made quick work to get rid of her thigh holsters and took the jean off.

Left with nothing but a racy underwear, he pushed her against the door, his front pressed against hers and her inards clenched, heat pooled to her core at the feel of his arousal. She let out moans when his lips returned to her body and he hiked her leg up so that his front gyrated against her center. She unbuckled his slacks and let them pool to his feet and he waisted no time shifting her underware to the side, his fingers feeling her dripping wet cunt.

He cursed against her lips as he glided his tip between her drenched walls before he lined up. He gave her little time to prepare before he plunged though her walls and went at it non stop. His furious thrusts had her biting her lip from insane pleasure as he lost himself in all his rage and wild emotions he felt for the woman that mewled against the door.

He groaned against the crook of her neck when he felt her bite on his neck as if to keep herself from screaming out of pleasure. She felt like home around his girth as she fit him perfectly only to drive him wilder when her walls clenched every time he hit her g-spot. He felt like he could keep drilling into her till the sun came up when he felt her clench before letting out a curse as she reached her peak and he didn't stop as she rode it out only to lead her up the same climb again.

When she had cummed for the fourth time she felt she would soon pass out if he didn't relent. Sin marveled at the man's stamina and she loved the notion of getting him angry more often, just to have him punish her by drilling into her so barbarically.

Her mind went blank with another climax and it hit her even harder when she felt him bottom out and shudder against her, his warm seed feeling her up with spurt after spurt. Something about that aroused her to a higher peek and her finger dug into his back, nails tearing through skin, his groans were a sympoony to her ears.

Bella had eyes pooling as she blinked at the man, seeing just his hair as he breathed into her neck. She clenched from the feel of his growing girth before she pushed him away. Luka groaned in protest and when her pushing insisted, he finally looked at her and found she could barely even look at him. His heart painfully tugged at that for he thought he knew what it meant, regret.

He pulled out of her and she was quick to put her clothes on and he could only watched her leave without a word when she was done. She couldn't think about what Sin had just done with Luka, however snippets of earlier events assaulted her mind and she refused to acknowledge the oncoming headache. She walked through the hall doors and headed straight for her nonno.

"Are you okay, neonata" the old man questioned, concern in his tone as he watched her fallen look.

"I'm fine, nonno" she tried to reassure, her gaze on the ground, she hated how despite having gotten her vengeance and instead of celebrating, her mood had been so easy to ruin with just one look and thought. She didn't like just how much effect the man had on her.

"I broke off the engagement long ago you know" the old man informed hoping that information would cheer her up, yet it seemed futile when she simply nodded

"I know" for the engagement was off but it hadn't been Luka to declare it off, and somehow that stung her. Her emotions seemed to defy her logic in that moment and she said

"Keep him locked in the basement for me okay, feed him nothing and have him stripped to nothing." She said, her eyes finally clashing with kind concerned browns, kissing her nonno's cheek she went to walk away only to stop "oh, and keep the temp 5°. The old man gave her a nod and she walked away then.

She turned and walked out of the building only to welcome the chill of the night that was yet to slowly turn to dawn. She headed for Angelo's car and she tore out of the driveway to an unknown destination. She could feel the headache that came with the snippets of the night's events only to curse at Sin for having done what she did.

She tried to deal with her emotions towards Luka and what he made her feel. Hating the fact that instead of feeling lighter for she had succeeded in getting her vengeance, she felt ten tons heavier because of him and the effect he had on her irked her. She could still smell his faint cologne on herself and she fisted the steering wheel while gassing the car.

She had only been driving for a mere half an hour through the city when she got a call. She hadn't expected more trouble to arise, but it seemed people were adamant to die that night. She angrily swerved the car around the corner and tore straight through the street with a silent vow to blow every single brain that thought it smart to ambush Him. After all, only she was allowed to hurt the man and no one else.

She finally reached the part of the city that seemed to be deserted and she realised there were way too many abandoned buildings for someone to hide behind, if not more than one. Slightly on edge, she shut the cars lights off and she slowly drove through the gravel road on a slow speed before stopping behind a large unfinished building and she climbed out. Holding a gun in each hand, she threw her cloak on and walked towards the corner of the building as she neared the faint voices she could hear.

