Chapter Forty-five

Sin had cooled down knowing very well that she could never harm nor hurt her other half no matter how angry Bella made her sometimes. She also knew Bella's threat bore no real substance not only because she could take charge should she choose to, however because the two were too attached beyond what Bella would have liked to admit. She may be the malicious violent voice in Bella's head, however, she was a part of Bella, Bella felt afraid to embrace for some reason.

Alas, she would embrace the darkness within the two of them if Bella found herself incapable of freely doing so. Although she had a felling that that would soon change now that Bella was in the middle of the underworld and in a life she would never leave. A life that would demand she be as evil as her enemies in order to defeat them.

Sin grinned with glee at the image of a barely functioning Deacon that hung from the ceiling, underground the Camorra residence. Her nonno had followed their instruction to the T and when the weak man's glare landed on her figure, she revelled in the anger he exuded knowing he could do nothing about it. For it was her turn now. And

"Oh how the tables have turned. Except I don't plan on letting you leave here alive" Sin said and although her lips were in a smile, her words were the opposite of her sarcastically warm expression.

When Sin was done with her masterpiece that splayed blood on the bland cement walls of the basement, the floor a river of crimson and the body nothing but mangled and deformed, she let out a content sigh and turned to walk out. It was finally all done now, she had gotten her revenge in full, Luka had taken care of his uncle, and when she had finally made her way down to the basement, she had found nothing to enjoy from the state he had left her foster father in.

Simply because Luka had done the worst in a way she had nothing else she could do and she was certainly fine with that, and now that she had finally tied the last loose end to those that had wronged them in the worst of ways, she would sit back and let Bella take the reigns, only to pop up and cause trouble every now and then.

When Sin stood beneath the water from the shower in her room within the Camorra residence, washing the blood away, she let the hot water trail away her consciousness and Bella found herself nearly a prune when she blinked awake and she made quick to get out. Standing before the fogged up mirror, she wiped a fraction of it away and she was met with an image of a woman that had inky black pools that seemed lighter than the last time she had gazed into them.

Choosing not to even acknowledge the snippets of memories of what she had just done earlier in the morning, She let out a smile at the thought of Luka and she had an epiphany that had her quickly changing into a white sun dress and a pair of wedges. Grabbing just her phone and a few notes of cash, she skipped downstairs only to ruffle Maximo's hair when she passed him walking up the stairs. To which the boy whined and she chuckled to herself.

"And just where are you headed to?" Asked her nonno who sat with a newspaper in his hands on the couch in the lounge and she came to an abrupt halt. Bella simply shrugged and with a smile, hands clasped behind her back she said

"Just thought I would surprise a certain someone". The old man 'uhhed' with comprehension a smile on his own face he nodded

"Stai Attento"(Be careful) to which Bella rolled her eyes but still said

"Lo farò, nonno"(I will, granpa)

Rather than take her bike or car, she figured she would end up driving to the Genovesse mansion with Luka anyways, therefore, she settled for calling a cab. She had to walk about fifteen minutes before she reached the area she had asked it to collect her at. She still trusted no one and hence her guard remained up only for it to crumble to the ground in the presence of Luka Genovesse.

It didn't take long for the cab to reach the ever busy city with skyscrapers for buildings and peoples that always seemed to be in a hurry somewhere. Time was reaching noon and the day light blared over the overpopulated streets, and the sun showed no mercy to those beneath it. When the cab finally parked before a tall building that had glass walls on the first floor, she paid the cab and walked out and into the unforgiving heat.

Perhaps it was why she got easily distracted by the ice cream stand not too far away from the building and minute her eyes landed on the big ice cream sign, she didn't even think twice to walk in its direction. The line was fairly descent and before she knew it, she had a waffle cone with mint chocolate ice cream that seemed would melt way before she would reach the last scoop on it.

Still, she didn't mind and with her favourite delight in hand, she walked through the revolving doors of the building only to be welcomed by cool air from the air con in the building. Employees paid her no mind as they went on with their work, save for one lady who took a minute to shoot Bella a warm smile.

"Hey Anna" Bella greeted with her own excited smile

"How've you been Bells?" But before Bella could respond, the phone rang and Anna pressed a button on the ear piece she had on

"Gen Tech enterprises, this is Anna, how may I assist you?" Came Anna's automated greeting before she shot Bella an apologetic wince, to which the young woman shook her head and mouthed "no worries" before walking off and she left Anna to her work.

Those that didn't know Bella in the elevator, gave her strange looks wondering what she was doing in the ever sophisticated work place. Of course she paid them no mind, especially since she was occupied by a certain cold cone in hand with melting bits of cream. It was when she finally reached the top floor, the 55th to be exact, that trouble arose.