"Where the hell is she!?" She heard a voice angrily question and when she peeked around the building, her heart almost stopped when she realised that her cousin lay dead next to Luka's car and the man himself was hunched over as he was held on either arms by unknown men.

The other two cars that seemed to belong to his security, she surmised were dead. And with one look around, it made sense to her how they had become so easily outnumbered.

"Go to hell" she heard him rusp out and she had an inkling feeling of just who they were looking for and caring little to wait for back up, for she found herself incapable of watching Luka in that state any longer, she walked out from the shadows.

"I presume you're looking for me" she said as she walked towards the crowd of hooligans. They were more so a gang than Mafia. She could tell by the way they operated and she saw them look her way. And although some shifted back with slight fear, others didn't more along with the man that had been questioning Luka. Who looked beyond furious to see her there

"What the fuck are you doing here Bella?" Luka spat out

"I don't remember having to answer to you" she retorted before landing her eyes on the ruggedly handsome man that seemed to be in his early thrities. The man smiled her way then, a kind of smile that should have made her shiver yet she didn't as she clenched her guns.

"Ahh. So we finally meet. Killer Sunshine" and she blankly looked at the man. It was when another man commented that Bella lost her cool.

"You answer, when boss talks to you, cunt!" It wasn't even a minute before he lay dead on the ground and she gave the fresh corpse a nonchalant glance. The rugged man's expression changed into anger then

"You just killed my best man" he said and she shrugged

"He shouldn't have insulted me" she coolly defended and Sin chuckled at her then

Its crazy how we're so alike sometimes, pity you're too soft sometimes

Aren't you supposed to be gone Bella angry questioned and she heard her laugh then

Act angry all you want but we both know you enjoyed every bit of it Sin retorted

Oh I don't know about that, considering I was blacked out. Why would you do that!?

Psht pls, you're gonna make up anyway. Your anger is unnecessary and unreasonable Sin said and Bella imagined that she would have rolled her eyes with those words

I'll find a way to get rid of you, just you watch? Bella promised and that seemed to anger her other side and she felt her right eye twitch and she grit her teeth at the slowly ascending headache

Try as you might Bella, but I'll never leave, we're one in the same after all. Bella could hear the faint conversation, and the words were what made her blink awake

"Did she out?" Questioned an incredulous voice wondering why she would be as crazy as to let her guard down like that by zoning out around an armed crowd.

"Can we get this over with? What is it you want exactly?" Bella questioned then, trying to ignore her headache. The man made it seem as if he was thinking his words over as he rubbed at his chin in thought

"We heard what happened tonight, and we demand you let both Giovanni and the Deacon boy go, else he dies" she couldn't help but let out a crazed laugh then. She felt tired, utterly exhausted and without the patience to handle the rugged man before her and she stopped her empty laughter, her smile vanishing, she said

"I don't take well to threats" she warned "I've had a long night, as you've heard. So how about this, you let Luka go or you all die right now" that seemed to ammuse the crowd and and she merely tilted her head in question and the man's chuckle came to an end that nking she was merely bluffing

"You're really funny, girl. But you're alone in a crowd, so what makes you think I'll agree to that?" Bella's brows creased then as if confused

"You heard of tonights events right?" She started and the mans eyes narrowed but he answered

"What's that got to do with this" he questioned, folding his arms and resisted the urge to roll her eyes thinking the man to be too dense

"Well, the fact that, you harming me in anyway, would mean you're not only making an enemy of the man you hold in your hands, but the Camorra family as well. I've never been one to use family names for protection but I'm too tired for this shit. So, are you gonna be smart or as dumb as I think you to be? make it quick cause back up will be here any minute now unless I report otherwise"

Although she wasn't proud of her incapability to handle the situation by herself, she was glad to see flickers of doubt on the man's face. Neither her nor Luka could get out alive if they tried and she hoped Luka's men would arrive sooner than later should the man not surrender. Her face kept its cool as she looked at the man in thought.