It started with the new secretary at the front desk that she didn't know. That had her second guessing her step wondering if she had stopped on the wrong floor, however, one last quick look at the lit button inside the elevator before the doors could close, told her she was in the right place.

She shrugged off her confusion and walked out of the elevator and turned to continue towards a particular door that was closed as always. Except before she could walk passed the front desk on the floor, a voice pipped up

"Excuse me!" Said a cold arrogant voice of a woman and the woman herself walked from behind her desk to stand before Bella as if to stop her. She was a bit taller than Bella, perhaps it was why the woman looked at her as if she were beneath her. Crossed arms, she asked

"Do you have an appointment?" To which Bella simply shrugged

"Never thought I'd need one" her own brows creased at the woman she didn't even know. And she sidestepped the woman and walked towards Luka's office regardless of the secretary's insisting that she couldn't enter his office without an appointment.

Bella found Luka on his phone, possibly talking to a client, only to be disturbed by her barging in followed by a displeased woman that rushed in right behind her

"I'm sorry Mr Genovesse but I..." Before she could finish her apology, Luka held a hand up, successfully silencing the woman and he finished his conversation first before finally addressing the two. By then, Bella sat comfortably on the chair across from him, well occupied with her almost finished dessert. Only did she finally look up when Luka simply said

"Piccola" a knowing smile on his face as he gave her a look and she gave him an innocent shrug. Luka looked back at the woman that had looked panicked a few seconds ago, except she now had a scowl as she watched their interaction that said they clearly knew one another.

"Beatrice, can you hand me the Lu Chei's file, and be sure to prepare the boardroom in time" Luka said to which the woman noded and exited.

Bella was on a stare down with Luka when a minute later, Beatrice walked back in, a file in hand as she sashayed towards Luka. In a tight red pencil skirt and blouse that revealed way too much of her cleavage, wild ash blonde curls curved her beautiful face that made her every man's wet dream, the red lip stick told Bella enough of just what the woman intended to do. She couldn't help then but internally roll her eyes at the cliche situation.

Alas, that still didn't keep her from being jealous when the woman placed the file on the desk in a way she splayed her palm on the wood, giving her man an ample sight of her boobs. Luka, of course being the ever mischievous lad around Bella, intentionally looked where Beatrice had expected, giving her the false impression that she might be getting somewhere with Luka, who had simply done so just to tease Bella.

With a smirk on her face, Beatrice shot Bella a smug look before she walked back out. It was when Bella saw Luka's lips twitch when she realised just what he had done and she clicked her tongue and said

"You're mean" to which Luka finally chuckled and said

"Come here" and as if beckoned by a siren, Bella stood, now barefoot, having unconsciously took off her wedges with her feet, she walked towards Luka only to end up straddling him when he had immediately pulled her towards him minute she had been within grabbing distance. He snatched the last bit of the cone from her hand and shoved it into his mouth with a cheeky smile and Bella couldn't even be annoyed with him when she looked into the lit greys that had a shine to them that always squeezed her heart.

"You've got nothing to worry about, you know that right?" Luka finally asked and seriously so, his fingers drawing unconscious patterns on her back and she nodded

"Why did you pick her though?" Bella questioned, sounding like a jealous brat, Luka chuckled and shook his head

"I didn't, HR did. Besides, her qualifications are quite impressive. She isn't bad to look at either" wiggling his brows he pulled at her leg again and Bella's face turned serious as she looked at him. Her thoughts running wild, although she was certain the man loved her, she always thought jokes had a sense of truth to them, and what that said was, he was impressed by the new secretary and something about that rubbed her off the wrong way.

Perhaps she was simply being too possessive and territorial, she never did like to share after all. Hence she wanted Luka to be warm with her and cold with everybody else. She felt Luka peck her lips, drawing her from her mind. A thought struck her mind then and she found herself fully smashing her lips back on his.

Knowing where it would lead, based on just how much Bella put into it,

"Bella" Luka started against her lips and she ignored him and made work to unbutton his shirt. Only to stop when Luka's hands wrapped around her wrists and her hooded eyes shot to his, biting her bottom lip, her head tilted to the side in question

"What?" She softly questioned and Luka groaned with the needy look she was giving him and cursed,

"Fuck it" before he kissed her again. It was when both were a panting mess on his office couch that their wits came about them and remembered that his office was yet to be sound proof.

Meaning everyone within a close distance must have heard her moans and his dirty words, and although Bella felt embarrassed for but a minute, that disappeared into a smirk when the thought of Beatrice came to mind. Seeing this and knowing just how her mind worked, Luka chuckled as if in disbelief at her own smug face and said

"Why do I feel used right now?" He teased, highly amused and his question more rhetorical than not. Bella simply smiled and shrugged as she fixed her dress and hair up, before buttoning Luka's shirt up. With a mirthful gaze, she said

"Perhaps cause you were"